Big Sis Xue Yi, You're Scary!

A few minutes ago.

The Emperor and the Sect Master looked around, trying to find a young man in the sea of woman. They found a young man in the centre, but the young man has a perverted look on his face.

[No! It can't be him!]

[If he was Feng Ao Xiu, I would kill myself!]

Then, they found a group of young men in the corner.

[Feng Ao Xiu must be one of them!]

Fu Sheng Jian told his daughter, "Let me get Feng Ao Xiu, you wait here!"

Ning Huan did the same thing to his daughter, "Remember! This concern the matters of the entire Cloud Moon Palace! I'll get him for you!"

The Emperor and the Sect Master were walking slowly towards the group of Young Masters, a lot of people are trying to strike up a conversation to get on their good side, but the two men ignore them.

Seeing their father away, the two fairies walk toward Yang Xue Yi. The guests, especially the young girls step away, the three fairies are out of their league. They truly deserved to be called fairies, extremely beautiful, and very pretty.

The young women surrounding were also beautiful and pretty, but when compared to the three Xiang Lan Fairies, they could be considered plain. There's a reason why Ji Mei Lan who was extraordinarily beautiful, isn't considered a fairy, her face was still lacking compared to the fairies. Such a simple reason, but just from this alone, it could be concluded that the fairies were on a whole different realm.

Yang Xue Yi was pretty, elegant and reserved, she was also known as the most kind-hearted beauty. Her elegant and gracefulness was unmatched, it makes countless men fall in love with her at first sight. Also, as the only daughter of the Yang Clan Lord, combined with her beauty, lots of Young Masters were trying to court her.

Ning Ruo, the oldest member of the fairies, and the daughter of the Sect Master of the Cloud Moon Palace. Her best feature was her sexy and dynamic body. Just from this alone, it makes so many men unable to hold their urge to touch her, however, they ended up being killed by Ning Huan. She was also known as the vicious beauty, especially her fierce tongue. However, the viciousness combined with her body, only makes more men fall before her.

Fu Qiao An, the youngest member of the fairies, mostly known with her conferred title name Princess Ming or the Fairy Princess. She was extremely cute and cheerful, her personality of being friendly and outgoing makes everyone close to her blush. Her small petite figure combined with her personality made every man that sees her wants to hug her and protect her from all harm, the most prime example was the Emperor himself.

Graceful, sexy, and cute. The three of them was what makes the three Xiang Lan Fairies. In the entire Xiang Lan Nation, who don't know them?

Princess Ming runs toward Yang Xue Yi and hugs her, "Big Sis Xue Yi!!"

"Qiao An", Yang Xue Yi looks at Ning Ruo, "Big Sis Ruo, Long time no see!"

Ning Ruo nodded, "It's been a while since the three of us got together."

Despite the background of the three women were different and at odds one another, individually the Xiang Lan Fairies were actually very close with each other.

The guests were in awe.

[Three fairies together in harmony, each with a unique smile on their face, is this heaven?]

[Wait! There is someone else in the middle of the fairies, It's Feng Ao Xiu! Were you there beside the fairies? That's fine! But could you stop making that expression!?]

Ning Ruo looked at Feng Ao Xiu in disgust.

[Can't you see the others are stepping away? Why are you still here? This man doesn't have any etiquette at all]

"Who's this fool?"

Princess Ming laughs cutely, "This big brother's face is really funny!"

Yang Xue Yi shyly introduces, "This is my fiancé, Feng Ao Xiu"

"He... hello, I.. I'm Feng Ao Xiu"

"This dumb-looking man is Feng Ao Xiu!?", Ning Ruo was surprised, she never thought that this man was Feng Ao Xiu. She has the same mind as her father, Feng Ao Xiu was supposed to be one of the Young Master in the corner.

Ning Ruo glares softly at Feng Ao Xiu, "When will you stop staring at my chest?"

"Aaah... ah... I'm sorry!"

It turns out Feng Ao Xiu was a debauchee.

Yang Xue Yi's mood turned upside down.

[How could he stare at Big Sis Ruo like that? I knew that Big Sis Ruo's asset is much bigger than... Anyway, this is our engagement party, he is not permitted to look at other women]

Ning Ruo let out a sigh, her first impression with Feng Ao Xiu was the worst. Except for his cultivation level, nothing was good about him.

[Hmmmm... Wait... Where have I seen this face before?]

Outside of expectation, instead of stepping away, Ning Ruo gets closer to Feng Ao Xiu. She slowly observed his face because she felt something familiar from him.

As Ning Ruo's face got closer, Feng Ao Xiu became red. He couldn't help but be embarrassed, receiving such an intent stare from such a beautiful lady.

Yang Xue Yi felt extreme jealousy.

[Why Big Sis Ruo became like that? I thought she didn't like Young Master Ao Xiu. How could their face become so close? Could they like each other?]

Princess Ming also stared at Feng Ao Xiu intensely, "So this is our future husband. Not bad! Qiao An likes it!"

At that moment, Yang Xue Yi's face got darker. Yang Xue Yi was a smart girl when Princess Ming said "Our future husband", she immediately knew the politics behind it. She has to share the same man with her fairy sisters. The past her surely won't mind, but now, she can't tolerate it!

Yang Xue Yi unconsciously lets out a murderous aura. Ning Ruo and Fu Qiao An felt a cold chill run through their back.

"Xue Yi!? What happens?", Ning Ruo was shocked, that murderous aura was directed towards her and Princess Ming. But, what shocked her the most was Yang Xue Yi's cultivation level. "When did your level get so high!?"

The little princess hiding behind her Big Sis Ruo, "Big Sis Xue Yi, you're scary!"

The guests from afar were also confused.

[Didn't the three of them have a close relationship? Especially Yang Xue Yi, what happened to her? Why is she so moody today?]]

[And, those eyes, she's having right now, the Princess is right, Yang Xue Yi is scary!]

Suddenly, Emperor Fu Sheng Jian and Sect Master Ning Huan launched themselves and stopped in front of Feng Ao Xiu.

"A toad wants to eat the meat of a swan!?"

"Still not bowing before this Emperor!"

Ning Ruo and Fu Qian An got even more confused.

[Why does both of them looks like they want to kill Feng Ao Xiu? Didn't they tell us to get close to Feng Ao Xiu!?]

Ning Ruo couldn't help but ask, "Father? Why are you so angry?"

Princess Ming tugs her father sleeves, "Father? What happened?"

In the face of danger, Feng Ao Xiu wakes up from his dreamland.

[What is happening?]

Feng Zhong Tian immediately moves to defend his son, "Your Majesty and Great Master Ning, Please calm down! What crime did my son commit?"

"Like father, like son! Both of you are stupid!"

"Your son dares to lay his hands on my daughter, he deserves to die!"

All the others were dying to match their daughter, but they're actually angry! The guests started making speculations. They whispered to each other.

"Could they have joined forces?"

"Yes, they must be afraid of the Yang Clan's newest backing"

"Instead of making more friend, they rather eliminate the enemy. Such bravery!"

"There's no need for further explanation. Die!" Ning Huan let out a palm strike towards the father-son duo. "Tornado Tiger Palm Strike"

Feng Ao Xiu and Feng Zhong Tian closed their eyes in despair. A strike from Jade Sky Realm Expert was enough to kill ten Feng Zhong Tian and one million Feng Ao Xiu.

[This is it!]

[Goodbye World!]