Keep Rolling!

"F*ck! This fatty has been pretending as a panda!" Zuo Jian Yong cursed.

"We've been had!" Big Gu frowned.

Of course, neither Feng Ao Xiu nor anyone else had the intention to make Qian Lu pretends to be a panda. It's just that no bush in this area could hide Qian L's body completely. As a result, part of his belly and buttock was visible, with the addition of his black and white uniform, he was mistaken as a panda.

But that's not what makes them shocked. The most surprising thing was a single person could keep two Ancient Mortal Realm from moving. Even Ma Zhong, their leader would not dare to claim he could do what Qian Lu did.

"Where is this fatty coming from!?" Big Gu clenched his teeth as he mustered all of his power into his right leg. "How come his grip is so tight!?"

Zuo Jian Yong bit his lower lip. He too was unable to free himself from Qian Lu's fearsome clench. His left leg was frozen in place, he could not even feel the bottom of his feet anymore, as if it has turned into stone.

But, as the most level-headed person in the sect, Zuo Jian Yong quickly calms himself down, and once again analysed the situation. The good thing was the fatty seems to be focused on keeping them from moving, he doesn't seem to have any intention to attack.

Zuo Jian Yong slowly directed his Qi into Qian Lu. The moment it touched, he flustered.

"He... He's an Ancient Mortal Realm Expert!"

"What!" Big Gu especially could not believe it. He too released his Qi to detect Qian Lu's level.

Both Big Gu and Zuo Jian Yong's face became dark. No one expected an Ancient Mortal Realm Expert or higher except for Feng Ao Xiu. That's why they were confident in the first place. Furthermore, this fatty is wearing the Feng Clan's guard uniform, which means he was from the Feng Clan.

Why would such an expert like him become a guard of the Feng Clan in the first place? Feng Ao Xiu really could not be underestimated. To make a quite young Ancient Mortal Realm Expert like him serve as a bodyguard, who else could but Feng Ao Xiu?

However, it does not change a thing. As Zuo Jian Yong suspected, Qian Lu did not even try to attack them. Anyway, they still needed to beat him. Moreover, when both of them discovered Qian Lu's cultivation level, the aura was letting out.

An Ancient Mortal Realm and above could hide their aura whenever they want, but there were times when it shows. One, if the cultivator intentionally released it to intimidate their opponent. The other one was unintentional, usually when one became exhausted or using a particular move. It was clear that Qian lu was the latter, probably keeping two Ancient Mortal Realm experts made him use all of his energy.

The winner was clear, two against one, and the one doesn't even attack. It will be easy, just a matter of time.

Big Gu quickly lands his fist into Qian Lu's back.

But, Qian Lu was not hurt at all. Instead, his grip becomes even more powerful.

Big Gu pummeled again and again.

Two punches.

Ten punches.

Fifty punches.

One hundred punches.

Yet, it was not enough to make Qian Lu release their legs.

Even an ordinary Ancient Mortal Realm could not withstand those punches from Big Gu directly. But, Qian Lu was immovable as if he doesn't feel a thing.

"This fatty skin is tougher than any steel!" Big Gu said as he keeps on pummelling his fist on Qian Lu's back.

Zuo Jian Yong clenched his fist tightly if Big Gu could not even do it. There's no reason for him to try. He believes he should find another way.

"Use a weapon!" suggested Zuo Jin Yong. Currently, Qian Lu was too close, it was not best for them to use a weapon, they could get thrown out of nowhere. But, because there's no sign of attack from Qian Lu, they quickly grab their weapons from the storage ring.

Big Gu with his sabre and Zuo Jian Yong with his sword quickly tried to stab it downward towards Qian Lu's back.

* Klang... *

A sound resounded, just like steel clashing against another steel. They thought they had failed, but a voice comes out.

"Ouch, it hurts..."

As Qian Lu's voice reached their ear, the two men grinned. They finally found his weakness. One more time, they tried to stab their weapons.

* Klang... *


* Klang... Klang... Klang... *

"Arrgghhh... Stop! It hurts..."

Qian Lu reached his limit. This defensive move called Giant Turtle Barrier was the strongest out of them all Feng Ao Xiu taught. But, it has weaknesses, the user became slower when using this move. And facing against a sharper the object the more likely it could break the barrier.

Qian Lu wants to cry. The Second Young Master told him to join this mission, and all he has to do was to slow down the opponents. Then, he will be given lots of food when he came back. But, he didn't expect the mission to be this hard and hurtful. He's also wakened up forcefully by the other guards, without any food. Qian Lu regretted he didn't ask for more food when he accepted this mission.


The more Qian Lu shouted the more the two men smiled. They were right on the money. They could feel it, one more stab and they'll be free.

However, just before it touched, Qian Lu rolled, but he still did it while holding his opponents' legs. As a result, the two men fall down with their nose first on the ground.

"F*ck this fatty!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Touching their nose with one hand to stop the bleeding, the two men tried to get up by propping with the other.

But, Qian Lu knew, once they get up, they will stab him again. So, Qian Lu continued to roll.

Rolling Clutch.

As the big man rolled, the two legs he held were moving as well. But, currently, Big Gu and Zuo Jian Yong were in a position of lying down with their stomach. Thus, when Qian Lu rolled, the two men's body bent over the other way. Their legs spin toward their back, their feet almost touched their own head.

It was not just a single time, Qian Lu continued to roll around and around in a circle. In every single roll, their backs were stretched to a certain extent, their spine almost broke. No word could describe the pain Big Gu and Zuo Jian Yong were experiencing.

Qian Lu has a large body, he was really suited for this move. And because his body was rounded, he rolled at quite a fast pace. Sometimes he moved near the place where the other guards and Fanged Wolf Member were fighting.

"Pfffttt... Hahaaa...." A guard could not hold back his laughter in the middle of an important match.

"Wahhaaa!! Good one!"

"Keep Rolling! Keep Rolling! Hahaaa..."

The Fanged Wolf Temple member's mouth went wide opened right after they saw what happened. They could not believe this, two of their most excellent, Big Gu and Zuo Jian Yong were played around by a panda?

Because Qian Lu was moving around at a fast pace. Plus, they were too busy fighting against the guards of Feng Clan, made them unable to see Qian Lu clearly. They still think it was a panda.

The members of the Fanged Wolf Temple wanted to cry. They did not know what's wrong with the panda, but at this rate, the chance of surviving was diminishing.