Everyone Can Be One

"My senior is Feng Ao Xiu!?"

"That's right!" Jun Yin Ying nodded, "Does Disciple Lei know him?"

"Of course! Everybody in Xiang Lan Nation knows him. The Ancient Earth Realm at only eighteen years old, everyone adores and looked up to him." Dong Lei explained passionately. "But still... to have the same master as Feng Ao Xiu, just how lucky can I be?"

[Hmmm... Disciple Ao Xiu is an Ancient Earth Realm? Is his meridian not broken? What is happening? But I'm sure he got his reason, I should not preach too much.]

"Since Disciple Lei know Disciple Ao Xiu, then please take me to him!"

"Leave it to me!" Dong Lei thumped up his chest. "However, it's getting late... How about Master Jun rest at the Dong Clan Residence for tonight? We could visit senior tomorrow."

Jun Yin Ying as a residence of the Upper Realm, she has limited time of staying in the Lower Realm. She has done her research in the Upper Realm and wants to tell a piece of good news for her disciple, Feng Ao Xiu. With the limited time she has, that's why she wanted to meet Feng Ao Xiu as soon as possible.

[But... I suppose a night would not hurt... Besides, there's still a few days left.]

"All right, we could also have some training. Lead the way!"

Soon, Jun Yin Ying and Dong Lei arrived at Dong Clan Residence.

Dong Lei's father, the Clan Lord of Dong Clan, frowned upon seeing his son brought a woman. After all, Dong Lei was not a favoured son.

"You brought another concubine? This is already the seventh one! Don't you understand, how would other people see me know one of my sons has lots of concubines without a single wife?"

The usual Dong Lei would shut up and behave carefully when his father scolded him. But, he was different now. With such a strong master behind him, he's not afraid of anything.

"Dong Wui, watch your mouth! She's not my concubine! Don't you know who you're talking to!?"

"What!? What did you call me!" The Clan Lord was startled, and his face quickly turned into anger. "You dare to call your own father by his name! Dong Lei, it seems I have not taught you properly... However, that ends now! Let me teach you a lesson!"

The Clan Lord slowly launched himself toward Dong Lei. He raised his arms in the air, prepared to slap his unfilial son hardly. Yet, before it hits, his hand was stopped by Jun Yin Ying with just two fingers.

"Please don't hurt my disciple."

"To stop me with just two fingers! Woman, who are you!?"

Suddenly, the Clan Lord felt a cold Qi aura running down through his spine. He instinctively jumped back. He believed, if he did not fall back, he would already be dead.

However, the aura he felt continued to suppress him. The cold Qi aura was several times superior to his. Although he was already a Jade Mortal Realm Expert, he could not help but afraid of this young woman.

"I am Jun Yin Ying, Dong Lei's Master." Jun Yin Ying said calmly.

The Clan Lord finally understood. No wonder, Dong Lei become so confident and unafraid of him. It turns out, Dong Lei already finds himself a master.

The Clan Lord of the Dong Clan changed his attitude all of a sudden. "Master Jun, please don't be angry. It was just a bad joke. Please don't take anything I said before seriously."

He glanced to Dong Lei as well. "My son, Lei, you should have informed your father when you get home. Otherwise, I can't prepare tasty food for you to eat."

Jun Yin Ying was not only powerful, but she was also attractive that makes the Clan Lord wants to take her as his concubine himself. He does not know how Dong Lei, the bottommost of his sons could find such a master. But if such expert accepted Dong Lei as her disciple, it means Dong Lei has hidden capabilities of some sort.

Dong Lei boastfully buffed up his chest. Although it was only temporary, he still could not believe his father was so kind to him. He could not remember the last time his father gave him such a kind word.

[Having such a strong master is awesome!]

Soon, Dong Lei's mother, brothers, sisters, and even uncles and aunts were here, to greet him and his master.

Dong Lei's mother cried, "My dear Lei, is it true you've become a disciple to a strong expert? Is it true that you are Feng Ao Xiu's junior?"

"It's true! This is my master, Master Jun Yin Ying. Moreover, my senior is Feng Ao Xiu!"

Jun Yin Ying nodded.

Dong Lei's family were filled with awe. They really could not believe what happened. They did not believe it at all. But, after the Clan Lord assured them of Jun Yin Ying's strength, they were finally convinced.

Dong Lei bragged about his achievement all day long. And, he exactly got what he wants, respect from his family.

Dong Lei's father, "Lei, I've decided to appoint you as my successor!"

His brother, "I'm jealous! But, you've proven me wrong!"

His mother, "I will brag to everyone about how wonderful my son become!"

Dong Lei was the weakest of all the young masters of the Dong Clan. His father and mother usually ignored him, his brothers despised him. He takes out his frustration and anger at the commoners. But, in one day, all of it changed.

Right now, he is the best among his family.

He will no longer be ignored. No longer be despised.

This is the beginning of the new Dong Lei.

Jun Yin Ying stands up, "Disciple Lei, why don't we start practising now?"

"I see! We won't interrupt then!"

"Thank you very much! Please don't mind us, and use whatever room you like!"

Dong Lei was full of energy. He couldn't wait to see what kind of ultimate move he will learn under such a supreme expert.

Jun Yin Ying and Dong Lei headed into one of the practice room.

Soon, a hideous shriek comes from inside the room. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhh!!!"


The rest of the Dong Family were still in the living room.

The Clan Lord laughed, "Hahaa... With such a strong master, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes an Ancient Realm Expert!"

Dong Lei's mother said worriedly, "What should I do? I always neglect him because I thought he was useless... What if he comes to hate me?"

One of the Dong Clan's young master followed, "Ahh... That's right, me too."

"Don't worry about it. It's not too late! From now on, we should treat Lei nicely."

The others nodded at the Clan Lord's words.


Then, they heard that sound.

"Is it Lei's sound?"

"Yes, It's him! But, why does it sound like he's hurt?"

"Of course not! It's the sound of happiness!"

"Hahaha... He must be happy receiving such a great skill. It also makes me happy!"


The next day, early in the morning.

"Wuuwuuwuwuu..." Jun Yin Ying was sitting alone in the living room while crying.

The Clan Lord just passed and noticed the beautiful woman crying.

"What happens? Master Jun, please tell me anything! Is there any kind of inconveniences that would make you cry?"

Jun Yin Ying shook her head, "It's not that..."

"Is it Lei?"

"Um!" Jun Yin Ying nodded.

The Clan Lord frowned. It was true that Dong Lei has the potential, but his personality could not be fixed right away. It was known that he could not concentrate more than an hour when training or learning a skill.

Furthermore, he was sure Jun Yin Ying's personality does not allow her to be hard, she could not force Dong Lei to train. Then, she cried because of it.

"Ughh... That child..." The Clan Lord sighed. "Where is he?"

While still crying, Jun Yin Ying pointed to one of the room.

The Clan Lord strides to the direction she pointed. He tucked his sleeved to his upper arm. "With such a strong master, how could you not train..."

He opened the door.

"Lei! How dare you... How dare you..."


The Clan Lord did not know what to say. What he saw in front of him was a corpse of his son, Dong Lei.

The condition of the corpse was hideous, It was like, he was tortured before he dies. But, there's two-point to be noted.

First, there were stabbing wounds from knives on every inch of his body. On the leg area, there were about twenty knives stabbed the corpse. But, none of them hit the vital point, this was not the reason he's dead.

Second, was the blunt force on Dong Lei's head. This one strike with a punch was the one that killed him. But something was weird... Dong Lei's right hand was forming a fist, and there was a gulp of blood on it.

"This... This is suicide?"

The Clan Lord's brain works really fast.

[Sucide... Lei's scream from last night... These knives were not the property of the Dong Clan, it must be from Master Jun... But the weirdest thing is such a supreme expert wants to take Lei as a disciple...]

Everything was connected!

Suddenly he heard a voice.

"So, you're Disciple Lei's older brother?" asked Jun Yin Ying.

"That's right! I'm better and more hard-working than Lei!"

Jun Yin Ying chuckled, "I like your confidence! Would you like to be my disciple?"

Dong Lei's older brother could not believe what he heard. It turns out he also has the potential to be a supreme expert. That's right, he was better than Dong Lei anyway. If Dong Lei deserved it, how could he not?

He immediately knelt down and said, "I acc..."

The Clan Lord as fast as lightning launched himself towards his son and tried to close his son's mouth.

"I accept! Dong Xue greets Master Jun!"

"Nooooo!!" The Clan Lord shouted, but it was already too late.

How could this have happened? It's okay if it's Dong Lei, but Dong Xue was his best and strongest son.

"Ah! Disciple Lei's father... I'm sorry of what happened to Disciple Lei." Jun Yin Ying said. "But, I'll make it up to you. I'll teach Dong Xue to be the greatest!"

"But why did you shout 'no' from earlier? Could it be... Are you jealous? Don't worry, you also have the potential. Would you like to be my disciple as well?"

Jun Yin Ying does not take any account of what age, gender, status, or even levels to be her disciple. Everyone can be one.

The Clan Lord, "..."