It's Time for Revenge!!!

It all happens too fast. Zuo Jian Yong was not to be underestimated. With just a glance, he immediately identified the weakness of the array. Although it was an array that was powerful, it was quite easy to be distinguished. Even someone like Zuo Jian Yong who does not know much about array formation could understand.

"Stop him!" Feng Ao Xiu shouted quickly.

The alliance reacted quickly as well by launching themselves to block Zuo Jian Yong.

Unfortunately, the person they're facing was the so-called fastest man alive. Even if he relaxed, he was one and a half times faster than them, now he was serious, his speed was almost three times faster.

The tree with the big talisman was in a further position than Zuo Jian Yong was compared to the alliance. Still, within less than ten seconds, his feet brought him straight in front of the tree. The alliance army couldn't even come close to him.

Bringing his momentum with him, Zuo Jian Yong launched a fierce kick into the talisman and shredded it into pieces.

At the same moment, Ma Zhong and the rest of the Fanged Wolf Temple members who were fighting each other was released. At last, they've regained the control over their own body.

"I can move again!"

"We're released!"

"Hahahaa!!!" Ma Zhong laughed sinisterly. He was surprised himself by how happy he's right now. No one knows how much despair Ma Zhong had when he killed his fellow members earlier. He roared, "It's time for revenge!!!"

This was a setback for the alliance army. It turns out they still had to fight Ma Zhong. Yet, they were confident, after all, Feng Ao Xiu was here. Not only that the array formation earlier has reduced the number of enemies by a significant amount. They totally can win this!

But, the one who truly understand the situation, Feng Ao Xiu was flustered.

[My plan has gone wrong! I need to do something fast!]

"Half of you fight that man!" Feng Ao Xiu said as he pointed at Zuo Jian Yong. "The rest of you wait!"

The alliance army could not understand. They agreed that half should fight Zuo Jian Yong, but why the other half should wait.

Then, Feng Ao Xiu quickly took some small stones and threw it to the ground in a hurry.

The rest of Fanged Wolf Temple who were released excitedly jumped and hurriedly started their attack. Especially true for Ma Zhong, he could not wait to bare his fang on Feng Ao Xiu's neck and ripped him to pieces.

Of course, as the strongest one, Ma Zhong was the fastest among them, he quickly reached in front of Feng Ao Xiu. But, when he tried to land a punch, it was stopped mid-air. It was not because someone stopped him, but because something blocked him.

Ma Zhong felt like there was some kind of mythical magic barrier between him and Feng Ao Xiu. He was surprised, and his eyes quickly see that there was indeed some kind of half-transparent green wall in front of him.

"You don't dare to fight me and try to defend instead. It doesn't matter, you're just delaying the inevitable!" Yes, Ma Zhong remembered clearly that Feng Ao Xiu did not fight him earlier. His analysis was still that Feng Ao Xiu was not that good of a fighter despite being an Ancient Earth Realm.

Ma Zhong reacted quickly. Instead of charging forward, he jumps back to circle around. But, it was stopped halfway, it turns out the wall was also on his back.

The left side was the wall. The right side also the wall.

Ma Zhong was enraged. He realized he was trapped, once again. "Feng Ao Xiu! How dare you to use such lowly tactics, face me head-on if you dare!"

Yes, Ma Zhong was currently within the area where Feng Ao Xiu threw the small stones earlier. Feng Ao Xiu was not stupid, of course, he made a backup plan. Initially, this was to be used later.

In the original plan, Ma Zhong was supposed to be the only one left alive in the One Survivor Array, and the alliance army will gang up on the exhausted Ma Zhong. But, Feng Ao Xiu just couldn't be sure if Ma Zhong would be tired. What if he has some monstrous stamina, then the plan will fail? So Feng Ao Xiu also prepared this Small Wind Barrier Array. By throwing the stones earlier, the array came into full effect and will only trap one person in there. Since Ma Zhong stepped into it first, he was contained inside. That's also the reason why Feng Ao Xiu ordered them to wait.

"Feng Ao Xiu! Can't you hear me!? I said, fight me!!!" Ma Zhong still angrily denounced Feng Ao Xiu.

Of course, he heard him but pretended no to. Instead, he gave the order. "Don't touch Ma Zhong! Kill the rest!"

The order couldn't be any more clearer. Ma Zhong was trapped. So, they focused on the other Fanged Wolf Temple and Zuo Jian Yong.

Since Ma Zhong was trapped, they tried to release him by destroying the surrounding environment. Yet, that only came as far as a plan. They couldn't do it because of the overwhelming number of the alliance army. The alliance make sure to protect Ma Zhong's cage, so no would come to destroy it.

The only hope left for the Fanged Wolf Temple is Zuo Jian Yong. But, just like the others, he was also overwhelmed with the numbers. Moreover, he was injured. Nobody knows what happened, but Zuo Jian Yong was very tired.

After all, he was previously in another war, using all he had to escape from Qian Lu's fearsome clutch. Only for his army to be defeated in the end. Then, he comes all the way here and has to fight against an enormous number of enemies. No one would blame him if he lost in a battle.

Seeing the battle was in his favour. Feng Ao Xiu let out a sigh of relief.

[Fortunately, I brought these precious stone with me. Otherwise, the Small Wind Barrier Array won't work. Now, I'm out of these precious stones that can only be found in the Upper Realm.]

Ma Zhong wants to cry. He finally got out of a dangerous situation, only to be trapped once again. Only if he wasn't too hasty, he would not have fallen in this predicament.

Now, he could only sigh as he watch his friends one by one killed by the alliance army.

Not long after, another unpredictable variable appears.


* Boom... *

A big explosion appeared, instantly killed hundreds of alliance army near the centre.

It was Big Gu, the strongest in the Fanged Wolf Temple in terms of raw power.

Feng Ao Xiu became flustered once again.

[Sh*t!! This is not in the plan!!!]