Look! It's a Mountain of Food!

"Why are we here? We've been hiding behind these bushes for almost a day now. Maybe they won't pass through here."

"That's what I'm trying to understand as well... This task is pointless."

"That's right. This not any better than Head Guard Cui's extreme training."

A guard from another bush glanced to the three of his subordinates. "Psst... You guys keep quiet! This the order of the Second Young Master, no question!"

The three guards immediately closed their mouth. They were afraid to defy their captains, but most importantly, hearing it's the Second Young Master's order, they would not dare to complain anymore. Unquestionably, just using Feng Ao Xiu's name, all the doubts in their eyes were gone in an instant.

However, Feng Ao Xiu's strategy was too weird, placing an enormous amount of ambush unit in the middle of Green Sky Plains.

The Green Sky Plains itself was a vast area of grassland. This place mostly surrounded by green coloured grass, even the trees flowers and woods also green. The sky was also green from reflecting the area, thus earning its name.

While this place was only inhabited by low-level spirit beasts, making it easy, it was not the place to set up an ambush. First of all, the Green Sky Plains itself was too far from the Feng Clan and Yang Clan, makes it improbable the Fanged Wolf Temple would go here. Lots of elders estimated the enemy would come from the centre road, but the Green Sky Plains was too far in the east.

However, Feng Ao Xiu defies the other elders' opinion. Instead of placing a small ambush unit in several places, he puts all of them in the Green Sky Plains. It makes several guards wonder if they were in the right place and if the Fanged Wolf Temple already passed through another road.

Setting up an ambush was not an easy task to do. One needs to find a suitable place to hide and keep concentrating until the enemy comes. With no way of knowing the exact time when the enemy will pass, it will be a tiring job. That's why an ambush unit was usually divided into two groups. While the first group keep an eye for the enemy, the second groups will rest. This method will reduce the effectiveness of an ambush, it was the only way.

But, Feng Ao Xiu specifically requested that the ambush unit will have to act as a group, making all of them unable to rest. If the situation continues, the guards would fall asleep because of the tiredness.


And just as they predicted, somebody was sleeping.

"F*ck! Who's sleeping!?"

"I'm also tired, how dares he sleep by himself!"

"Who is it? Somebody, wake him up!"

"I'll get him!"

One guy gets out of a formation heading towards the bushes where the snoring voices come from. However, just within two steps, he turns back and gets back into his position.

"What's wrong? Aren't you gonna wake him up?" asked his friend.

"It's pointless!"

"What do you mean?"

"Qian Lu"


The guards understand. Two men in the Feng Clan would be impossible to be wakened up, it's Qian Hui and Qian Lu. Their sleepiness was so famous that all the guards in the Feng Clan knew.

If there's something these guards were most worried about, it's not the enemy, it's not the lack of strategy, and it's also not that they could die, but it's Qian Lu.

They usually would never dare to question Feng Ao Xiu at anything. But, once Feng Ao Xiu said they have to take Qian Lu with them, the captains and commander of the guards did not hesitate to reject. On multiple occasions, they've asked Feng Ao Xiu to reconsider, they did not have any problem with Feng Ao Xiu's strategy except for Qian Lu. Alas, they were only guards and were forced to take Qian Lu with them.

Feng Ao Xiu specifically said that Qian Lu will be the core key in this mission and have to be placed at the centre of an ambush. However, with his big body, it would be hard to find a place where he can hide. Even, the biggest bushes they could find cannot conceal him as the edge of his stomach still could be clearly seen.


As time goes by, his snoring only gets louder, and the other guards get more annoyed.

"Until this day I still can't understand why he would get chosen as Feng Ao Xiu's bodyguards."

"This fatty not only not contributing, but also becoming a hindrance in the plan."

"Look at him sleeping! What if the enemy comes now?"

"If the enemy comes, I'm sure fatty will be the first to die!"

"Yeah... As if the enemy would come... Holy sh*t!!!" The guard could not finish his sentence as something appears at the edge his eyes. His eyes were bulging out of shock.

"It's the enemy!"

"They really appeared!"

"How could they pass here?"

Yes, the enemy appeared. If there's one thing, you must never forget Feng Ao Xiu is a former genius, a cultivating maniac, and also a battle strategist. He may be weak toward women, but when it comes to predicting the enemy move, no one in the Lower Realm could beat him.

"Quick! Ready your weapons!" the commander said. "Everyone silence and get ready!"


"F*ck!" a captain cursed. "What should we do about this fatty! His snoring could compromise our whole plan!"

"Let's kill him! It's the only way to make him shut up!" A guard said. The way he said it was very eager and cheerful as if he really looks forward to killing Qian Lu.

"No!" The commander said. "Second Young Master said Qian Lu has to fight... Looks like we have to use the magic words!"

"The magic words! Commander, are you sure about this? Using the magic words without unable to fulfil it means we'll be unable to use it again for a whole year!"

"It's the only way!" the commander said.

"Ahh... I see... It's too bad..." A guard frowned, he was the one who proposed to kill Qian Lu.

The commander shouted, "Look! It's a mountain of food!"

"Where? Where?"

Qian Lu immediately jumped and turned his head around, trying to find the food.

Since there was no food, the magic words were invalidated for a whole year.