Did She Just Say 'Friends?'

Chapter 48

As three years passed by, Scarlet was just about to attend her make-up classes when she was halted by Kyle who took her picture out of the blue for who knew what reason.

When the baby cupid saw how Kyle reacted just from his assignment saying his name, he laughed until he could not breathe, "Hahahahah!"

That plain and shy man was actually an adorable idiot! So different from his usual image! To think he would go all the way to picture her just to save this moment.

Fortunately, if Kyle was not blinded by anger and had realized that Scarlet had already said his name during the time he had harshly pulled her up to the rooftop, perhaps he would be more regretful of his past mistakes. Since he did not remember, his intelligent mind naturally followed the saying, 'past is past.'

Now that Kevin appeared out of the blue and tightly embraced her as she was about to fall, Kyle broke away from this precious moment of adoring his beloved, glared at his annoying brother for hogging her all to himself again, and immediately pulled his beloved within his embrace.

Right now, Scarlet was tightly sandwiched in between these tall and handsome men. Living up to her eccentricity, she did not drift to cloud nine but thought of how this feeling was familiar, as if she had forgotten something important. It was right at the tip of her tongue and she became so frustrated to the point that she even wanted to cut the tip off.

Sadly, she was not stupid enough to do that.

All this while, Scarlet never noticed the hidden sparks flying between them as they tightly embraced her. She also never noticed that Kevin was fully embracing her front and her slim waist while Kyle was fully embracing her back and her shoulders. She was tightly hugged by these twins like the most valuable teddy bear, to the point that every part of her was crushed and buried in their wide chests and firm arms.

'It hurts…' Scarlet slightly knitted her brows as she was tightly sandwiched by the twins. Did they not even know their own strength?

Now, Scarlet had finally realized just how much stronger they were than her. It took approximately 3 years for her clueless brain to register that obvious fact. Instead of feeling dispirited at how large the difference in their strength was, she motivated herself all the more to become stronger.

Strong until she would be able to let these twins feel the pain of being tightly embraced!

Despite being innocent, Scarlet still knew how to keep a grudge. Yes, this kind of grudge did not have any benefits to it at all. Wait, did it really not have any? Of course, it did!

Letting them experience the same pain was highly satisfying.

Since they were now friends, Scarlet knew that they would not take her small revenge to heart. As she began to plan for a spectacular future where their strengths would finally be on par, Scarlet realized that having friends was much more fun than she had first thought.

Without realizing their beloved's mischievous thoughts, the twins tightly embraced Scarlet as they fiercely glared at one another, fierce enough that it seemed like they were amidst a battle fighting over a country.

Unbeknownst to Scarlet, the twins were having a secret conversation through their exchange of sparks. It was not an exaggeration to say that they had developed some sort of telepathic ability because of her. Moreover, they never even realized they were doing it now.

Kyle fiercely eyed his brother as if he was saying, "Get lost. You've been hogging her for yourself these past few years. You've stolen all the words from my mouth. What more do you want?"

Since Kyle was strongly reprimanding him with a fierce glare, Kevin argued with him through his own fierce glare that was equal to his brother's and a menacing smile, "I willingly and fully accepted you as the successor of the family business. What do you mean, 'what more do you want?' To be fair, shouldn't I have Li? Bro, quit getting everything from me and focus on your own future!"

Kyle promptly replied back with an even fiercer gaze, "Excuse me, little brother. My freedom is now yours. My words were all stolen by you. You hogged her attention. Now, you want her for yourself? How is that fair?"


Right then, the air surrounding them rapidly expanded as big and numerous lightning bolts coming from the twins zoomed towards their target. Fortunately, because of their godly luck, none of them were hit, including the most probable victim, Scarlet.

As the small storm and thunder continued to rage right above the twin's heads, Kevin was the first to come back to reality and get back his clear state of mind. His well-trained gentlemanly image was not for nothing.

Kevin let go of all anger and revealed a small smile as he reasoned out with his brother, "It's pointless fighting over her. Our matters are already finished to begin with, so why keep up the useless blabber? I really am not against having an unconventional relationship, are you?"

Right then, Kyle was frozen in place as he stared at his brother and thought deeply. What reason should he use to be against it? All these years, he realized that his brother was literally another side of him. Logically and illogically speaking, they were one.

So, how could he be against it?

When he saw the confusion and hint of approval in his brother's gaze, Kevin replied with a warm smile as he displayed all his loving emotions towards his beloved through that one gaze, "Bro, we have slowly lessened the distance between Li for these past years. We have painstakingly tried to get close to her all this while just to get her. She seemed to trust us more now."

That moment would have been perfect, if not for his next words.

"Furthermore, we've f*cking saved our dessert for three years! Three whole years… My pants are killing me! Just how long do you plan on picking useless fights with me?" Kevin looked back towards his brother with a great hint of frustration and irritation.

Kyle did not comment as he secretly nodded at his brother's statement with great understanding.

For the past three years, the twins had to relieve themselves by serving their own lower halves, which heightened their sexual frustration by a million folds. Even Kyle, himself, who was well-known for acting out of logic, was not confident if he could wait any longer.

Just realizing how profound their patience was amazed the twins at a whole new level. They were entirely different when it came to her.

At that exact moment, the twins felt their lower halves standing passionately upright once more and slightly furrowed their brows as they instinctively embraced their beloved even more tightly in order to feel her warmth and softness more.

In reality, their telepathic conversation only took place for less than a second, so Scarlet had never realized it at all.

However, what she did realize was that something hard was poking at her abdomen both front and behind. Again, she felt that something about it was familiar, but she could not get it because it was all right at the tip of her tongue!

Regardless of her great frustration, Scarlet closed her eyes and concentrated on the pleasant warmth engulfing her entire being, for she knew from past hardships that escaping was futile.

As she closed her eyes, her mind became tranquil as the water and her disorderly thoughts were arranged until she had finally found the answer.

Their warmth and atmosphere was exactly the same as the feeling during the time she had went home alone and went to her job to finish a mission. Were these twins watching her all this while without telling her? Were they protecting her because they were worried about her? Were they the reason why her missions were so easy to accomplish ever since the time she was hurt on both of her elbows?

Right then, Scarlet had finally connected the dots and slowly opened her eyes.

For these past 3 years, they were always watching her every move, huh? They did not even bother to ask her anything in return.

She really owed them her life.

Scarlet softly sighed while the twins were busy in their telepathic conversation.

Was this the feeling of having friends? Doing something only based on sincere care for the other?

Since her face was buried in Kevin's chest, none of the twins noticed the beautiful smile playing on their beloved's lips, including Scarlet herself.

Since she had finally gotten the answers she had greatly longed for all this while, Scarlet's thoughts began to drift to other questions.

Questions that were not yet answered.

Out of all the students, why were these twins so intent in seeking trouble with me? No, that sentence was entirely wrong. Why were they so intent in going through all that trouble for me? Was it because we were now friends? If so, then weren't there many better candidates who could become their friend?

Why me?

Since they did not bully or tease her for all these years, Scarlet now realized that they were truly sincere and caring towards her. She did not want to reciprocate them half-heartedly, for her conscience would reprimand her non-stop and her guilt would accumulate by a great fold.

Hence, Scarlet decided to be fully sincere towards them in return. She decided to fully open her heart towards them and accept them for who they were, despite the many burdens she would have in the future.

It was a late decision, but it was better late than never. Hence, she decided to start now before she would regret it in the future. She did not know why she felt this way, but she trusted her gut feeling that had never failed to save her during a life and death situation.

In reality, all these thoughts took place in merely several seconds.

Unknowingly breaking the twin's first telepathic thoughts, Scarlet strengthened her resolve, looked up to the both of them and asked the question that had always been bothering her heart, "Out of all the people, why do you want to be friends with me? There are many people better for that position.."

As she blabbered on and on about what she presently thought, Scarlet never realized that her question had made a big impact on the twins, to the point that their minds became blank and they were now like pillars that were frozen in place. What their beloved had said was entirely out of their expectations.

Hm? Did they hear wrong? But, with their sharp ears, they clearly did not…

Did she just say.... 'friends?'