For an Easy Mission Like This?

"Is this it?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it!"

Five men were looking at one of the gates to the Feng Clan Residence from afar. They were none other than the members of Silver Hands Owl. Their mission was to infiltrate the Feng Clan as a spy, gain Feng Ao Xiu or his confidant's trust, and get all the information they're hiding. These five were carefully selected to proceed with this mission since they all have experience in this.

The oldest was already in the late fifties, a Jade Earth Realm Expert, Elder Zhang Le of the Silver Hands Owl. As he was the most experienced out of the five, he leads the others to infiltrate in different ways.

"Let's review our plan!"

He said to the other four with a low voice, but his gaze did not lack seriousness and confidence.

"First, I will pretend to be a weapon merchant and sells around Feng Ao Xiu's residence. To make this plan work, I've already killed all the other competitors and will kill more if others show up. Then, I'll slowly sell some weapons for the members of the Feng Clan, and soon my reputation will rise. Using that opportunity, I can meet Feng Ao Xiu and bait him by saying that I also sell the spirit stones he's looking for."

The other four could not help but nod. Elder Zhang Le' plan was really elaborate and detailed. Although it will take quite some time, overall it's still a safe plan. Furthermore, he already collected about a dozen of the spirit stones that Feng Ao Xiu wants, it will become easy once Feng Ao Xiu was baited.

"Next, Huang Xu Ji."

Huang Xu Ji was the youngest one to participate in this mission. His level was only Second Stage of Abstract Spirit Realm, but his deception skills far surpassed the other of his age.

"I will pretend to be one of the young members of the Feng Clan named Feng Xiao Shi. I'll be sure to befriend Feng Ao Xiu's most favourite junior. Feng Yu Wei and Feng Qiu Han. My sources tell me they both know something that the others don't."

Elder Zhang Le nodded. He neither approved nor denied Huang Xu Ji's plan. What Huang Xu Ji chose was quite easy but the validity of whether the two juniors know what Feng Ao Xiu's hiding cannot be confirmed.

"Next, Liu Di!"

Liu Di joined the Silver Hands Owl since they were little. He was still young in the early twenties, but as an all-star thief who specialized in all kinds of things including lying, stealing, hiding, and assassination. His skills will be a great asset in this unknown environment.

"When a servant of Feng Ao Xiu's residence goes out, I killed him. I'll disguise myself as him and entered the Feng Ao Xiu's residence directly. I know it'll be dangerous, but my target is not Feng Ao Xiu but his father, Feng Zhong Tian."

Elder Zhang Le nodded one more time. This one could achieve the quickest result. However, it's dangerous to pretend to be someone that already exists, given the time, a cultivator with good eyes could tell the difference. Still, if Liu Ji was careful and did not approach Feng Ao Xiu carelessly, he has a chance of completing the mission.

"Next, Yu Liang!"

Yu Liang nodded. "I'll pretend to be a new guard and make way to Feng Ao Xiu."

"..." Elder Zhang Le waited for him to continue.

"...That's it!"

"Eh? That's it!?"

Everyone expected a great plan since Yu Liang was one of the senior and a future elder. However, his answer was short and not detailed, it was somewhat unexpected.

Elder Zhang Le frowned. "Please tell us in more detail?"

"Like what?"

"Like what's your fake name going to be? And what guard's division are you entering?"

"Hmmm..." Yu Liang rested his chin on his hand, thinking before replying. It was apparent that he's not prepared at all. "My name will be Qiu Hao."

"Then, I'll be Feng Ao Xiu's bodyguard!"

Everyone was baffled. What Yu Liang just said was outstanding, but that's under the assumption he can do it. The other looked at Yu Liang with a confused look. Their view of him was changed, especially Huang Xiu Ji and Liu Di who used to look up to him.

[Did you think you can directly be a Feng Ao Xiu's personal bodyguard!? The world will be over before you can do it?]

[What kind of plan is that!? Even my grandma can make a better one! Are you really, Senior Yu Liang!?]

Even Elder Zhang Le questioned him.

"That plan? Are you joking with me..."

"Elder, please calm down!" At this time, the only member who hasn't told his plan finally speaks up. "Yu Liang did not say it intentionally, we just lost our master... please don't take it into mind!"

"...Don't do it again!" It was true the lost of one master can be devastating to the heart. With that in mind, Elder Zhang Le forgives Yu Liang.

"Elder does not have to worry. I'll take care of Yu Liang, we will work together this time. We will tell you our plan the next time we meet."

"All right... Everyone, dismiss and do your job!"

Elder Zhang Le, Xu Huang Ji and Liu Di soon disperse to do their own plan, leaving only two men behind.

"Yu Liang, what's wrong with you? I know that you're angry about our master's death, but you should not speak carelessly like that!"

The men who defended Yu Liang and scold him just now was Yu Liang's childhood friend and sworn brother, Yuan Bao Shang. Yu Liang and he were under the tutelage of the same master, and they knew each other very well.

They were close but unfortunately they only just met this morning for the first time in ten years. Ten years ago, Yuan Bao Shang was dispatched on a mission, it took him more than 8 years to finish it. By the time he got back, Yu Liang was on a mission to North Sheng Country.

They finally met in the morning but could not recognize each other. Yuan Bao Shang was full of scars, and his skin got darker. Meanwhile, Yu Liang lost a lot of weight, and his attitude became colder. Nevertheless, Yuan Bao Shang was happy to see his brother back.

"Speak carelessly? Me? In your dreams!! I got the best plan among them all. Don't you dare interrupt me again!?"

Yuan Bao Shang sighed. Yet, even after they were assigned a mission together, Yu Liang was still cold towards him. Perhaps, Yu Liang got brain damage somehow, that's also explained why he's making such a useless plan.

"Look! Why don't you follow along with my plan? I got a great one..."

However, Yu Liang seemed to think otherwise. "What!? You're the one who should follow my plan!"

Yuan Bao Shang sighed again. He didn't know what makes Yu Liang become such hard-headed.

"Okay! Okay! But, if yours didn't work, you have to follow with mine."

"All right!" Yu Liang nodded. "Now, follow me!"

"Eh? Straight into the gate? Just like this?" Yuan Bao Shang was confused.


"But, what about disguise? Or at least acquiring some information first?"

"For an easy mission like this? Are you crazy? Those things are not needed!"

Yuan Bao Shang was convinced. His brother, Yu Liang really became a fool.