Banquet? What Banquet?

Feng Zhong Tian used his Qi Aura on Feng Ao Xiu.

Every cultivator above the Power Soul Realm can control his/her Qi Aura for various purposes. Qi Aura can be used to scout their surroundings like knowing what is behind a wall. The higher the cultivation realm, the further and more detailed they can see.

Another one of Qi Aura uses was what Feng Zhong Tian use, to find out the Qi Aura of other people. Every cultivation realm has its own unique aura. For example, the people in the First Stage of Power Soul Realm has a dark grey aura. The aura will grow lighter as they advanced, the colour in the Fifth Stage will be a medium grey not too dark nor too light. In the last stage of Power Soul Realm, which is the Ninth Stage, the colour is that of light grey.

After the Power Soul Realm was the Abstract Spirit Realm. The cultivator in the First Stage of Abstract Spirit Realm has a white aura. From the first stage to the ninth stage, the aura will gradually change its colour according to the spirit of the owner.

Someone with fire spirit will have a red aura, someone with an ice spirit will have a blue aura, and many others. The cultivator with fire spirit will not necessarily have a pure red aura, sometimes it will have traces of orange, yellow or any other colour.

However, Feng Ao Xiu is different. Three years ago, he had a yellow and a blue aura indicating a legendary lightning spirit. The other cultivators were dying to have this kind of spirit. Unfortunately, the spirit couldn't be changed and they can only curse at their own parents for giving them a weak spirit. But now, Feng Ao Xiu doesn't have any aura.

"It's gone! It's totally gone!"

Feng Zhong Tian knitted his eyebrow. He wants to cry, his son has become useless and his position as the Clan Lord is in jeopardy. Then, he let out a deep sigh.

"So, you really are trash now."

Feng Ao Xiu kept his calm posture. He knew the moment he decided to return to the Feng Clan, he'll get cursed and treated like trash. He could tolerate being called trash, piece of sh*t or any other cursed words. However, he himself didn't know why he's still get irritated being called "Ao Ao".

Anyway, since he has decided to show up, it's better to just tell this fact to the whole world.

"Father, let's just tell it to the whole clan, the sooner the better."

Feng Zhong Tian shouted, "Tell it the whole clan, my ass! I'll keep this a secret forever if I have to."

The Clan Lord made a plan in his heart.

The current situation may be worse than three years ago, but that doesn't mean it's worse than this morning.

The only thing that could retain the Clan Lord position was Feng Ao Xiu. As long as nobody found out he has a broken meridian, Feng Zhong Tian would not be dethroned.

Anyway, the important thing was he needs the surrounding knew that he got a strong backing, meanwhile, that person doesn't necessarily have to show himself. He will keep Feng Ao Xiu under house arrest. After all, Feng Ao Xiu was originally a cultivating maniac that rarely goes out, he could just use that fact as an excuse while keeping silent the cultivation level.

The more Feng Zhong Tian thought about it, the more he feels it was not impossible. As long as all matters were to be done carefully, nothing bad would happen.

* knock knock *

Suddenly, a servant speaking from behind the door, "Clan Lord, All the elders and the upper member of the clan is already here. All preparations are also complete. The banquet to celebrate the return of the Second Young Master will start soon."

"Banquet? What banquet? Who dare makes a banquet!?", shouted Feng Zhong Tian angrily.

Someone dares to make a banquet to celebrate his son. Obviously, Feng Ao Xiu has to show up, but that means everyone will found out about the broken meridian. It also means this was a banquet to celebrate him losing the Clan Lord's position.

What kind of banquet is this? Celebrating your own son become trash? Celebrating giving away your Clan Lord position? How could he tolerate that?

The Clan Lord made up his mind, he will teach whoever that person a lesson.

The servant said with a confused look, "It's you, Clan Lord. Aren't you, the one who told me to prepare a banquet? You also said to make it as big as possible."



The banquet just started, it was the best party the Feng Clan had in 100 years. All kinds of delicious food on the table, the sweet fragrance of wine, beautiful and sexy dancer were all here.

The Clan Lord and his son sit at the large table in the middle. It was supposed to be a joyous occasion, but the Clan Lord was somewhat gloomy.

"F*ck, these old men! Usually, when I called them, it took them 3 hours just to get moving. With food, wine, and women, it only takes half a breath"

Feng Zhong Tian cursed quietly. He initially wanted to cancel the banquet, but with the pressure of the elders and clan members, accompanied with the fact that he cannot go back on his own words, he has no other choice.

He doesn't have any idea to get out of this situation. Ever since the banquet started, there was no more way out.

[Everything's messed up!? What can I do now? ]

Seeing his father's dark face, Feng Ao Xiu consoled him, "Father, I think it's time to give up. They will find out sooner or later anyway."

The Clan Lord kept silent for a few seconds before he sighed. "I... I guess you're right", he finally gave up.

The whole Feng Clan knew the situation very well. It was 5 years ago that Feng Ao Xiu's grandfather, the former Clan Lord retired and he needs a successor. Naturally, the older brother Feng Cheng Hong is more suited to be the Clan Lord than the younger Feng Zhong Tian. Feng Cheng Hong is an Iron Earth Realm cultivator, one realm higher than Feng Zhong Tian in Iron Mortal Realm.

However, the successor was still Feng Zhong Tian, but it's not surprising, it was all because of Feng Ao Xiu. At that time he was a Dream Sky Realm cultivator, just one realm below his father. Lots of cultivator takes more than 40 years to reach the Dream Sky Realm. But, Feng Ao Xiu, a 13 years old Dream Sky Realm cultivator, if he is not a genius, what could it be? Even a fool would choose Feng Zhong Tian as the Clan Lord, knowing that Feng Ao Xiu is Feng Zhong Tian's son.

During the 3 years of Feng Ao Xiu went missing, the Feng Clan thought he was dead, only Feng Zhong Tian and members of his faction insisted that Feng Ao Xiu still alive along with the might of Feng Zhong Tian's mouth, thus he somewhat could keep his position.

But, if everyone knew Feng Ao Xiu has a crippled meridian, then there will be no longer any reason. Even all the members of his faction will turn their back on him. Feng Cheng Hong would gain more momentum and become the Clan Lord in a matter of minutes.

In the banquet, a lot of conversation started. Of course, most of them are about the Second Young Master.

"I can't believe the Second Young Master is alive."

"I also can't believe it either."

"I still remember, when he became the youngest ever Iron Mortal Realm cultivator. I was beside him when he made that breakthrough. It was a great sight to behold."

"That was 3 years ago. I wonder what his cultivation realm now. Can he already be an Iron Sky Realm cultivator?"

"I don't think so, he's probably still in the Iron Earth Realm."

"We don't know anything about him for the past three years. Remember, He went missing! I wonder what happened to him."

"Whatever, let's just ask him."

Almost all the table has a similar conversation, which leads them to this question, "What happened to the Second Young Master for the past three years? What is his cultivation level now?"

Unable to handle the urge, several members and elders approached the father-son duo. One elder in the Iron Earth Realm asked, "Clan Lord and Young Master Ao A... Young Master Ao Xiu. This old man is worried. I wonder, what happened to Young Master Ao Xiu in the past three years?"

Feng Ao Xiu's mouth twitched. This elder almost called him as Ao Ao, rumours truly spread fast. He calmed himself down and replied, "Elder, today is a joyous occasion, let's just drink and forget about the past."

From Feng Ao Xiu's reply, what happened to him during the time he went missing must not be too good. If he didn't want to answer, then they won't ask about it anymore.

The elder asked again, "Young Master Ao Xiu's talent is the one that only appears every 10.000 years. Now that you are 18 years old, This old man unable to guess the Second Young Master's cultivation level. Would Young Master Ao Xiu mind telling me?"

[Here it comes!]

Different from before, this question cannot be dodged. Avoiding it would only make it worse.

"Elder, the truth is ..."

Suddenly, Zhong Tian angrily slammed his hands on the table and shouted, "Find it out by yourself!"

The elder knitted his eyebrow. Why is the Clan Lord so angry? Did he do something wrong?

The elder calmly replied, "Then, Young Master Ao Xiu, please excuse me."

A light green Qi Aura emitted from the elder index finger slowly made its way into Feng Ao Xiu.

[Wait, where's the aura?]

The elder was shocked.

[There's no aura. No way!]

"Thi... This, Co... Co... Could it be!?"

Seeing the elder so shocked, the other nearby also used their Qi Aura. All the Qi Auras, one by one shot toward Feng Ao Xiu. The moment it touched him, they were stunned.

"No Way!"

"It can't be!"
