It's Hard to Determine Which Is Which

Big Gu and Zuo Jian Yong have come all the way from the Green Sky Plains. They arrived at the Feng Clan's west gate, but they did not see anyone alive in there. There were countless bodies of ally and enemies as there's blood all over the place.

"It's already over... We're too late!" Big Gu could not hide his dissatisfaction. Especially when he saw the corpse of his friends of fellow sect members, his anger could not just be subsided.

"The first group is also ambushed..." Zuo Jian Yong sighed. He already anticipated this but seeing it directly still makes him sad. It was not too hard to predict, If Feng Ao Xiu could ambush the second group, he could do the first group as well.

After all, it's a classic strategy to divide the army and charge from two different directions. When the second group attacks from the east, with the larger enemy, it was sure to be targeting the Yang Clan. Then by applying a strategical environment advantage, the other group will surely attack the Feng Clan from the west. That way, when the one group completes the job, but the other one stuck on the job, then the one who completed can launch a pincer attack from behind.

Yet, Zuo Jian Yong plan was read completely. As a result, both groups have suffered losses.

As bodies where everywhere, Big Gu still could not see the two key figures in the war, Ma Zhong and Feng Ao Xiu. So he asked, "Hmmm... Who do you think won?"

"From the numbers, it's us winning!" Zuo Jian Yong answered calmly. He was focused on doing the calculation in his head. "The first group suffers about fifty per cent damage... And the enemy is about ninety per cent."

Big Gu looks happy hearing it. "So, we still won even under an ambush. As expected of Sect Master."

Zuo Jian Yong nodded, "Probably, our sect overwhelmed them, and Feng Ao Xiu must have surrendered right after. In that case, the rest of them must be in the main residence of Feng Clan waiting to be executed."

"Good! Good!" Big Gu laughed. "But, the Feng Clan are all dressed weird. There are the black-white and the red-white uniform, also the blue-white robe and the weird purple-black long robe. It's hard to determine which is which."

"Of course, the Feng Clan and Yang Clan were allying with each other. It's not weird to be this many... Wait! something's weird!" Zuo Jian Yong felt something's not right. "There cannot be that many types of clothes."

"The black and white uniform is the Feng Clan's guard uniform. It's the one that the fatty use." Zuo Jian Yong recounted.

"Yes, then the red-white uniform is worn by the Yang Clan army," said Big Gu.

"And, the dark blue-white robe is for the inner member of the Feng Clan."

"The one who wears the purple-black robe... Is it not the Yang Clan's inner member?"

"The Yang Clan inner member is an organized army. Their inner member wears the same uniform when in a battle or war."

"Then, who wears them?"

Zuo Jian Yong immediately squatted down to examine the robe of one of the corpses in the ground.

"The Cloud Moon Palace..." Zuo Jian Yong gritted is teeth. "Sh*t!!! The war is not over yet!"

The number once again changed. The Cloud Moon Palace is the number one sect in Xiang Lan Nation, and the estimates of disciples enrolled were enormous. If they were to ally themselves with Feng Ao Xiu, the number of casualties was not ninety per cent. It's about sixty per cent or even less. It's far less than it's required to give up

"We need to hurry and help Sect Master!" Zuo Jian Yong said impatiently.

Big Gu noticed lots of footprints upfront. "Looks like they all were going to further deep down. We should go there!"

"Wait! It's not that way!"

"What is it!? Shouldn't we hurry to help Sect Master!"

"The tracks are way too unorganized!" As he suffered losses in terms of strategy, Zuo Jian Yong became even more careful as he doesn't want to lose to Feng Ao Xiu again. "Whoever army going in that direction doesn't make any formation... This is weird!!"

Rubbing his chin with the back of his hands, Zuo Jian Yong tried to remember. It seems like he has seen this pattern before.

Yes, it was when the second group fought the Feng Clan's guard. The guards of Feng Clan did retreats several times. But, only a few used formation and most of them ran away unorganized. The time when the Fangedd Wolf Temple chased after them, they were fallen into a trap and were ambushed.

"Is it perhaps an ambush? Wait, No... Something's still not right!" Zuo Jian Yong closely looked at the footprints along the path. "Sect Master and the others are not going this way. There are no footprints created by shoes from our sect."

Zuo Jian Yong immediately checked on the other directions. There he found other tracks going toward the southern part, only then Zuo Jian Yong realized.

"Sh*t! There's no trap, it's a just an act!"

The place that was chosen for the battle was weird. The alliance could have ambushed the first group in the mountains area at the back or the residential area further in. They have a better environmental advantage that way but chose to fight within the gate with little place for ambushes and traps.

There's only one reason, they want to redirect the path of the battle. They deliberately retreated and in an unorganized way although it's not to their advantage, to make it looks like they've set up a trap further in. While the real purpose is to direct the enemy to choose another route and set up the real trap there.

Zuo Jian Yong himself could not believe what he just analyzed. Did he perhaps assume too much about this matter? No, Feng Ao Xiu's strategy was the real deal, it could not be underestimated. Even the second group lost, he does not even dare to reduce his assumption.

"It''s the southern part of the Feng Clan! They're supposed to fight there!" Zuo Jian Yong said, 'We must hurry!"

"If it's to help the Sect Master, you can go first!" said Big Gu. "You're fast, you'll able to reach there faster than I do! I'll follow from behind!"

Zuo Jian Yong nodded, he jumped and dashed following the track that leads to the south gate.


Ma Zhong was there, near the south gate. Just about a hundred metres away, he noticed Feng Ao Xiu was coming down from the carriage with a smug on his face.

"Feng Ao Xiu!!!" Ma Zhong roared with rage.

He took a step to deliver a blow which resulted in killing someone. The head was bashed with a single punch. Ma Zhong's fist that was already full of blood became even redder and scary.

But, the one who died was not Feng Ao Xiu nor any member of the alliance. The one who died is another member of the Fanged Wolf Temple.

"Ma Zhong just killed his own ally!?"

"What's going on here!"

Ma Zhong roared again. "Feng Ao Xiu!!! What did you make me do!?"