The Star Has yet to Make an Appearance

"It's over! Surrender now!" Yang Web Jia roared. He grinned from ear to ear at the current situation. Even until now, he still couldn't believe Feng Ao Xiu has predicted the enemy movement correctly. Not a single move was wrong.

Initially, he was conflicted at his future son-in-law's plan. No matter who, no one will agree on concentrating their army on a single path. Moreover, it was on the Feng Clan's area while leaving the Yang Clan defenceless.

In the end, Yang Wen Jia trusted Feng Ao Xiu and made a gamble. It turns out, he made the right choice. Seeing they were superior in number and in an advantageous position, how could he not be happy.

Yet, while the second group were annihilated, the other one was not so simple. The first group of Fanged Wolf Temple lacked in numbers by a whole of fifty per cent compared to the second. But in terms of skill, all of them were the best.

With the weakest of them were Jade Mortal Realm Expert, they would not go down. Furthermore, all of them were veteran expert with lots of battle experience. Even under being ambushed, all of them quickly stayed out of panic.

Surrounded by the Yang Clan Army and the disciples of Moon Cloud Palace and some member of the Feng Clan did not make them afraid. They have gone through a more horrible experience than this. In fact, they were even more fired up.

Ma Zhong glanced left and right, but all he sees were the ordinaries. The person he looks for was not here, Feng Ao Xiu.

"Why are you not surrendering!? It's your last chance!" Yang Wen Jia roared once more.

"Surrender!? Without Feng Ao Xiu right here, do you think we will surrender?" Ma Zhong roared back.

His voice was bigger and more imposing than Yang Wen Jia. Even the soldiers at the front took a step back the moment his voice came. As expected from the Ancient Earth Realm Expert, afraid of nothing.

"Let's get this over with! I don't have time for a small-time soldiers! Bring out Feng Ao Xiu now!!" Ma Zhong roared one more time. His voice was getting higher than before.

"Ughhh..." Yang Wen Jia could not help but to grunt. Ma Zhong was totally right. Although, they have the advantage and the number they would still lose without Feng Ao Xiu.

It was not hard to see the future, all in the alliance and the Fanged Wolf Temple except Ma Zhong will all die. They could kill all the members of the Fanged Wolf Temple, but they will not be strong enough to defeat Ma Zhong.

"Son-in-law why are you not here..." Yang Wen Jia gruntled again. If Feng Ao Xiu was here, they could beat this monster called Ma Zhong. But, for some reason, Feng Ao Xiu said he will prepare something first and follow them up later.

But, Yang Wen Jia could not waste any more time. The more time was spent, they could lose the initiative and the advantageous position they earned.

"Attack!" He shouted.

Without any further ado, the alliance of three different Clan and Sect charged forward.

As was trained, the coalition army jumped and struck the enemy at the same time. With thousands of them jumped at the same time, the situation was not good for the Fanged Wolf Temple.

"Mountain Sphere Flame."

Suddenly, a large sphere of flame came out and exploded. The soldiers at the front were blasted away in an instant, some of them even died. This was the work of Ma Zhong, only he could have such an explosive power to do this kind of thing.

The alliance became afraid, as no one expected this at all. This was not how it supposed to happen. The one who has the numbers and the position advantage was the one who suffered the loss first. It seems they have underestimated the power of Ma Zhong.

But, this was the time Yang Wen Jia shines the most. He was a commander of a large army, who the Yang Clan has served as Xiang Lan Nation army for ages.

"Don't back down, it won't happen again! Charge!!"

Once again, they did the same thing as the previous one. But this time, Yang Wen Jia was right, there was no fire nor any explosion. Either it took quite a toll at Ma Zhong's power, or he could not do it at the same time.

The sound of weapons clattering against each other could be heard. Every minute passed, more and more people died, it looked like hell.

In terms of number, the Fanged Wolf Temple were losing by a lot. But if you count the numbers of death, the alliance were the one losing. In cases of like this, one should look from the perspective of percentage.

Half an hour have passed, the Fanged Wolf temple has lost thirty per cent of its member. Meanwhile, the alliance has suffered a loss of forty per cent.

Yang Wen Jia gritted his teeth. He couldn't believe they were still losing despite all the advantage Feng Ao Xiu has given. The elite of Fanged Wolf Temple could not be underestimated. Especially Ma Zhong, instead of defending his comrade, he goes all out on the attack. Just how angry he could be?

The only odd one out here is Ma Zhong. If there's no Ma Zhong, the alliance would have an easier time and could even get an easy win.

"Son-in-law... Where are you? You have to hurry..." Yang Wen Jia said to himself.

The only one who can turn the situation around, other than another Ancient Earth Realm Expert what could it be. Thus, the key was to this battle was the time when Feng Ao Xiu would enter. Thinking that Feng Ao Xiu will join them soon was the sole reason the alliance have not backed down.

But they could not be any more wrong. How could Feng Ao Xiu who was not a cultivator be able to defeat Ma Zhong? If they know the real cultivation of Feng Ao Xiu, all of them would already vomit blood and quickly surrendered.


Inside the Feng Clan Lord Residence, where most of the children, the weak and the VIP has been hiding. This includes Ning Ruo while being protected by her father, Ning Huan. Yang Xue Yi, and her three brothers surrounded by their elite guards. There's also Feng Zhong Tian, and Qian Hui guarded by Head Guard Cui. Yes, it was Qian Hui who was being protected instead of the one protecting.

At this time, a messenger from the battlefield came and reported the situation.

"I see... So we're losing..." Feng Zhong sighed.

The others also could not hide their disappointment. But unlike Feng Zhong Tian and Qian Hui who knows the truth, the others still show some hope. After all, the star has yet to make an appearance.

"It's okay... Young Master Ao Xiu will turn things around", reminded Yang Xue Yi.

"That's right... Brother-in-law can definitely do it."

The sect master of Cloud Moon Palace, Ning Huan also nodded, "There's nothing to be afraid of."

Then, a young man arrived. However, his arrival makes all of them opened their mouth widely. Their eyeballs almost fell out of their socket while staring at the young man.

It was none other than Feng Ao Xiu.

What is he doing here!? He supposed to fight against Ma Zhong right now!