Master You Never Gave Me Your Name!

"Princess... you're running away..."

The Princess nodded silently.

This confirmed most of the suspicion they had. There would be no way a girl with the status of a Princess would go to someone else's house without any servants or guards accompanying. It turns out she runs away from home.


"Hmmph..." The Little Princess pouted. "Father wants to break Qiao An's engagement with Big Brother Ao Xiu! But Qiao An likes Big Brother Ao Xiu..."


"Father said he will cancel the engagement until Big Brother Ao Xiu finish the business with those from other countries. But, Qiao An hates it, she wants to marry Big Brother Ao Xiu right away! That's why she runs away from home."

This was a big surprise. Especially to Feng Zhong Tian, a joyful smile pasted on his face. Because the Emperor wants to cancel the engagement, then he would do everything on his power to make sure it happens.

"Princess, I'm sorry... I know you like my son that much that you visit him here, but I cannot defy the Emperor's order." Feng Zhong Tian said those words with overbearing presence and aura. Although the words were put quite nicely, anyone would recognize it as a command of, "Go home and cancel the engagement!".

They thought the Princess would cry and begged the Clan Lord to let her stay here for a while. If she was facing Feng Ao Xiu, she would win for sure since Feng Ao Xiu was weak toward women. But, she met Feng Zhong Tian, the Clan Lord who placed his position as the most important than any women. He was ready to turn down the Princess and even brought her back to the Royal Palace himself if he has to.

However, quite to the contrary, the Princess was calm and unafraid.

"Okay! Qiao An will go home nicely..."

[Ehhh... That easy!?]

"But..." The Princess said again.

"But what!?" Feng Zhong Tian was not afraid of any kinds of schemes she might have.

"But, once Qiao An goes home, she will tell father everything."

"Haha... Go on tell him then!" Feng Zhong Tian laughed.

"That Qiao An visited the Feng Family and met with Big Brother Ao Xiu."

"Haha... Okay, go ahead!"

"And, that Big Brother Ao Xiu has dirtied Qiao An."

"Haha... Okay, go on... Wait! What!?"

"Father-in-law, please let Qiao An stay for a while!" The Princess said with a smile.

"Haha..." Feng Zhong Tian laughed once again, but this time it was a different kind of laugh. His imposing aura was gone and replaced with a light of kindness. "Of course you can! Princess is already like my own daughter, you can stay here anytime you like!"

The Princess jumped up and down in happiness, "Yay! Qiao An will live with Big Brother Ao Xiu!"

The three men who understood emitted cold sweats. The little Princess turned out to be quite a schemer.

She loves Feng Ao Xiu so much that she does not mind of creating false news where she was defiled. Even if the Feng Clan claimed it was a hoax, no one would believe them. No matter who, they would side with the innocent-looking little Princess.

Once the leaf has fallen from the tree, it won't attach back to the branch. The Emperor would do everything to make sure the Princess would marry to Feng Ao Xiu. From then on, everything would go downhill.

Thus, the only option left was to accept the Princess blackmail and slowly make sure she gets tired and bored with Feng Ao Xiu.

Princess Ming once again tugs Feng Ao Xiu's sleeve, "Brother Ao Xiu, continue the story!"


Three days have passed, and there was no sign of his master. He searched the whole area but found nothing except this small tower and the gate to the Lower Realm.

[What does that old man want? He asked me to acknowledge him as a master, but now he is gone.]

Feng Ao Xiu did not see a single soul in the past three days. Suddenly, a young passerby passed, he walked silently on the grass field.

Feng Ao Xiu called him from the top of the tower, "Excuse me!"

In the blink of an eye, the passerby suddenly already stands in front of Feng Ao Xiu. "Yes, how may I help you?"

Feng Ao Xiu was surprised. He concluded that this man was an expert, he could get here so fast.

"Did you see my master around here? Umm... He's old, a bit taller than me, and has a long white beard."

The passerby shook his head, "I'm sorry, but there's too many who matched that description. What's your master name?"

"His name is..."

[F*ck! Master you never gave me your name! How am I going to find you!?]

Feng Ao Xiu scratched his head, "I don't know..."

"You don't know your master's name?"

Feng Ao Xiu told him everything that happened. How he was trapped in the Dark Cloud Ravine, saved by his master, passed the trials and ended up in the place called the Upper Realm.

The passerby was shocked, "You're from the Lower Realm!? And, you passed the trials!?"

His shock was not without reason. There were only two paths for the people of the Lower Realm that takes the trial to reach the Upper Realm, either they become dead meat or a legend.

The people in the Lower Realm does not worth a dime. However, passing the trial means they were a superior genius of the Lower Realm and have what it takes to be a legend in the Upper Realm as well. Most importantly, they have a good foundation that either makes them strong or able to learn fast.

No one knows the exact number, but there are records of four powerful men who turn the entire Upper Realm upside down, and all of them come from the Lower Realm. There are also records of nine experts from the Lower Realm, even though they were not as good as the other four, they were still supreme experts. The last man comes from ten thousand years ago, and now a new one arrives.

The passerby couldn't believe it. He just met a future supreme expert, he must be polite and gain his favour in the future. "My name is Chen Hao. May I know your name?"

"No need to be so polite. My name is Feng Ao Xiu."

"I see, so it's Brother Ao Xiu. Nice to meet you!"

"Yeah... Nice to meet you too..."

[I know I just said no need to be polite, but to suddenly call me by the first name, Brother Ao Xiu is a bit.]

Chen Hao continued, "Brother Ao Xiu, you need to left your master behind. That mean person doesn't deserve to be your master. I know! Why don't you go to our sect, the Celestial Hundred Pavillion?"

Chen Hao grinned widely. If he could bring Feng Ao Xiu to the sect, he will definitely be promoted.

Feng Ao Xiu said, "I'm not sure! What if my master came back?"

"Brother Ao Xiu, you should leave him alone, you don't even know his name. Look at you, you're just a First Stage of Iron Realm, a weakling. Nobody would want you here, but our sect will certainly take you in."

Feng Ao Xiu gives up, "I guess you are right. I'll follow!"

Chen Hao clenched his fist in success.

[I did it! I brought him to our little sect.]

Little did Feng Ao Xiu know, he will be accepted into the best sect from the Upper Realm with his status of 'the resident of Lower Realm who has passed the trial'.

Feng Ao Xiu follows Chen Hao from behind. With Chen Hao reduced his speed to Feng Ao Xiu, they headed towards the Celestial Hundred Pavillion.

"What's the First Stage of Iron Realm?" Feng Ao Xiu asked.

Chen Hao explained, "The people of the Lower Realm called it the Iron Mortal Realm. It's a misconception from the Lower Realm! We called Iron Mortal, Iron Earth, and Iron Sky as the First, Second and Third Stage of Iron Realm. Somehow when it arrives in the Lower Realm, the name changed. Probably because it is harder to cultivate in the Lower Realm."

"It was 'stages' not 'realms'? Is it really that easy to cultivate in the Upper Realm."

Chen Hao said, "Try to feel the Qi in the air!"

Feng Ao Xiu did as he was told, and he was shocked.

[The Qi is too dense, and it's also very easy to grasp.]

Chen Hao laughed, "Surprised? The Qi in the area near the portal is like that of the Lower Realm. That's why nobody likes to go there. But outside of it, the Qi is denser and more suitable to cultivate."

"Brother Chen, what's your cultivation level?" Feng Ao Xiu asked again.

"Me? I'm in the Second Stage of Demon Gold Realm!"

"What's the Second Stage of the Demon Gold Realm?"

"What's the highest realm that you know?"

"Ancient Sky Realm."

"Demon Gold Realm is three realms above that!"

Feng Ao Xiu was astonished. A young man stronger than Ancient Sky Realm.


The Upper Realm was vast. It was better than he imagined.