Lost a Lot of Weight

Qian Hui was taken to the base of Silver Hands Owl by the young man in black. He was immediately questioned by the first member he met there. He was also senior with quite a close age to Qian Hui.

"Who are you?"

"Senior, How could you have forgotten your friend?" It was not Qian Hui that answered but the junior member who brought him here, "It's Senior Yu Liang!"

"Yu Liang..." The senior member squinted his eyes to look at the one called Yu Liang. "You look a bit different..."

"How am I different?" Qian Hui was sweating profusely. "It's probably just your imagination..."

"No! No! Something is really different... It doesn't look like the usual Yu Liang..." After thinking for quite a moment, the member exclaimed, "I know!!!"

Qian Hui gulped. Could his real identity was already discovered?

"Yu Liang, you've lost a lot of weight."

"Hahaa..." Qian Hui laughed wryly, "That's right, how did you know?"

"Oh please! Just looking at you already tells a lot. Look at how skinny you are! The mission there must be so harsh that you don't have time to eat..."

"Yes, it was difficult... You know that my mission is in that place, right?"

The senior member nodded, "Yeah... The North Sheng Country!"

"Yes, North Sheng Country is far away, and the situation is not really good either. You know how it is there..."

"Ah... It must be cold there. The North Sheng Country is not called the Snow Country for nothing! I also heard that the food there is scarce and the people are really hungry."

Qian Hui nodded, "Yes, it was cold and harsh... Especially with my difficult mission. You know what's my mission, right?"

"Haha... Of course, I know! Your mission is to infiltrate the Sheng Royal Palace and gain their trust, so you can gain their information." The senior member said proudly. "But, how come you're returning early? The mission is supposed not until another year."

"For this kind of mission, three years is taking too long. I already finished it. I gain their trust and can access their information whenever I want!"

"Wow! You're awesome! Your master would really be proud of you..." The senior member closed his mouth quickly. His eye changed to a sad expression... Then, he slowly opened it again, "Ah... That's right... Yu Liang, it's regarding your master..."

[F*ck! Yu Liang has a master!? If I meet him, he definitely will know I'm not Yu Liang!] Qian Hui began sweating again, "What about my master?"

"Your master... He's dead!"

"What did you say!?" shouted Qian Hui. [Yes!]

"What happened!?" Qian Hui acted really angry and sad at the same time. His acting was so realistic that it was impossible to think that he's not Yu Liang.

"He's killed..."

"What!?" Qian Hui acted really angry. "Who is it!? Who killed him!?"

"It's Feng Ao Xiu!"

"Where is that Feng Ao Xiu!?" Qian Hui rolled up his sleeves. He's showed his anger by exposing his muscle, but there's nothing there, just skin and bones. "I will kill Feng... Wait! Feng Ao Xiu!?"

"A couple of days ago, your master and He Min tried to steal some spirit stones from Feng Ao Xiu. But, your master died in the hands of Feng Ao Xiu!"

"Tell me more!"

Then, the senior members told him everything. How the elder, Yu Liang's master infiltrated the Feng Clan with He Min, including the purpose, throughout every single detail that he knew about.

"...So, that's it. If you want to know more, you should ask He Min."

"..." Qian Hui did not know what to say.

[It's that thief that corpse looks ugly? But, Second Young Master couldn't possibly kill him...]

"Yu Liang, I know you're sad and depressed. You can't possibly get your revenge if your opponent is Feng Ao Xiu." The senior member patted on Qian Hui's shoulder, "But, don't worry! The Silver Hands Owl will give you your vengeance. The Silver Hands Owl were planning to go on a war with the Yang Clan, we will get Feng Ao Xiu somehow."

"Why don't you ask Elder Ling Jue and see if you can take part in his plan to annihilate the Feng Clan?"

"..." Qian Hui was dumbfounded. [But, I'm from the Feng Clan...]

Not long after, the junior member brought Qian Hui before Kong Ling Jue. "Elder, Senior Yu Liang is here to meet you!"

"Huh!? Yu Liang is back?"

Qian Hui bowed and respectfully greeted Kong Ling Jue, "Hello, Elder Ling Jue. I've returned."

"Yu Liang... You look a bit different... It seems I have seen that face before somewhere else..."

"After the mission in North Sheng Country, I've lost a lot of weight. The weather was cold over there, and the food was scarce. That must be why I look different."

"Ah... You're right..." Kong Ling Jue wants to say that he looks a little bit like Qian Hui of Feng Ao Xiu's bodyguard. However, according to Chang Jian, Qian Hui was already dead. Furthermore, to know so much about the mission he received, it could only be Yu Liang himself.

"So, how come you're back so early?"

"I already gained the trust of the Royal Family. Thus I see no need to stay there any longer and decided to return her for the time being."

"I see... and I presume you're here to take revenge for your master."

Qian Hui nodded, anger and determination were inflicted in his eye. His acting skills were high that even Kong Ling Jue himself could not detect his lie.

"You could join my plan... But it's very dangerous!" Kong Ling Jue sighed. "Feng Ao Xiu has already killed two men, your master and one of our best disciple, Wan Xun. This is a highly dangerous mission, are you ready?"

Keeping up with his acting, Qian Hui nodded.

"Okay, I have a mission for you. Go and infiltrate the Feng Clan! Together with two other members. You three have to gain Feng Ao Xiu and his close aide Qian Lu's trust. It will be completed once you were able to gain information regarding the secret of Feng Ao Xiu's spirit stones that he has been collecting."

Kong Ling Jue smiled, "How is it? It's not that different from your mission in the North Sheng Country! However, be careful, Feng Ao Xiu will kill you even if you show a slight mistake."

"I'll do it!"

[Be careful my ass! I've already gained his trust! And, he's not a cultivator, he can't even kill a fly, how's he going to kill me!?]

[It's you who should be careful!]