It May Be Difficult but I Know You Can Do It!

[No! I must have heard it wrong. There is no way she will stab me with a spear. It must be a joke. Hahaha... she's just trying to make me laugh but just not good at it.]

Feng Ao Xiu paid no mind to it. He drank the Pure Qi, cultivates, and in a couple of minutes, he suddenly becomes the First Stage of Ancient Realm Cultivator.

[This Pure Qi is really great medicine! In a mere five minutes, I advance through the Jade Realm. Perhaps, I should learn how to make the Pure Qi.]

Jun Yin Ying smiled brightly, "Now, Disciple Ao Xiu is already an Ancient Realm Cultivator. Let's practice!"

"As I have said before, Disciple Ao Xiu only needs to stand there as I pierce this spear through your heart."

[Wait! It's not a joke! What the hell is she thinking!?]

Feng Ao Xiu could not help but ask, "Master Jun, what's the purpose of this training?"

Jun Yin Ying chuckled, "I see that Disciple Ao Xiu is confused. But don't worry! I will never hurt my most treasured disciple without reason."

"The purpose of this training is to train your Qi so you could get used to pain. The more painful it is, the sooner Disciple Ao Xiu can withstand the pain. You will surely become the most invincible man alive."

[What the hell!? That doesn't make any sense! Once it hurts, it will always hurt. It's better to learn to dodge and to defend rather than withstanding pain.]

However, Feng Ao Xiu did not dare to say it directly to his master, "I see! I guess it means Master Jun has already mastered the way of withstanding pain."

"Of course!" Jun Yin Ying nodded.

"..." Feng Ao Xiu waited for a while, but his master did not say anything anymore. "Ummm... Is that it?"

"Yup!" Jun Yin Ying nodded.

"You're not going to tell me how you did it?"

"Disciple should experience it by yourself. There's no need for me to tell."

"Then... What should I do?"

"As I said before, Disciple Ao Xiu only need to stand there and do nothing."

"Aren't you going to give me some kind of advice on how to do this?"

"Advice? Ummm... I guess not. But if I have to say something... Do your best to survive!"


[F*ck!] Feng Ao Xiu cursed in his heart. Not only the training program was ridiculous, but his master also did not say anything about her experience in this training. Nor did she give him any useful advice. Isn't this the same as telling him to go and die!?

After thinking about it for quite some time, he did not see any advantage to being pierced by a spear. He decided to say it directly "I don't see anything useful about this training. Furthermore, I don't think I can withstand the pain either."

"Disciple Ao Xiu doesn't like it, then just block it. Besides, with the injuries, you also can learn and improve your recovery technique." Jun Yin Ying replied.

[How could I block it? I can't handle your massive strength. And, how could I learn recovery technique? I'm not a doctor!]

Feng Ao Xiu wants to retort but hold back.

"Master Jun, I need to use the restroom." In the end, Feng Ao Xiu makes an excuse, then he runs to the door.

Suddenly, Jun Yin Ying smile was gone, and her eyes turned cold. She really hates it when her disciple is slacking off. With just slightly raising of one of her hand, a small pillar of ice rose from the ground entrapping Feng Ao Xiu's leg.

Feng Ao Xiu couldn't move, the ice was too strong. He also can't break it. How could he? His cultivation level was several realms lower than his master.

"Disciple Ao Xiu, let's practice first!"

Jun Yin Ying gives a wicked smile, as she walks closer to Feng Ao Xiu while holding a large and long spear. She pulled the spear slowly, as the spearhead aiming toward Feng Ao Xiu's heart.

"Wait!" Feng Ao Xiu breaks out in cold sweat.

Jun Yin Ying throws the spear right into Feng Ao Xiu's heart.

Feng Ao Xiu defends it with all his might, but alas, his power could not compare. The defence he made destroyed the moment the spear touched it.

"Aaaaaarrrrgghhhhhh!!!" A loud scream was heard throughout the entire house.

Fortunately, Jun Yin Ying did not use her entire power. She could have easily killed Feng Ao Xiu if she wants to. But she purposely matched her strength so it would hurt Feng Ao Xiu so bad but still not enough to kill him.

At that moment, Feng Ao Xiu realized something. The person in front of him wasn't just an ordinary beautiful woman. She was a crazy demon who enjoyed to hurt and torture people for fun.

Feng Ao Xiu sustained his life by reinforcing his Qi into his heart. If he was late even by a single second, he would already be dead by now.

He slowly pulls out the spear from his heart and throws it to the ground. His face was pale, and his breath was heavy. He couldn't think of anything but recovering his heart and wound by reinforcing more Qi on it. Slowly, the Qi helped him recover.

The aura of Jun Yin Ying has changed back to kind and friendly just like before, "See! I know Disciple Ao Xiu can do it!"

"Today's practice is over! Disciple Ao Xiu can rest now."

Feng Ao Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

[At least this is the end, except this practice everything else is safe.]

Jun Yin Ying said, "Tomorrow, Disciple Ao Xiu will eat a meal full of poison, swims in a lava pond, and stabbed with one hundred knives! It may be difficult, but I know you can do it!"

Feng Ao Xiu's mouth twitched. I need to run away!


In the middle of the night, Feng Ao Xiu prepared to run away from Celestial Hundred Pavillion. He went through the front door.

Jun Yin Ying suddenly appears out of nowhere and asked, "Disciple Ao Xiu, where are you going?"

[She found out! Did she know I'm trying to run away.]

Feng Ao Xiu panicked for a moment but quickly thinking of a reason.

"Ah... Umm... I'm just walking around."

"It's dangerous walking by yourself! I'll go with you!"

[You want to come along!? Then, it missed the whole point of running away!]

"Hahaa..." Feng Ao Xiu smiled bitterly, "Never mind, I changed my mind."

Then, he goes back to his room.


After another hour passed, Feng Ao Xiu decided to run away again. This time, he tried to use the back door.

Just before, he reached the door, Feng Ao Xiu looked around. After confirming there was no one, then he sighed a breath of relief.

[Good! No one's here!]

But, when he opened the door, Jun Yin Ying was already on the other side.

"Disciple Ao Xiu, where are you going?"

Feng Ao Xiu, "..."


Feng Ao Xiu opened the window on the second floor.

Jun Yin Ying was sitting on top of the branch of a tree that was hanging across the window.

"Disciple Ao Xiu..."


Feng Ao Xiu went out through the chimney.

Jun Yin Ying was sitting on top of the roof.

"Disciple Ao Xiu..."


Feng Ao Xiu gave up. Running away was not an option. So, he decided to go back to his room and rest.

The Celestial Hundred Pavillion was a small, even with twenty-eight disciples was already quite a lot. Thus, he was roomed together with three other male disciples, including Chen Hao.

"See... I told you, you can't run away." Chen Hao said.

Feng Ao Xiu frowned. Yes, Chen Hao has previously warned him before he attempts to escape. But, Feng Ao Xiu could not help but tried to anyway.

"Is the other disciples like this as well?" Feng Ao Xiu asked.

Chen Hao nodded. "I was there when the Fourth Elder's got her disciple number one hundred and thirty-four. Anyway, that disciple died in ten days."

"They all have tried, but none can run away. The Fourth Elder was very protective of her disciples. You may not notice it, but the Fourth Elder has imbued a Qi on you, and it will notify her every time you tried to run away."

"!!!" Feng Ao Xiu checked his body. He channelled his Qi, trying to find where the Qi her master has imbued on.

"No need to search, it's on the back of your neck," said Chen Hao. "But, even if you found it, no ordinary person could erase it. Even the second strongest First Elder could not do it."

Feng Ao Xiu sat down on his bed dejectedly.

"None of them survive?"

Chen Hao shook his head, "The longest one is three weeks."

"And, the average is about ten days." said a roommate.

"The shortest one is two days." another roommate said with a laugh.

Just hearing by those numbers, Feng Ao Xiu was surprised. Does that mean his life was at most another twenty days?

"But, how could the other elders allow this? It was unethical for a master to kill her disciple!" said Feng Ao Xiu.

"This matter was a bit complicated..." Chan Hao said. "Currently, the Fourth Elder is the strongest. No one has the power to drive her out."

"That's right." said the roommate. "If you're the strongest you can do anything. Just cover it up in the name of training, and it will be fine."

The other roommate nodded. "I remember... she was saying something about training Qi to withstand pain. But, does that really works well on the other elder, that they couldn't do anything?"

"That is one part," said Chen Hao. "But, the biggest reason she was not thrown out of the sect is the fact she never killed any of the disciples directly."

"Huh? She didn't kill anyone!?" Feng Ao Xiu asked curiously.

The other two roommates also perked up their ears and listened to Chen Hao.

"You guys don't know?" Chen Hao said. "Apparently, all of them died of suicide."

Holy sh*t! That's even worse! She tortured them until they lose their mind, that they decided to kill themselves.