This Is the Worst Case Scenario

It only takes ten breaths, before the poison takes effect.

With a heavy thud, Yang Xue Yi fell down on the floor. Cold sweat pouring down from her body. Her breath is heavy, her muscle is weak.

"Aaaaaaaaaahh..", The girl screams loudly. She touched her chest in pain. It hurt so much, she couldn't do anything but scream.

The three men panicked, especially Feng Zhi Yan and Li Gao Yun. How did it come to this?

The original plan was to poison Feng Ao Xiu with the Zhao Clan's poison. It was widely known that the Zhao Clan's speciality was poison. Not even the Yang Clan or the Royal Family dare to say they are better than Zhao Clan in terms of poison.

It was last night, Young Master Zhao gave them one of the most potent poison the Zhao Clan ever made, Thousand Needle Heart Poison. The Thousand Needle Heart Poison is a black liquid and smelly poison, but once it was mixed with alcohol, it becomes transparent like water and no smell could be found. To even create this poison, the Zhao Clan spent 5 years to create that 1 small bottle.

After one drinks the Thousand Needle Heart Poison, the poison will immediately move to the victim's heart. Like a thousand needles, the poison will prick to one's heart repeatedly. Many years ago, a Jade Sky Realm Cultivator was poisoned by the Zhao Clan using the Thousand Needle Heart Poison, he failed to find a cure and died within half a day.

Feng Zhi Yan and Li Gao Yun have bribed the waiter to mixed the poison in Feng Ao Xiu's wine. Although it won't kill an Ancient Earth Realm expert immediately, It will definitely weaken him to the strength of Jade Sky Realm expert. Then, before Feng Ao Xiu could find himself a cure, one hundred assassins from Zhao Clan will be waiting for him.

One hundred assassins with the lowest cultivation level of Iron Sky Realm and the highest of Jade Sky Realm against one man with the strength of Jade Sky Realm Expert. They will surely kill Feng Ao Xiu. Even if Feng Ao Xiu miraculously survived and escape, he will have trouble looking for the cure and will die in an estimated time of three days.

Even if somehow, Feng Ao Xiu could detect the poison, Feng Zhi Yan and Li Gao Yun will kill the waiter personally and blamed it all on him. They wouldn't lose anything! It was a good plan! It was the perfect plan!

Besides Feng Ao Xiu, there were only two other Ancient Earth Realm Cultivators in Xiang Lan Nation. Both of them visited the Sealing Dragon every month just to drink the Qi Rinse Wine. But, who would have thought that one of the three would give away his Qi Rinse Wine? This is a legendary wine we are talking about!

This is the worst-case scenario. Yang Xue Yi was poisoned with the Thousand Needle Heart Poison. If Yang Xue Yi died, the Yang Clan will definitely be angry. Their Young Lady was invited by 3 young masters from the Feng Clan and Li Clan, then she was poisoned by the Zhao Clan's poison, and come back in a dead body. The Yang Clan will surely eliminate Feng Clan, Li Clan, and Zhao Clan.

Yang Xue Yi couldn't move, all of her power and Qi were accumulated in her heart to protect her from the poison. But it won't protect her for much longer, she was only a Dream Mortal Realm Cultivator, at most, it will protect her for another ten minutes.

What could they do in ten minutes? Nothing!

Feng Zhi Yan couldn't help but cursed loudly, "F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!"

Li Gao Yun also cursed loudly, "Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!"

Feng Ao Xiu was crouching beside Yang Xue Yi, "Fairy Xue Yi, What's wrong? You need to calm down!"

The girl could only scream. After a few seconds, her scream gets weaker and weaker. At last, she can't hold it anymore and lost consciousness.

Feng Ao Xiu shouts, "Quickly! Call the doctor!"

One of the guards quickly left to fetch the doctor.

Feng Zhi Yan stayed in his seat silently, he could only blame himself for all of this.

"Young Master Ao Xiu, It's no use. There's not enough time. That wine contains the Thousand Needle Heart Poison.", Li Gao Yun responded to Feng Ao Xiu dejectedly. Now, they are on the same boat. The Yang Clan will definitely kill all of them, might as well tell the truth.

"What!? Ho... Ho... How could you! Thousand Needle Heart Poison!", Feng Ao Xiu widened his eyes at this fact. Feng Ao Xiu was not a fool, that wine initially was given to him. But somehow Li Gao Yun could tell what kinds of poison it is. That means, Young Master Li wants to poison him, but the target missed and it became Yang Xue Yi instead.

This was a shocking confession.

Feng Ao Xiu gritted his teeth. This was also his fault! He was the one who gives the wine to fairy Xue Yi.

He touched Xue Yi's wrist. She has lost her consciousness, her pulse was weak, but she's still alive.

If the Young Lady of Yang Clan died under his watch, it would be suspicious. Not only that, the Yang Clan will surely take revenge for it's most beloved Young Lady. There was no other choice. He only had one bottle, but he has to use it.

Feng Ao Xiu takes out a small glass bottle of white liquid from his storage ring. He put the liquid in his mouth, then he put his lips to Yang Xue Yi's soft lips. He blows the liquid for Xue Yi to drink.

Li Gao Yun, Feng Zhi Yan, the guards, and the employees' mouths were wide opened.

[What is he doing? Young Lady of the Yang Clan is going to die and he took advantage of her?]

[It is the Thousand Needle Heart Poison! Do you think just any kind of medicine can cure her? He is definitely taking advantage of the beautiful young lady's condition]

[Look at that! That kiss made the young lady surprised. Her eyes opened so wide like she is ...]


[Heavens! She opened her eyes!]

Yang Xue Yi quickly pushed off Feng Ao Xiu. She just suddenly wakes up and found out that she was kissed by Feng Ao Xiu. Yang Xue Yi's face flushed red, it makes her angry and embarrassed.

The people surrounding were even more shocked. What the hell is that medicine? They never heard of medicine that can cure the Thousand Needle Heart poison. Even the Zhao Clan themselves didn't have the cure. They heard rumours of godly doctor that cured this potion, but it took 10 years and the victim loses both of his legs. But with this medicine, The Thousand Needle Heart poison was instantly cured! This was godly medicine!

Yang Xue Yi noticed all the people staring at her and she became even more embarrassed. She couldn't think clearly and decided to run away. "I'll go home first!"

Seeing Yang Xue Yi ran away quickly, Feng Ao Xiu let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure this medicine could be taken by someone with low cultivation like Dream Mortal Realm. It looks like, it works just fine!

That was his last medicine. He needs to find more pure coloured spirit stones to make some more.

But there is something more important right now. Feng Ao Xiu quietly sits in one of the chairs, he crossed his hands and said in a voice that is neither too loud or too weak.

"Young Master Li, what's the meaning of this?"