Please Tell Me You're Not Married!

"So, that's the story..." Feng Ao Xiu opened his eyes as he reminisced about the past. His voice was hoarse from telling the story. "I think that's enough for now."

"Eh... But it's not finished yet!"

"That's right! Qiao An wants to hear more about Big Brother Ao Xiu!"

"Second Young Master, you must be kidding us... How could you just end it in the middle of a cliffhanger!?"

"Ack! Tell more! Tell more!"

"All this story makes me hungry..."

Except for Qian Lu, the others want to hear the continuation of the story.

"Let's continue tomorrow, it's getting late." Feng Ao Xiu pointed at one of the windows, the sky almost getting dark. "Besides we have more pressing matters to attend to!"

"Oh... That..." Feng Zhong Tian frowned.

Feng Ao Xiu was referring to the match with the Fanged Wolf Temple. But, the only reason it happened in the first place because of his son fell in love with Yang Xue Yi. But, at the same time, it was also his son who keep the Clan Lord position for him. In this kind of situation, Feng Zhong Tian just did not know whether to help his son or not.

But, then he glanced at the women in the room, Princess Ming and Little Chi.

Feng Ao Xiu and Qian Hui nodded. If they were to have a meeting, the words that will be used going to be sensitive. It would include conversation like how Feng Ao Xiu himself won't take part in the battle or the pure coloured spirit stones, and many others.

Currently, these two were not the person they could entrust the secret with. Although Little Chi was bribed, in the end, she was still an enemy. And, Princess Ming was too dangerous, her connection with the Royal Family would surely be a threat to them.

Feng Zhong Tian coughed and said, "Could we men have some conversation alone?"

"No!" The Princess pouted, "What kind of conversation would you guys have alone? Qiao An is curious, she's going to stay and listen!"

"Me too! Me too!" Little Chi screamed.

"It's okay then..." Feng Ao Xiu.

[No matter how much we told them to leave, they won't listen, persuading them will be useless. In that case, we just have to use another word to describe the conversation.]

Feng Ao Xiu said, "Not enough pretty rock!"

"Not enough!?" Feng Zhong Tian and Qian Hui asked.

Feng Zhong Tian sighed, "So, in the end, it comes down to the pretty rock!"

Of course, the "pretty rock" here meant "pure coloured spirit stones" Besides, the three men, none of them understand what they're talking about.

"Pretty rock? Why do you guys want some rocks? Qiao An doesn't understand!"

"Jewellery! Jewellery!" Little Chi said the first thing came into her mind.

"Why are you guys talking about jewellery all of a sudden?" asked Qian Lu. "Big Brother, please explain to me what's going on!"

Feng Ao Xiu ignored them and continued, "We need a lot, at least five hundred pretty rocks are needed. If we ask, then the Xie Clan would give at most three hundred."

"We got to buy it someplace else then." Qian Hui said.

"This is hard, I don't know where to buy them..." said Feng Zhong Tian.

They replaced the word "find" with "buy", the more they've encrypted, the harder it would be detected.

Suddenly, Princess Ming slightly bowed her head, "Qiao An apologized!"

"Eh... Princess, why do you apologize?" Feng Ao Xiu said. "There's nothing to apologize for..."

"No, Qiao An is sorry! Please forgive her curiosity!" The Princess gets up from her seat. "Qiao An could be so stubborn sometimes... She just realizes that you men were talking about the dowry for marriage between Big Brother Ao Xiu and Qiao An."

"Huh!!!" The three men exclaimed.

"Little Chi, Qian Lu, Let's go! Then, If you would excuse her, she will wait in the room next door."

The Princess accompanied by the fat guard, and the little bird quickly made their way out of the room.


The three men wanted to say something. But, nothing comes out of their mouth. How could they explain this? If they really tell the truth, then it means telling the secret about the pure coloured spirit stones.

Feng Zhong Tian was especially frustrated. He saw the Princess left the room with her face blushed red and a bright smile plastered.

"F*ck! We just made her happier! She's gonna stay here forever!"


Meanwhile, at the same time in another place.

A beautiful woman wearing light green robes was walking down the street. Her beautiful face shines brightly like the sun. The way she walks was elegant and beautiful. Everywhere she goes, a cool breeze will follow, making everyone near her feels at peace.

The male passerby couldn't help but stare.

"Who's that lady? She's so beautiful!"

"Is she one of the three Xiang Lan Fairies?"

"No! She is as beautiful as the Xiang Lan Fairies. But she's not one of them!"

Some men went closer to her. If it is the three Xiang Lan Fairies, then they would not dare. The three Xiang Lan Fairies will always have bodyguards or spies watching them. They get close, they died. However, this pretty woman was alone, and it seems no one is watching her. She must be a commoner.

"Hello, beautiful! Want to have some tea with me?"

The woman chuckled, "Thank you for the offer. But sorry, I'm busy!"

"Please tell me you're not married!"

The woman giggled in happiness, "I'm not!"

The surrounding men jumped out of happiness. Perhaps one of them could acquire this pretty lady.

One of them asked, "Where are you from? I've not seen you before."

"I'm from..."

Suddenly, a guard shouted, "Make way! The Fourth Young Master of Dong Clan is coming through!"

All of them, including the beautiful woman, move to the side. The people began whispering to each other.

"Look It's Dong Lei! The Fourth Young Master from the upper-tier of Dong Clan!"

"Sh*t! What is he doing here!?"

"He probably wants to torture someone again!"

Dong Lei rides a big black horse. He looks left and right searching for something. Then, he stopped in front of an old woman.

Without any reason, he shouted, "Granny, why are you looking at me like that!? Are you looking for a fight?"

The old woman got confused, "I'm looking at nothing..."

"Shut up!! You want to say I'm wrong!?"

The old woman kneeled on the ground, "I'm sorry! Fourth Young Master Dong, please forgive me!"

Dong Lei took out a whip and scoffed. He laughed loudly, "Hahaa... It's too late, you must be punished!!"

The crowd could only helplessly watch the old woman.

"Poor that old woman! She will die!"

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do to help!"

A whip launched fiercely toward the old woman, but before it hits, a hand blocks it. It was the beautiful girl from before.

"Please don't hit her, she did nothing wrong!"

Dong Lei was surprised someone dares to stop him. But, he is even more shocked that the one who interrupts him was a beautiful woman. This must be his lucky day!

"You dare to mess with me, the great Dong Lei! Guards, arrest her and bring her back to my room!"

Dong Lei smiled viciously, "Heehee... Pretty girl, you should be grateful to me for not killing you. You can become my seventh concubine, Wahahahaha..."

The people-watching sighed, "Poor girl! She should just have stayed quiet!"

"Another flower was taken by Dong Lei!"

The bulky and vicious guards said, "Woman! Come with us or suffer the consequences!"

The woman shook her head.

"In that case, don't blame us, in case you get hurt!"

Two guards jump toward the beautiful woman. But before they could touch her, an ice spike was created in mid-air. The ice launched toward them fastly and killed the two guards on the spot!

Everyone could not believe what they see. Especially Dong Lei, his jaw dropped so much, you could put an egg in his mouth.

[Holy sh*t! This woman is an expert! She just killed two Jade Mortal Realm Experts in one hit! She must be at least an Ancient Mortal Realm Expert!]

[What should I do!? I just said I will make her my concubine! I will be dead.]

Dong Lei immediately kneeled down, "I'm sorry! I will definitely not do it anymore!"

"Guards! What are you doing? Help this granny up! She is so dirty, so wash her and give her the best food and clothes!"

The beautiful woman smiled, "That's right! A man should treat women with respect!"

She cutely puts her index finger on her chin, "You are a righteous man who can admit his mistake. Do you want to be my disciple?"

Dong Lei could not believe what he just heard. Not only he's easily forgiven, but he could also have such a strong and beautiful woman as his master. This is really his lucky day!

He quickly kneeled down and cupped his hands, "Dong Lei greets Master!"

The beautiful woman smiles, "Nice to meet you, Disciple Lei. I'm Jun Yin Ying."

"Let's go meet with your senior!"