I Love You! Go out With Me!

Little Chi has been flying all around the Feng Clan Residence. She played too much, only now that she realizes the sun almost gone down.

Little Chi sighed, she was assigned to be the Chosen One's guardian by her big sister, but all she does all day was eating and playing. The little bird shook her head, she determined to help the Chosen One as soon as she gets back.

On her way home, she passed the Guard Training Field. Inadvertently, she saw a skinny man running around the field. The man was so thin without a muscle, you could see his bone in almost every part of his body. It would not be surprising if someone mistook him as a skeleton.

However, even if Little Chi never met him directly, she knew who he was, Qian Hui, the Chosen One's personal bodyguard.

As an Iron Mortal Realm Cultivator, Qian Hui runs really fast. Yet, compared to his seniors, he was too slow. Seeing Qian Hui gets tired too fast just from a bit of running, other guards complained at him.

"Hmph... I thought that man was special. But, he's just too bad!"

"Young man these days... He even dares stop running to take some rest, how weak!"

The guards training were categorized into different groups, this was the most elite groups which consists of at least Iron Mortal Realm Cultivators. Most of them here were veteran guards at least in their fifties.

When Qian Hui, the youngest one ever to make it here come to train with them, they were happy and supported him. It turns out, Qian Hui was the worst. Except for his cultivation level and that he was still considered young in the thirties, everything about him was a disaster.

The other mocked Qian Hui without lowering their sounds, it was clearly intended for him to hear. But what could he do? Qian Hui could only shut his mouth and blame others.

"F*ck! If Lu would wake me up this morning, then I would not be caught by the Head Guard Cui. Now, I have to do this tiresome training..."

"Ack! Hello! Hello!"

"A bird! You're... Little Chi!"

"That's right! That's right!"

Previously, Little Chi was sleeping after she arrives, she never met Qian Hui. So, she approached him to say hi.

At this time the other guards still mocked Qian Hui.

"Look at him! Talking to some Spirit Beast. Is he crazy?"

"He's crazy and weak. Don't ask the obvious!"

Qian Hui has reached his limit. He could not help but snap back, "You're the crazy one! You f*cking old bastard!"

He turned towards the bird, "Listen, Little Chi if there's someone that you don't like you have to curse at them! That's how we do things around here!"

Little Chi nodded. The Chosen One's bodyguard lesson was the same as a lesson from the Chosen One himself. She wanted to be useful for Feng Ao Xiu, she will take this lesson at heart.

Meanwhile, the senior guards were provoked, they slowly approached him.

"You dare to fight against your seniors!?"

"Let us teach you a lesson about etiquette!"

Qian Hui cursed one more time, "F*ck! If only I have some way of escape?"

In a blink of seconds, Qian Hui was gone.

"Huuhh... Where did he go?"

"How could he just vanish like that?"

The seniors looked around but did not find him.

In few kilometres away from the training ground, Qian Hui was shocked, it felt like he was teleported. He had a hunch, he glanced at the little bird before asking a question.

"Was it you?"

"Ack! Yes! Yes!"

Little Chi heard Qian Hui's request. She immediately grabbed Qian Hui's collar with her beak. Although the little bird was only a Sixth Rank Spirit Beast, a Legendary Spirit Beast could not be underestimated. With her speed as the Seven Light Phoenix she flew away, not even an Iron Sky Realm Cultivator could trace her movement.

"Haahaa. Little Chi, you're good!" Qian Hui praised Little Chi.

Little Chi felt proud. As the Chosen One's guardian, she would do her best to help her ally.

Qian Hui was finally free from the hellish training. He would do everything in his power not to be dragged there again.

"Little Chi, Let's go. I'll take you someplace nice!"

The sun has gone down. Yet, in the middle of the Feng Clan's residence, the business has not died down. Although it was the Feng Clan Area, not all of them were the members of the Feng Clan. Some merchants were granted special permission to open up their shops there.

One of the shops was a night stall where even guards and servants could eat cheap foods and wine. In the table in the corner, Qian Hui kept ordering food and wines. But he barely touched any food and gave most of it to Little Chi even though he hasn't eaten anything today. It was no wonder why he was so skinny.

"Good! Eat more! Drink more!" said Qian Hui while pouring out wine for Little Chi.

Meanwhile, the place was getting busier. A unique conversation between servants was heard.

"Hey did you hear about the First Young Master?"

"No... What's wrong with the First Young Master?"

"The First Young Master was gay!"

* Cough... Cough... *

The servant almost choked to death with his own food.

"Is that true!?"

Then several other tables also join the conversation.

"It's true I heard that as well!"

"Me too!"

"Are you f*cking serious!? What happened?"

"The First Young Master like to bring his partner and do it on the storage while no one's looking!"

"I don't believe it! There's no authenticity."

"It was confirmed. The First Elder and Second Young Master confirmed it themselves."

"This... The perfect First Young Master who never plays with any woman... It turns out, he likes to play with man..."

"Listen, you guys better not be homophobia. The First Elder and Second Young Master decided to support the First Young Master's way!"

"I see... If that's what the Second Young Master wants to, then I'll support the First Young Master!"

"Me too! I'll support the First Young Master!"

Qian Hui and Little Chi looked at the commotion. "Hee... Who would have thought the First Young Master was gay! So the person in the storage was the First Young Master."

Qian Hui knows this better than anybody here. He was the one who gives the First Elder the names of his friends who was gay. The next day, the First Elder visited him and said he changed his perspective of homosexuality after this investigations.

Time passes.

Little Chi has an unusually large appetite similar to Qian Lu. She was not satisfied with the little foods and wine but kept it to herself. No matter how much she drinks, she would not get drunk. In fact, the little bird doesn't even understand the definition of drunk.

"Hee hee... Little Chi is a nice bird!"

Meanwhile, Qian Hui already drank too much.

"As a nice bird... You should do everything I said... Okay!!"

The innocent little bird could only nod.

"Good... Hee... Hee... Make me laugh! Do an impression of someone!"

"..." Little Chi stayed in silence and tilted her head.

"Hmm... What's wrong... You... Don't know what's an impression?"

Little Chi nodded.

"An impression means... Doing someone else voice... Hee... Try doing the Second Young Master..." said Qian Hui while drinking more wine.

"Hello! Hello!" Little Chi said. However, the voice heard was not Little Chi's usual voice. It was really similar to Feng Ao Xiu.

"Ahhh... Very similar... Very similar..." Qian Hui clapped his hand loudly.

A female employee came and said, "Sir, you're too drunk! Please go home and not disturb the other customer."

"Hee... I'm not drunk..." Qian Hui swayed left and right. Looking at the female employee, he said, "Hee... Hee... I love you... Go out with me..."

"I love you! I love you! Go out with me! Go out with me!" Little Chi repeated.

"Hahaha... Good! Good!" Qian Hui applauded more loudly, "Do that more often... It makes everyone happy..."

"Hahaa! I love you! Go out with me!". Then, Qian Hui fell and passed out on the floor.

The female employee sighed, "This man passed out again... This is already the eight times!"


Feng Zhi Yan was in his home. But, he could hear the echo "I'll support the First Young Master!"

The more he listened to it, the more annoyed he gets.

Currently, most of the maids, especially around Feng Zhi Yan's room, has been changed to some handsome servant. They were carefully selected to satisfy the First Young Master's taste.

Every time he walked near them, the servant would give a flirty look to him. Then, he would get more annoyed.

[No mistake! This was intentional!]

However, Feng Zhi Yan could only smile back. And his smile made the servants blushed as well.

[Withstand it! They're spies!]

Yes! In Feng Zhi Yan's eyes, these men were spies that sent by Feng Ao Xiu. Feng Ao Xiu does not have to kill Feng Zhi Yan. Whether or not Feng Zhi Yan were spies, Feng Ao Xiu only needed to keep him in check.

By using the excuse of his newfound taste, Feng Ao Xiu has replaced the maids with the spies.

What's worse! Feng Zhi Yan has to pretend he was enjoying being teased by these servants. All of his actions were being watched, if somehow it was proven he was not a homosexual, then he would be the spy.

[Such a well thought out plan!!! Just you wait, Feng Ao Xiu!!!]


"Ehhh... They're not spies?" Feng Zhong Tian asked.

"Of course not. I sincerely want Brother Zhi Yan to be happy!" Feng Ao Xiu said.

Feng Zhong Tian twitched his eyes. He thought his son has laid out this plan from the start, that's why he did not interfere much.

"What about the spy? We're out of suspects!"

Feng Ao Xiu nodded, "Yes. There's nothing much we can do but be careful."

"Ack! That's right! That's right!" Little Chi screamed.

"Whoa! Since when you're here!" Feng Ao Xiu was surprised. Unknowingly, Little Chi was already on the top of his head.

Not long after, a maid came, "Second Young Master, the bath's ready."

"Thank you!" said Feng Ao Xiu.

The maid bowed, then she heard the voice of the Second Young Master, "I love you! I love you!"

The maid blushed, "Ehhh... Second Young Master... This is too sudden!"

[Wait! Who said that!?] Feng Ao Xiu was confused.

Little Chi said in Feng Ao Xiu's voice, "Go out with me! Go out with me!"

The face of the maid became red in happiness. She does not even realize the Second Young Master's mouth was not moving. She said, "Ummm... If that's what the Second Young Master wished for... I do not mind..."

[What the f*ck! I did not say that!] Feng Ao Xiu panicked.