Brother Fei, I’m Sorry! I’ve Let You Down!

Kong Ling Jue saw it clearly.

Feng Ao Xiu places his stone in the centre, everybody thought it was a move to disrupt the opponent's rhythm. No, it was a move to distract what his other hand doing. He played with his right hand while his other hand quickly moves and swap one of white stone with the black one.

[Ah... Young Master Feng, what are you doing? The first contest is a great success, you showed us your array formation skill and left us dumbfounded. But in the second contest, you cheated!? What are you planning? Did you really want to win that much?]

[Am I the only one who noticed? It must be because I knew he is Feng Ao Xiu and watches him closely. What should I do? Should I report it? It'll be the right choice, but it means I will oppose an Ancient Earth Realm Expert.]

Kong Ling Jue stopped to think for a moment.

[Forget It! I can't afford to die.]

In the end, he decided to pretend like it never happened.

Meanwhile, He Min gritted his teeth in anger. He couldn't believe it, but he lost!

[That's weird! Even though I made that mistake, I should still have won. Something is wrong!]

[Hmm... That stone. Why is it there? It was not there before, it should have been my stone... Holy sh*t! I've been had!]

[He cheated! He f*cking cheated!!]

He Min became red in anger. He's always the one who cheated people around. He steals, lies, and deceives people around to get what he wants. But for the first time since he starts his profession, he has been cheated.

[This is unforgivable! I just can't let this happen!]

Some changes to the plan were immediately considered. Instead of making friends with the young man, he should just capture and torture him. While it may be a hassle and got a lower chance of discovering the secret, at least he could take out his anger on the young man.

[I'm not going to wait! I'll expose you and humiliate you in front of everyone here! The good thing is you can't run away because my master is here! Mwahahhaa...]

Meanwhile, the Emperor smiles, he said quietly, "Never thought that Feng Ao Xiu is good at Go. Qiao An, what do you think? He may be your future husband."

The little girl blushed, "Yes... yes, he's good!"

What is wrong with her? She barely said anything since the contest started.

The host shouted, "Congratulations to Feng Ao Xiu's Number One Fan! Once again, he swiped the entire stage clean!"

"The next contest is calligraphy! All participant..."

He Min shouted, "Wait!"

"I have something to say!", He Min points his finger directly at Feng Ao Xiu, "He cheated! He swapped the stones!"

Everybody gasped in shock.


"Did Feng Ao Xiu's Number One Fan really swaps the stone!?"

"F*ck! If he did, I'll kill him!"

Feng Ao Xiu was shocked as well. [I've been caught!]

He Min let out a pitiful cry, "Not only that. He also threatened to kill me. He said that he will rip my head apart from my body if I won."

The crowd panicked. Some defended Feng Ao Xiu.

"It can't be right!"

"It must be a mistake! I didn't see anything suspicious!"

While some other angrily cursed at him.

"I'll kill that bastard called Feng Ao Xiu's Number One Fan!"

"I knew from the start that he's a bad guy!"

This situation made the perpetrator don't know what to do.

[It's true that I cheat, but I've never threatened to kill you. Ah... Fei Bao Xing must be really hurt right now. His heart must be broken because I, his friend deceived him. Then, he speaks nonsense because he's angry. That must be it!]

[Brother Fei, I'm sorry! I've let you down! But I really need to win this.]

He Min continued, "Dear judges, please seek justice for me!"

Mo Tie Yang puts his chin on his hand, "Now that you said it! Somewhat the stone is changed in the hundredth move!"

Bu Liang follows, "Really!? Then let's check the board. We could see if Feng Ao Xiu's Number One Fan is really cheating!"

Kong Ling Jue calmly stands up. He slowly walks to the Go board.

He Min smiles in his heart.

[Mwahahahaaa... Even Mo Tie Yang is suspicious! Now, my master, Kong Ling Jue will finish you! We'll capture you and extract whatever secret you have. Then I'll definitely be rewarded by my master.]

He Min put his hand on his back. He sends a signal to his master, "Master, help me put him down! He also has secrets, it may be a great benefit to us."

Of course, Kong Ling Jue understands. He moved towards the Go board. Then, Kong Ling Jue kicks the Go board hard. The Go stones scramble on the floor, the stone swaps couldn't be checked anymore.

He Min was astonished.

[Master! What the hell are you doing!? Why did you kick the Go board!? You just destroyed the only piece of evidence we had against him!]

Kong Ling Jue glares angrily at his disciple, "I've had enough with you! Do you think I'm blind!?"

[What the f*ck! Master!? Why are you scolding me instead!?]

Kong Ling Jue continues, "I saw that you're the one who swapped the stones, but I didn't say anything and let it go. Then, you lost even though you cheated, how embarrassing! You can't accept the fact that you lost, so you shamelessly blamed it on your opponent!"

He Min couldn't believe his eyes.

[Who... who are you!? Are you really my master, Kong Ling Jue!? Why did you blame it on me instead!? What the hell did I do wrong? You prefer to defend a stranger rather than your disciple! What's going on!?]

Kong Ling Jue throws a punch at his own disciple.

He Min falls down, but he still receives multiple punches from his master. "Wh... why?"

Kong Ling Jue let out a sigh while his hands kept punching.

[You can only blame it on yourself. You dare to pick a fight against an Ancient Earth Realm Expert!? You're seeking death!]

Kong Ling Jue was a great and wise figure in front of the masses. If he says something, most people will blindly believe and follow him. The best example was right now.

"I can't believe it! Not only he cheated, but he also blames someone else for cheating!"

"You are a disgrace of Xiang Lan Nation!"

"This bastard deserves the beating from Master Kong Ling Jue!"

"I'll never forgive you!"

Kong Ling Jue mounted on He Min, he threw multiple punches. It wasn't deadly, but it still hurts like hell. He Min's face was almost disfigured, but he received even more blows.

Kong Ling Jue whispered to his disciple, "What the hell are you doing!? You dare to find the fault of a supreme expert! You'll die! Better for me to beat you instead of him, at least you'll still be alive!"

He Min whispered back, "Master! I don't understand! What do you mean by a supreme expert? What did I do wrong?"

"You fool! You brought him here and you didn't know! That man is Feng Ao Xiu!"

"That man is Feng Ao Xiu!!"

He Min wants to cry, he never thought that young man was the Second Young Master of Feng Clan. But, It's not entirely his fault. No one would know he is Feng Ao Xiu. It's quite unlikely for a supreme expert to fake his own name and did not bring any money.

He Min glanced at Feng Ao Xiu, he felt a deep fear inside.

[Eeek... He's looking here! Is he just playing with me! Did he know my real identity from the start? His eyes were really scary! It's not the eyes of a human, it's a demon.]

"Master! Keep punching me! Punch me harder! Anything that will keep me away from him!", asking to get beaten up is the only way for him to live.

Even though He Min was right in the first place, he will end up as the wrong one. What could he do? His master and himself absolutely cannot defeat an Ancient Earth Realm Cultivator. In this world, the strong ones make the rule. However, if He Min knew the real cultivation level of Feng Ao Xiu, he will surely vomit blood.

This was one hell of a beating, even Feng Ao Xiu couldn't help but avert his eyes from He Min's damaged face.

[Brother Fei! I'm sorry again! Kong Ling Jue must have blamed you to gain favour from me. I promise to make it up to you someday!]

Feng Ao Xiu stands up, "Master Kong, it's enough! Let's just move on to the next contest! The people are here to watch the contest, not for this."

Kong Ling Jue and He Min let out a sigh of relief. Looks like Feng Ao Xiu has forgiven him.

Kong Ling Jue threw his disciple out of the stage. He acts angry, "Don't come back here again!"

The audience cheered. They were astonished at Feng Ao Xiu's Number One Fan's kindness and intellect.

"Feng Ao Xiu's Number One Fan is so kind. He actually let him go!"

"That's right! If I was him, I definitely won't rest until that bastard died."

"Not just kind, but also smart and clever. He was cheated, but could turn the situation around and actually won!"

"It's true when they said that a fan is a clone of their idol. Both Feng Ao Xiu and his number one fan are awesome!"

Bu Liang quickly said, "That Feng Ao Xiu is better than I imagined! I must make him my disciple!"

Mo Tie Yang sneered, "No way! He will be my disciple!"

The Emperor also laughs, "Heavens! I thought that the Go contest lack impact. It turns out, it was even better than the previous one!"

Princess Ming covered her mouth and nose with her long sleeves. Her face became even redder than the previous one. She stared intently at Feng Ao Xiu.