Your Performance Is...

The contest took place overnight, the sun has just risen. The match will take place in the afternoon.

Back in the Feng Clan, Feng Ao Xiu was reprimanded by his father. The angry glare of Feng Zhong Tian pricked the heart of Feng Ao Xiu multiple times.

"Do you think just because this Fei Bao Xing says there is a pure coloured spirit stone as the prize, there will actually be one?"

Feng Ao Xiu looks down, he does not dare to look at his father in the eyes.

Feng Zhong Tian continued, "Can't you think clearly? The contests are made for commoners. They don't need jewellery, they need money and food!"

"The worst of all! You successfully brought a woman into our household. The day you get married is the day we all die! Do you understand!?"

"Yes, yes. I understand!", Feng Ao Xiu nodded.

In return, Feng Ao Xiu asked him, "Umm... Father, did you find it?"

"No! All of them are sold out.", said Feng Zhong Tian while stroking his beard, "They all say the same thing, a noble has been buying them. But, it's the Black Market, they won't tell us the name of the noble."

"Catch!", Feng Zhong Tian tossed a spirit stone to Feng Ao Xiu.

"Father, you found another one!", said Feng Ao Xiu joyfully.

"Not me.", Feng Zhong shook his head, "It's Qian Qian! They searched for it all night long."

"Qian Qian...", Feng Ao Xiu was touched. At the same time, he felt more guilty.

Qian Hui may have said a harsh word, and Qian Lu may be stupid enough to not understand anything, but they still care about him. On the other hand, Feng Ao Xiu didn't even care about them and just force them to fight in a losing match. He felt really guilty in all of this.

Feng Ao Xiu let out a sigh, although he got one more, it's still one more. They still need lots of pure coloured spirit stones. There's no other choice. Looks like he will have to cancel the match.

Feng Zhong Tian asked, "When did you learn array formation?"

"About two or three years ago.", said Feng Ao Xiu while scratching the back of his head.

"Really! Why you didn't tell me?"

"I did want to tell you, but you said you didn't want to hear anything about me during the last three years because that's when I got my meridian crippled."

"You... you...", Feng Zhong Tian was speechless. Indeed, he never want to know anything about his son during the time he went missing. "Fine! I want to hear it now. C'mon, tell me!"

Feng Ao Xiu let out a sigh, it was such a sad memory, "It all started three years ago..."

Suddenly, a servant knocks on the door, "Second Young Master, Xie Jing of the Xie Clan is here!"

It's Xie Jing! Why did he just have to come during an important story?

Xie Jing enters, he immediately kneels before Feng Ao Xiu. "Master! I've come to fulfil the promise I've made!"

Seeing Xie Jing, Feng Ao Xiu immediately puts on an expression of an expert, "I see! You understand that you only have one chance right?"

"Yes! This opportunity is the only one I got. I won't ask for a second chance!"

"If your performance is bad, then please don't bother coming in here again. I hate stubborn people."

"Yes! I understand! If I fail, then I am a failure. I'll have no place standing before Master Feng Ao Xiu!"

"Good! Good!", Feng Ao Xiu nodded. "Now show me what you've learned!"

Xie Jing went into a horse stance.

Feng Ao Xiu shouted, "What are you doing? Don't do it here! Do it in the garden! I don't want you to break our property!"

"Ah... Yes... Yes... Master Feng, I'm sorry!"

Feng Zhong Tian became confused but said nothing in the end. In his mid, Xie Jing could just do it anywhere, he doesn't have to do it in the garden. It's only a low-level punch, what is Feng Ao Xiu afraid of?

Xie Jing moves into the garden, then he went back into a horse stance. A big rock was in front of him.

Xie Jing became nervous, a cold sweat ran down through his cheek.

[This is it! Don't be nervous! Xie Jing, You can do it! You've practised countless times for this one move.]

Xie Jing's right hand glows like gold, his aura spirit was actually a gold spirit, one of the rare spirit everyone would envy. Then, the gold aura in his hand gradually growing larger into the size of a human head.

He threw his right hand fiercely into the big rock.


The gold aura from his right hand dispersed like a bomb. Evaporate everything it touched.

The rock was destroyed, but it wasn't just an ordinary rock. The big rock from earlier was Black Gold Rock, one of the rocks used for practice because of its toughness. Even an ordinary Iron Sky Realm Cultivator would have trouble destroying it with one move.

However, Xie Jing destroys it with one move. And the walls several meters behind the rock were cracked.

Especially Feng Zhong Tian was astonished.

[Holy sh*t! Is he really only a Dream Sky Realm Cultivator? How could he break that Black Gold Realm in one punch? That's way stronger than me!]

[Wait! Could it be!?]

"Is it the 'Energy Fist'?"

Feng Ao Xiu nodded.

F*ck! Isn't it just yesterday, that you said Energy Fist is weak and unpopular? How is it weak!? It was super strong!! It was more than enough to be the Feng Clan's treasure, but you gave it to someone else! What the hell are you doing!?

Xie Jing took a deep breath, then he turns to Feng Ao Xiu. "How is it?"

Feng Ao Xiu let out a sigh. To tell the truth, it was good. No, it was excellent. Xie Jing could master the 'Energy Fist' alone without any help within half a day was already amazing. The previous Feng Ao Xiu would also be satisfied to have a disciple like Xie Jing.

However, Feng Ao Xiu could only say that it was not good enough because he doesn't want a disciple. That's the plan from the start anyway.

"Xie Jing, your performance is..."

"Ah... wait! I'm not ready!", Unexpectedly Xie Jing interrupts. He took another deep breath, "Okay! Now, I'm ready!"

Feng Ao Xiu continues, "Your performance is..."

"Ah!", Xie Jing interrupts again.

It was already the second time Feng Ao Xiu been interrupted, he frowned, "What is it!?"

"Sorry, Master Feng Ao Xiu. I did not mean to interrupt you, it's just that the spirit stone you're holding is the same as what my father has been collecting."

Feng Ao Xiu scold, "Don't interrupt me again!"

"Yes! Yes! I won't interrupt again."

Feng Ao Xiu continues, "Your performance is... Wait! What did you say!?"

"About what?"

"This spirit stone! Your father has been collecting them?"

Xie Jing nodded, "My father has been collecting them since years ago. He has hundreds of them, all of them are single-coloured. He said it was a good luck charm. You won't believe it, but it was just three days ago that my father went into the Black Market and bought all these stones with him!"

[He did what!? He bought it all from the Black Market! No wonder, it's all sold out because of Xie Jing's father.]

Feng Ao Xiu could not help but ask, "How many did your father have again?"

"I think it's about two or three hundred. He places them in various places like the garden and his room. He even put thirty in my room."

"Ah... Sorry! Master Feng Ao Xiu, I got carried away in the conversation. So, what's my result?"

"...", Feng Ao Xiu blinks a lot. It was a wonder what he's thinking.

Feng Ao Xiu continues, "Your performance is..."


Xie Jing runs back to his clan. He joyfully shouts, "I'm accepted! I'm accepted!"

But he also wonder, why would his master told him to brought some of the spirit stones from his father collection?