I'm Going to Run Far Far Away!

When thing got worse, what better way there is than to run away? The father and the bodyguard who also know everything has successfully run away from this predicament.

[The plan has failed. It's either run or die!]

The moment they saw Feng Ao Xiu's face gone pale, they immediately turn their backs and away far from there as soon as possible. The farther, the better. The clan doesn't matter anymore, as long as they don't get killed once the Fanged Wolf Temple win.

However, they left someone behind, Feng Ao Xiu. But, who cares about someone else when your life's in danger, at least not for the two men. It's every man for himself. Besides, it's not their fault that Feng Ao Xiu was left behind, he just doesn't the ability to.

The two were Iron Mortal Realm Expert, while Feng Ao Xiu was not a cultivator. It's as simple as that. The two can run very fast that the other does not notice them while they're focusing on the enemy.

Meanwhile, even if Feng Ao Xiu ran for five whole minutes, the other could easily spot him from afar. Running was not an option. Obviously, he can't stay there either, the other will persuade him to fight.

Thus, the Second Young Master had no choice. Coincidentally, there's a bush not far from where he's standing. He immediately jumped without anyone noticing and hid there the whole time.

If someone else does it, they could easily trace him. However, the one that's hiding does not have any Qi, no one could detect him. Not even the strongest Ancient Sky Realm could do it. Feng Ao Xiu doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at this fact.

"Perhaps he's in the bushes over there!"

Yet, at this critical time, two men from the search party were moving towards him.

[Don't come here! Don't come here!]

Feng Ao Xiu prayed within all his heart. If he was found to be hiding in the bushes, it's only going to make things worse. In case he was found, he would be asked for an explanation.

"Second Young Master, what are you doing there?"

"You're not hiding, aren't you?"

"Are you really an Ancient Earth Realm?"

If it happened, Feng Ao Xiu wouldn't be able to reply. Then, he'll be killed by these people before the war would be over.

The closer they get, the more pale Feng Ao Xiu's face become.

"Hey, you two! What are you guys still doing here?"

Just a few steps away from discovering Feng Ao Xiu, the two men were stopped by Head Guard Cui. Although these two men were not from the Feng Clan, the Head Guard could not stand seeing these two guys searching foolishly.


"You are?"

"I'm the Head Guard of Feng Clan. You guys are youngster from Cloud Moon Palace, but could you guys not use your head a little. Second Young Master is an Ancient Earth Realm Expert, why would he be hiding in the bushes? If anything's possible, there should be another enemy attack or other dangerous enemy that he faced. He can't be nearby, you guys go to the west and search for the Second Young Master there!"

The two youngsters have heard about Head Guard Cui's infamous roughness. But, they never thought that he would also be rude to someone from other than Feng Clan. Sure, they were young and weak, but they're still disciples from the Cloud Moon Palace with a higher status. But in such a situation, the two youngsters did not dare to talk back. After all Head Guard Cui was still stronger.

The two youngsters along with Head Guard Cui hurriedly scatter away to search for Feng Ao Xiu.

"Phew... I'm saved!"

From inside the bushes, Feng Ao Xiu sighed in relief. He was grateful toward Head Guard Cui. If somehow by a miracle, he could get through this, he will reward Head Guard Cui with lots of rewards.

"Why do you look so happy?" someone asked.

"Of course. Now, I'm able to get away." Feng Ao Xiu replied.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to run, far far away!"

"Eh... Why do you have to run away?"

"It's to..."

Feng Ao Xiu was surprised. Without him noticing, there was someone else beside him.

"You... You... What are you doing here!?"


Not too far from there, two young girls were fighting against a big muscular man.

"These girls are too fast!"

Big Gu was a man who specialised in attack power, speed was never his strong point. Nevertheless, the quickness of the Ancient Mortal Realm was not to be underestimated. But, Ning Ruo and Yang Xue Yi who's both only a Jade Mortal Realm were able to keep up.

If Big Gu only fights against one of them, he would already beat her. However, Ning Ruo and Yang Xue Yi were friends who're close like sisters. The three fairy sisters occasionally train together, they were able to understand each other very well. Thus, the teamwork play was perfect, even Big Gu was unable to find the weakness.

Whenever Big Gu found an opporunity in Yang Xue Yi's movement, he swings his giant sabre to her. But, Yang Xue Yi would stop all her offence and dodge. But, at the same time, Ning Ruo would attack from the other direction. With his side wide open, Big Gu had no choice but to redirect his swing to Ning Ruo, leaving Yang Xue Yi harmless. Then, Ning Ruo would cease all her attack to dodge Big Gu's swing. This happened over and over again.

The fight grew fierce that the other doesn't dare to interfere with them.

Both sides grew frustrated. Big Gu strikes were all dodged, while the girls' attacks were all properly defended and deflected by Big Gu.

However, this situation doesn't last long. Big Gu was superior in terms of level and experience. His countless battle with countless of an opponent made him get used to the two girls movement. During one of his attack was dodged, he saw an opening that he could not discover before.

Big Gu immediately throws his sabre away. Ning Ruo and Yang Xue Yi did not expect this as they never thought the opponent would throw his weapon in the middle of the match. Then, will Big Gu use his bare fist to attack?

In all aspect, Big Gu was weaker without his sabre. If he insisted on fighting without a weapon, Big Gu would lose. However, his real purpose of throwing it away was not to fight but to create some distances.

100 Arms Quake.

Big Gu immediately punched the soil below him with his bare fist. With striking 100 times, the ground trembled and it exploded. It was not dangerous, this was never an attack skill in the first place. But it created wind which sends Ning Ruo and Yang Xue Yi away for several metres.

This creates an advantageous position for Big Gu. While Ning Ruo and Yang Xue Yi were separated, he could pursue one of them and probably beat one before the other one could help.

Just, as Big Gu was planning on doing that, a voice was heard.

"Don't chase after them! Help, Sect Master now!"

It was Zuo Jian Yong, within a split second decision he immediately gave an order to Big Gu.

Without any hesitation, Big Gu launched himself to attack the barrier surrounding Ma Zhong.

* Klang... *

The barrier shattered.

Ma Zhong was free.

"This is the end! We lost!"

"Second Young Master, help us!"