Meeting Amanda

Chapter 36

On the next day, birds sang, trees ruffled, and gentle morning sunlight rays shown through the window of a small but well-designed vintage house, waking the beautiful maiden up from her deep slumber.

As she fluttered her lashes open, Scarlet sat up from the bed and dazedly look out the window. She wondered why her body felt so exhausted, as if she had been working for one whole week non-stop. Despite her body being exhausted, she also wondered why her shoulders felt light, like the heavy burden she had been carrying for her whole life was now gone. Adding on to her pain, her mind ached, which made her wonder if she had ever forgotten anything important.

As she abruptly stood up from the bed to ready herself for school, Scarlet felt an abrupt pain coming from in between her legs.

"Ah!" Scarlet cried out in pain as she furrowed her brows upwards.

While holding on to the wall, Scarlet never fell back to the bed, despite her legs shaking like a new-born fawn. Clearly, this proved that she had really forgotten something.

What in the world had happened for her to have an excruciating pain like this?

Scarlet patiently took one step at a time, careful enough to not incite the pain again. However and unfortunately, every step she took made her feel that odd pain no matter what she did.

Hence, Scarlet walked for several rounds around her small bedroom until the pain lightened and until her legs were not shaking anymore. Afterwards, she went to the rest room to take a bath. But, the moment she took all her clothes off, she wondered why she was still wearing a uniform when she usually slept with pajamas. She felt that strange feeling of forgetting something again, but had disregarded it, because she had to go to school.

Once she took off the uniform and looked at the mirror, she became immediately dumbfounded.

"What on earth?" Scarlet widened her eyes, furrowed her brows and looked closely at the mirror, shocked at how many little and big red spots were on her breasts when they were never there before.

Scarlet immediately became anxious for her health. She wondered if those odd red marks were the cause of her pain and if there would be more side-effects to it in the near future. She highly hoped that was not the case.

Out of anxiety, Scarlet immediately and thoroughly washed her body up, especially her breasts, in order for those red marks to go away, but that only led to her breasts reddening more.

Cleaning was of no help at all.

With her mind jumbled into confusion, Scarlet anxiously thought about the past events that had led to her bearing the pain and the marks, but came out with nothing. Since she had no budget to go to the hospital, she could only sadly bear the pain and visit the clinic in hope that both the odd pain and mark would not be a hindrance in the near future.

After preparing herself for school, Scarlet did not forget to lock the door and close the windows. Since she could not walk properly, she had no choice but to sacrifice a small part of her limited money in order to ride the train to school.

Right when she boarded the train, Scarlet felt a lot of people staring at her, so she heightened up her guard by a hundred folds. With her pitiful state, if anyone wanted to take her life here, it would be as easy as a pie.

As she was bearing with the burden of people staring at her for a reason she did not know of, the doors of the train suddenly opened and more people entered, thereby making the train more crowded and the poor girl more depressed and tired.

Scarlet absolutely hated compressed places, especially the train. She tried riding the train once when she was in middle school. After that first experience, she did not bother to waste her money for something like this again.

She might as well walk to school, despite how far it was.

Since her guard was up and her senses were sharp, Scarlet immediately went to the most isolated part of the train, despite her legs hurting with every movement. But, when she arrived, there seemed to be more people crowding that area, making the poor girl trapped to the wall.

Hence, Scarlet entirely leaned onto the wall in order to not accidentally touch anyone else. As she leaned, she immediately heard a small and anxious moan near her and turned towards that direction out of curiosity.

"Ngh… Fu… aah.." A girl softly moaned as she looked towards the window.

From her perspective, Scarlet saw an adorable, petite and brown-haired girl, who was wearing a similar uniform and neck tie, shaking while clutching onto the handle. Scarlet wondered why that girl was shaking so much when she could not sense any killing intent coming from those people beside that girl.

Through the help of her sharp eyes, Scarlet noticed that three tall men in their twenties, wearing formal attires, were all touching that girl oddly.

Two men on either side of that girl were exploring the insides of her mini-skirt, both fondling her buttocks and slowly but also impatiently going inside her underwear. The other man behind that girl was also impatiently exploring the insides of her polo shirt, feeling up her abdomen and slowly reaching the area of her bra.

Since the train was so compressed, no one noticed that peculiar event except Scarlet. However, instead of helping that girl immediately, Scarlet wondered why that girl was shaking so much when those men did not plan to kill her at all. They were just touching her.

Was there something she missed or failed to notice?

"Ngh!.. Fu.. aahn!... Ah! "While her cheeks were dyed red, her body was shaking, and her hand was tightly clutching onto the handle, that girl moaned out of pleasure as she tried her best to keep her voice down.

While she was lost in her thoughts, Scarlet immediately heard that sound, came back to her senses, and looked towards that girl's direction again.

This time, the men beside her had fully felt up her buttocks and had even reached her vagina, because their hands were now fully inside her underwear. The other man behind her had also fully felt up her bosoms as both of his hands, even his arms, were now entirely inside her polo shirt and bra, groping, fondling, and squeezing every part of her breasts, especially her nipples.

What's more, Scarlet could see some sort of thick, sticky, and translucent liquid flowing down that girl's thighs, making the men beside her more passionate with fondling her buttocks and vagina and making all of the their lower halves aroused until it proudly stood upright.

When she saw that odd liquid, Scarlet wondered about a lot of things again.

Where had it come from? What had actually cause it? That was not blood or anything, so why was that girl shaking? Did she feel any pain? If so, why was she not asking for help from the people around her? Maybe it was not pain, but something else?

But, what could it be?

While Scarlet was lost in her thoughts and was utterly confused again, that girl reddened some more and her entire trembling body had leaned onto the wall for support as she softly moaned.

"Aahn.. ah… Aaahn! " That girl's moan was extremely soft. But, with her skills, Scarlet easily heard it from afar.

Again, Scarlet was immediately brought out of her thoughts.

Through her sharp eyes, Scarlet saw that the girl's underwear was pulled down towards her upper thighs, barely visible to the naked eye because man behind her was hiding her from plain view. She also saw that the two men beside her were now facing her and were using both hands to fondle and grope her entire lower half, especially the insides of her womanhood and buttocks.

If her eyes were correct, Scarlet saw that man hastily licking that odd liquid sticking to his entire hand before impatiently fondling her lower half again. Meanwhile the other man's fingers seemed to have vanished from plain sight by thrusting his fingers deep inside her hole.

"Fuaah!... Ahnnn.. Aaaah!" That girl softly moaned as she used all her efforts to contain her voice within while trembling.

Scarlet looked all around the train if anyone other than her had noticed that strange event happening before them. She wanted to see what their reaction would be like and how they would address it.

However, all of them were focused on playing with their phones, using their ear phones and the like. Moreover, with the background music playing, no one ever had the chance to notice.

Since no one had noticed, it was now up to Scarlet to make a decision. Because this was the first time she had experienced something like this, she wondered what was the right thing to do.

'Did that girl even need her help or not?' was her heart's main question.

However, at the next moment, all of her doubts and confusions were gone. Through the help of her sharp sixth sense, Scarlet finally felt the obvious bad vibes emanating from those three men, except that those vibes were not killing intent.

Even so, they were 'bad' vibes.

Scarlet immediately became deadly serious, her eyes glinting with hostility and disgust.

Those filthy thugs would still capture weak victims, huh? Even in broad daylight?

To be safe on her side, Scarlet stayed at the same place to not be discovered if ever her gut feeling was wrong. But, she was fully sure that her gut feeling was never once wrong. She had a lot of experiences to prove that fact.

With lightning speed, the 5 needles that one of her hands had held with each finger were all thrown towards the direction of those three men, accurately hitting their vulnerable acupuncture points and paralyzing them into place.

The next second after, the doors of the train immediately opened and most of the people inside went outside, especially Scarlet who first went out in order to escape the girl's blame.

Just in case.

Once Scarlet was out of sight, that girl, who was left behind on the train, had stopped shaking and blushing. Instead, she hid a smile.

That girl immediately fixed her disheveled uniform, wiped away all the nectar flowing down her thighs, and left those men paralyzed inside the train as she chased after the woman who had saved her.

Fortunately for her present pitiful state, the train station was only a few blocks away from her school, so Scarlet had immediately arrived at the gate. Scarlet checked the time on her phone and saw that she was 15 minutes early, so she leisurely walked towards the classroom, slow enough to not feel the pain in between her legs.

However, before Scarlet could even enter the building of the academy, someone called out to her.

"Hey! Wait for me!" A voice, which sounded very similar to the one on the train, called out to her.

Scarlet continued walking, because she knew that person was not calling her. She never had any friends except for that person she had met on the clinic to begin with.

As she went past the entrance and was about to go up the stairway, the girl immediately caught her uniform, making Scarlet abruptly halt from taking the next step and making the girl bump her back. Scarlet turned towards the girl while tilting her head to one side.

She thought, 'This girl was calling me all along?'

When she saw her face, Scarlet remembered that she was the girl whom she had saved out of her gut feeling. So, she immediately braced herself to take any sort of blame.

"Thanks for saving me from those perverts back on the train! What's your name? Mine's Amanda! Can we be friends?" The girl spontaneously talked while displaying a wide smile, despite not hearing any reply from Scarlet.

Scarlet immediately became dumbfounded for two reasons.

First, this girl named, Amanda, was thanking her, not blaming her.

Second, did she just say, 'Friends?'

This was the first time that someone had asked her that kind of question.

Seeing that Scarlet was not planning to respond, Amanda immediately grasped her hand and shook it excitedly.

"Nice to meet you!" Amanda said, while displaying a very cute and lovely smile which would surely make boys fall in love with her at first sight.

Indeed, most boys were looking towards their direction, blushing from that smile and whispering to one another. Right now, they had forgotten that the number one beauty was standing right next to her, because they were captivated by that smile.

When she shook her hand, Scarlet was immediately brought back to reality. The harsh reality was that she did not have the luxury to have any more friends to take care of. Hence, she immediately let go of her hand, turned around, and climbed up the stairs.

"You're welcome." Scarlet replied nonchalantly. If she honestly replied to her question, that girl might get hurt. Hence, she immediately escaped.

Once Scarlet was gone, Amanda stared at the direction where she had left. Her face still contained that bright and lovely smile, except for her eyes. Her eyes were calm with no ripples, but a hint of malice.

Of course, Alfred had seen everything from the sides, including the time when that girl, Amanda, was harassed on the train. But, since she seemed stupid enough to not call for help, the baby cupid did not bother to care.

In a cruel world like this, the most basic rule in surviving as a human would be to use common sense. Common sense.

Even children learned that kind of lesson, despite how young they were.

Hence, he just observed everything in silence.

The baby cupid planned to watch the whole thing, but he never expected his assignment to just save her out of the blue.

'D*mn, they were almost there! In the next few minutes, they were just about to f*ck on the train!' Alfred cursed out in his mind when he saw those men paralyzed.

The baby cupid did not know whether to be happy or not with these turn of events. His assignment had just saved someone out of goodwill, which made him a bit happy because she had at least grown up a little bit. But, out of all the mixed feelings he had, the baby cupid mostly felt disappointment.

The next part was the best part, d*mn it! That dumb woman just had to ruin it!

Going back to where his assignment had escaped, Alfred also saw the strange smile of that girl and the entire change of her aura once his assignment had left. Of course, since he really cared about his assignment, Alfred became extremely cautious with that girl.

That smile was definitely not a good sign.

Alfred immediately regretted the fact that his assignment was too innocent and special for her own good. Even her good will might be used against her, based on his gut feeling alone.

'If only she had waited for the show to end, Amanda would have revealed her true colors,' was one of the biggest regrets Alfred had in the millennium he had lived.

His instinct was correct.

Ever since he saw that girl being molested, Alfred did not sympathize or pity her. Instead, he felt suspicious.

Since he could not control his assignment and since regret would not solve anything, the only thing that the baby cupid could do was to prepare and observe everything at hand.