Heavens Have Brought the Two of Us Together!

In the Xiang Lan Nation, there were various sects and organizations. There was the one who did good, like charities, the one who strives for cultivation, like the Cloud Moon Palace or even a hobby organization like the musical organization.

Since these people live under the sun, naturally, there was also who lives in the dark. One of those called themselves the Silver Hands Owl.

Silver Hands Owl was no ordinary organizations. They were evil organizations whose members like to steal, robbed and do shady business. All the members were given intensive training on how to make a believable lie, and to trick people.

Once, the largest bank in Xiang Lan Nation was robbed by these people, and not even a trace of thieves could be found. In the end, the bank goes bankrupt. They did not only steal from the big industries but also from the commoners. Once they locked onto a target, there was a great chance it will not fail.

Currently, a member of the Silver Hands Owl, He Min, was given a task by his Master. He must steal all the jewellery from one of the stores in the Black Market area.

Although He Min was one of the young prodigies in the Silver Hands Owl. Nevertheless, it was not an easy task. He forged a false identification, formally applied as one of the employees in the store, and has been working there for weeks. Because He Min was a hard worker, the owner even praise him for the high sales. It was only a matter of time before he'll be given a bigger responsibility to watch over more expensive jewellery. Only, then he will turn his back on the owner and run away with all the stuff.

Meanwhile, now was just another day as a jewellery store employee. The sun has already gone down, there were not too many people. Aside from the young noble who was handled by his coworker, there's only a commoner young man walking around.

"I'll buy all of them, how much?" Suddenly, the commoner points at the magnificent stones inside the display case.

He Min has no time to serve this young man, he would not get any sales from someone without any money. However, since he was bored and nothing to do, he mocked the commoner instead. "Heh! The cheapest item in this store at least cost 10 gold taels! Did you even have any money!?"

"You think I don't have any money! Let me tell you that I'm actually very rich..."

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? As expected you're just a beggar!"

He Min became even more disappointed. Not only did the commoner did not back down, he even called himself very rich. However, something seems odd, it doesn't look like the young commoner was lying.

The young commoner angrily said, "Let me tell you! My name is Fe..."

Even before the young commoner could finish his sentence, He Min already frowned. This man in front of him was actually very stubborn. After he proved himself he got no money, he wanted to use his name to bring leverage.

Suddenly, the other customer, the young noble shouted, "I'm Feng Ao Xiu!"

After he falsely claimed himself as Feng Ao Xiu, he was being beaten senseless by the employees. Posing as a noble was already a crime, but claiming to be an Ancient Earth Realm Expert would be a death wish. He got what he deserves.

"Haha... This is so funny! It's already the third time someone is pretending to be Feng Ao Xiu, but it's always made me laugh every time it happened!"

He Min who was bored the whole time finally let out a laugh. As there were not too many customers, there was nothing to do. However, seeing someone almost beaten to death made him very happy.

He turned back to the young commoner, "What did you say your name again?"

The young commoner replied, "My name is Fei Bao Xing."

"Fei Bao Xing..." Everything about this commoner became very weird in He Min's eyes. He Min was a prodigy young member of the Silver Hands Owl. In one of his training, he received a lesson on how to differentiate between truth and lie. As someone who received an excellent mark in this subject, he could tell that the man in front of him was lying.

[Why would this young man lie about his name? Fei Bao Xing was only an ordinary name, there was no one famous with that surname. That means this man is hiding his true name for a reason. Could he be actually not an ordinary commoner?]

He Min quickly sized up the young man in front of him. Then he found some unique trait from this young man. Although this man looked like a commoner and look very dirty at a glance. But his clothes were quite neat. There were no smelly odour, but instead a light nice scent that was quite nice. Most importantly his face does not look like anyone who has experienced hard work.

[I almost forgot! This was actually a black market.]

Although it was quite rare, there were at least one or two nobles who disguised themselves while shopping in the Black Market. They did not want anyone to discover who they were.

[A Big chance!]

He Min smiled, "What a coincidence! My name is also Fei Bao Xing!"

"What!? Your name is Fei Bao Xing! But I just made...", Feng Ao Xiu stopped his mouth. He just made the name Fei Bao Xing on the spot. He would have never thought that there's someone else named Fei Bao Xing in front of him.

This was not a coincidence at all. He Min actually used one of the simple tricks thought in the Silver Hands Owl. Just by pretending they have the same name, He could get closer to him.

Why does he want to get closer? To gain information which leads to more money. There was a young noble secretly going to the Black Market, he must have some secret.

First, He Min will be friends with him. Then, through friendship or other means, he will find out what he came here for. If he was here because of some kind of item, he would steal whatever it is and took it for himself. Otherwise, the reason the young man was here was for some shady business, then he could blackmail the young man to earn more money. Either way, both of them were great plans.

He Min continued, "Heavens have brought the two of us together! Fei Bao Xing is a rare name, this must be fate!"

Feng Ao Xiu was stupefied, "Ah... Yes! Yes! You're right! Such an amazing coincidence!"

"So, what brings Brother Fei to this store?"

The employee suddenly becomes nice after knowing they share the same name. Feng Ao Xiu was relieved, at least Fei Bao Xing won't mock him anymore.

All the money was carried by Feng Zhong Tian. Since he did not bring any money, he'll just have to ask the price and pay for it later. "How much do these spirit stones cost?"

"It's a new item! These spirit stones were specially picked because it only has a single colour and its beautiful colours. However, they're not used for cultivation, they're for decoration in the garden or for a display collection. Nobles especially like them. If you want spirit stones for cultivation, don't buy them here, it's too expensive. Just buy them at the shop nearby!"

Feng Ao Xiu wants to curse.

[F*ck you! I don't need your long and winding explanation. You think I don't know this is a jewellery store! That tone you're using, It's obvious you're still mocking me! Just wait until father came and teach you a lesson!]

Feng Ao Xiu forced a smile, "So, what about the price?"

He Min was suspicious, the young man still wants these stones. There's no need for a disguise just to buy some stones. What value do these stones hold?

However, he could not just sell them right away, he has to gain some kind of connection with the young man or found the secret first. He carefully laid out a plan in his mind. He quickly calculated all the possibilities that bring out the best profits among them.

"Haha... I see that Brother Fei really likes these spirit stones! You're really lucky! They cost 10 gold taels each, with a minimum purchase of ten stones in every transaction. These stones are really popular, a noble bought a lot of them earlier. We're currently out of stock! Even, if there's one left. It's not like you can buy them!"

Two anger marks could be seen on Feng Ao Xiu's forehead. This employee really likes to talk! And he's still mocking me! The twelve stones only cost 120 gold taels, we can definitely bu... "Wait! Out of stock!?"

Fei Bao Xing nodded, "Yes exactly! But, that's why I said you're lucky! Brother Fei, you may get a chance at getting these stones."

"You see, the twelve spirit stones in front of you has been reserved by the Scholars Association. Exactly in a few hours, the Scholars Association Four Arts Contests will begin. Three stones per category as the prize. If Brother Fei can win in one of the contests, you'll have yourself holding the stones!"

Feng Ao Xiu gives himself a facepalm.

[I can't buy it! The matter of pure coloured spirit stones has become worse. Do I have to enter the contest?]

As Feng Ao Xiu asked more about the contests, He Min laughs, "Looks like Brother Fei wants to enter the contest! Seeing you get fired up made me want to enter too. Please wait a minute, my shift is almost over, we'll go together!"