Men Won't Understand


It was very unexpected.

Ning Ruo was prepared for anything. She was ready to broke her friendship with Princess Ming. She was able to withstand the pain of the crying Princess Ming, then blame her or even cursed at her for everything she did.

However, she did not expect this at all. Princess Ming did cry, but she did not blame Ning Ruo for anything, but she blamed herself instead. She cried because she cannot help her other fairy sister, Yang Xue Yi.

Everyone thought Princess Ming ran away because she did not want to cancel the engagement with Feng Ao Xiu. But, that's not the case. Sure, she like Feng Ao Xiu, but it's not enough to make her run away from home and stayed at her fiancé's house. After all, her contact with Feng Ao Xiu was limited. Her real reason was to help Yang Xue Yi in the war.

Both, the Yang Clan and the Feng Clan was an ally to fight off Ma Zhong and the rest of the sect. Everyone knows with just both of them, they would still be at a disadvantage, but no one else was willing to help. However, even if Princess Ming wants to lend a hand, the Royal Army would not move without the Emperor's order. And, the Emperor would not be stupid enough to make an enemy out of the Fanged Wolf Temple.

Thus, the little Princess made a plan. Instead of asking her father, she creates herself an opportunity when her father wants to cancel the engagement. She pretended to disagree with her father's decision and ran to Feng Ao Xiu.

Her plan worked wonderfully. The Emperor was worried about the Princess' safety that he sent guards to protect her. He's also willing to give more guards when the war began.

But, she could not tell these things to her big sister, Ning Ruo. To tell the truth, the Princess also worried about the war, and there will be lots of casualties. She believes the Royal Army would be enough help and does not wish to implicate Ning Ruo in it.

Alas, her plan has failed. Right now, the Princess was sent to the Princess Chamber. Lots of guards surrounding the room was ready every time the Princess try to sneak out.

"I gave my utmost gratitude for Ning Ruo. If it's not for you, my daughter would be dragged in the war. The Royal Famly will bestow you golds and jewellery for you."

"...I thank Your Majesty..." But Ning Ruo does not seem too happy. She was conflicted in all of this. Before going home, she visited Princess Ming in her chamber.

Still, the first thing the Princess did after she saw Ning Ruo was not to blame or curse her. But, she asked for favour instead.

"Big Sis Ruo have to help Qiao An out of here! Qiao An wants to help Big Sis Xue Yi!!!"

"I'm sorry..."

"But... But... Wuwuuuu... Poor Big Sis Xue Yi..." The Princess cried again.

Ning Ruo looked down while she bit her lip, blood dripped from the edge of her mouth. She could not believe she was too preoccupied with Feng Ao Xiu and can't notice the real intention of Princess Ming.

Of course, Ning Ruo also cares about Yang Xue Yi, but the war was too dangerous that she put it on the back of her mind. It was the same case as Princess Ming, even if she wants to lend a hand, it's not like the Cloud Moon Palace would move.

But seeing the Princess who was weaker and smaller than her to be so determined, Ning Ruo's heart wavered. She closed her eyes deeply for a whole minute before she opened them again.

"Qiao An, don't worry. I'll take care of this!"


In the Cloud Moon Palace.

The Sect Master was standing in the hallway in front of his daughter's room, looking worried. He took three steps before turning around and went back to the starting position. The process keeps repeating for several minutes until he asked a servant.

"Has Ning Ruo not back yet?"

"Young Lady Ning has gone to the Feng Clan Residence the night before to persuade the Princess. According to her, she should be back by today."

"I know that!" the Sect Master shout loudly. "But the sky is already dark! Why she's not home yet? Did she sent another message?"

"That... This servant... has not received anything from the one in charge. There's nothing new... Would Sect Master wait for a moment?"

"Huhh!!! Nothing! Send more disciples to the Feng Clan Residence! There may be some troubles in there!"

The servant looked troubled. "Forgive this servant's recklessness... But, we already sent five disciples over the past hour. I think it would not be a good option to send more..."

"Who cares about that!? Send more, now!!!"

The servant shrieked before running to the door to give another order to a disciple. Fortunately, just before he gets out, one of the disciples mentioned earlier came back with a message.

"Report to the Sect Master. It's regarding Young Lady Ning..."

The Sect Master let out a sigh of relief after seeing the disciple. At least, got some information about his daughter. "What is it?"

"This..." But, the disciple made an expression of worriedness. He was just as troubled as the servant from before.

"Quick, tell me!" the Sect Master pressed on.

"Yo... Young Lady Ning decided to stay at the Feng Clan Residence for the moment..."

"Oh... So, another night. I guess that's all right... Just make sure she's properly guarded."

"No... Young Lady Ning said she will stay there for an indefinite amount of time. She said she'll be back when the time is right."

"Hmm..." This time, it's the Sect Master that makes a troubled face. "I see... Is the Princess not back home yet?"

"No... The Princess is already back to the Royal Palace..."

"Eh! Then, what is she doing there?"

"She... She... She did not give her reason..."

"...What does that even mean?"

The disciple bowed, "I really did not know anything! We tried to press Young Lady Ning for an answer, but she won't reply."

"???" The Sect Master became even more perplexed.

On the contrary, it was his wife, Ning Ruo's mother smiled.

"How could you be so dense?" teased the wife to her husband. "It was so obvious how could you not know?"

The Sect Master, servant and disciple, all turned their heads to her.

"But this is a good thing. You should be happy!"

"Why should I be happy?" asked the Sect Master.

She smiled. "Our Ruo has finally fallen in love!"

"Huh!!!" All three men said at the same time.

"Men won't understand. When a woman does not give you an answer, it's because she is embarrassed. Most of them were because they tried to get close to someone..."

She looked at her husband and asked, "Dear, didn't you said Feng Ao Xiu was intelligent and good-looking?"

"Ummm... Yes, I did say that..."

"Then, that must be it... Ruo must have fallen for Feng Ao Xiu! Otherwise, there's no reason for her to stay there. Honestly, I can't help but worried about Ruo's attitude. I thought she can't get over her first love, she does not even show interest in any men at all."

"!!!" The men did not know what to say.

Could it be, really? Ning Ruo that's always cold and mean to men have fallen in love. But, there's no other explanation for her action.

Later on, it was not known who spread it, but there's a rumour circling around.

Ning Ruo chased Princess Ming away, so she could have Feng Ao Xiu for herself.