I'll Rip His Mouth to Shred!!!

"You bastard! Son of a b*tch! Pieces of sh*t!"

It was a simple curse without any backing in it. The only purpose was to make the opponent angry.

Even if the one who spoke was blindfolded, it does not need to be said who it was directed to.

"What the hell is he thinking? Does he really intend to fulfil those useless promises?"

"Perhaps he's not afraid of Ma Zhong..."

"How can that be? For someone with a broken meridian and without any Qi to be brave enough to fight against Ancient Earth Realm Expert is absurd. He could not even make a scratch, much less winning the battle."

"Then, what's wrong with him?"

"Perhaps, he's really hiding his strength by pretending to be not a cultivator?"

"It can't be... Even at this point, when Ma Zhong could attack at any moment, we still can't feel his aura. Even I could feel the aura of Ma Zhong because he's angry. If Feng Ao Xiu is really a cultivator, he should prepare by secreting his aura. Otherwise, it will be impossible to defeat Ma Zhong."

"So, how could he still be so confident?"

"...I don't know."

The crowd of various factions of allies and enemies alike were discussing with each other, wondering the weird behaviour of Feng Ao Xiu. Suddenly, someone said.

"It's a natural phenomenon!"

The one who said it was Qian Hui. Then, everyone nearby stared at him.

"What do you mean by a natural phenomenon?"

"It's natural, for anyone in his position." Qian Hui said, "It's common for someone that knows he's about to die to have a last wish. So, he will not have any regret in this world!"

"Are you saying that his last wish is to provoke Ma Zhong?"

"There's no other explanation!" Qian Hui nodded, "At least, in the current situation, it's the only wish that he can fulfil right now."

"Oh... That actually makes sense! By the way, how can you even guess that?"

Qian Hui smiled bitterly, he was speaking from his own embarrassing experience. But, there's no way he can reveal it. In the end, he said, "Don't ask!"

As the crowd heard the explanation from Qian Hui, they sighed and has a looked toward Feng Ao Xiu with the eyes full of pity.

Ma Zhong was clearly angry. However, even after three minutes have passed, he's not in a hurry. One because Feng Ao Xiu is not a cultivator, he can kill him at any time. The problem is number two, Feng Ao Xiu still could use a trap like earlier.

He hoped that it's just like the crowd says, that Feng Ao Xiu's only bluffing. But, after he got caught in Feng Ao Xiu's trap so many times, he could not help but be wary.

So, to not get caught in a trap, Ma Zhong slowly walked toward Feng Ao Xiu and observed his surrounding carefully.

Although Feng Ao Xiu can't see because he's blindfolded, he still can hear. And he knows that Ma Zhong has not attacked based on what the crowd described.

He quickly gets bored, so he provoked, "Ma Zhong, come on! I'll give you the first move! Don't worry, it won't take long, I'll beat you in less than ten moves!"

Ma Zhong gritted his teeth. [Calm down! It was clearly his plan to trap me! Don't get hasty!]

"Hahaa! Are you perhaps afraid of me, the Great Feng Ao Xiu? Don't worry, there's no trap!"

[Relax! Don't get provoked!]

"Are you perhaps surrendering? Then start by crawling like a dog in front of me! Then, you can squeal like a pig! However, you'll still die either way!"

"Die!!!" Ma Zhong could not hold back any longer. He was provoked so many times, that nothing could alleviate his anger other than killing Feng Ao Xiu's right away.

As he gets closer to Feng Ao Xiu, it turns out there's no trap at all. Realising the fact, Ma Zhong showed a wicked smile.

His right palm just inches away from exploding Feng Ao Xiu's head. There's no need to guess, once it hits, Feng Ao Xiu's corpse will be destroyed into smithereens.

* Fwoooshh... Brak... *

Looks like something was thrown away and hit something. Is it Feng Ao Xiu's head flew away and hit the ground? That's weird! It should make his head exploded instead of flying away.

"Wait! Feng Ao Xiu's all right..."

"Huh... Why nothing happened to him?"

As the crowd were confused on Feng Ao Xiu's condition. Someone pointed out.

"Wait! Where Ma Zhong!"

"That's right! Where is he"

"I can't see him! How could he's gone missing!?"

"Look there he is!" an old man pointed at a direction.

"Huh... Where? I can't see him."

"Oh! Ma Zhong is really there?"

"I still can't see him!"

"Uhhh... He's 10 kilometres away."

"Eh... What!?"

The one who can't see was the young people or the one without a superior cultivation level to see something far away.

Ma Zhong can't believe it. Just before he's about to hit Feng Ao Xiu. He was punched by something in the stomach and was thrown 10 kilometres away and hits the ground hard. Furthermore, just by a single punch, he was injured.

It was so weird! Ma Zhong couldn't see what hit him, but based on what he felt, it's definitely a punch. He wasn't sure if it was from Feng Ao Xiu since Feng Ao Xiu's hand was not moving when he received the blow.

Ma Zhong stood up, once again rushed back and tried to punch Feng Ao Xiu one more time.


But, then just like previously, right before Ma Zhong could touch Feng Ao Xiu. Something invisible came from above, gave him a kick. This was even worse than the previous punch, as he coughed up some blood and the ground around him cracked.


The crowd became confused at what's happening. One time maybe a miracle could happen that causes Ma Zhong to flew away. But, the second time and Ma Zhong still lose.

"I'm done defending." Feng Ao Xiu said, "Eat my fist!"

Feng Ao Xiu flailed his arm. It was a slow punch without any energy, vigour, and skill, truly deserving to be punch by not a cultivator. But, still...

* Boom... *

Something that looks like a shockwave hits Ma Zhong. What's worse, Ma Zhong could not defend against it and have taken all the force. He falls down again.

"Wait... Please!"

Ma Zhong looked exhausted and injured. He begged the young man in front of him, not to attack.

However, Feng Ao Xiu did not stop. "Super Kick!!"

Another shockwave runs and hits Ma Zhong again. It seems like every part in Ma Zhong's body was torn apart. And he felt, an unknown cold pain from it.

"Please... Stop!!!"

"Dragon Palm Strike!!"


"Flying Knee Strike!!"


Every attack did not kill him, but he could not withstand the pain.

Ma Zhong was breathing heavily. Out of breath, he said, "Wait! Wait, I surrender!"

Feng Ao Xiu pretended he did not hear that and continued. "Ultra chop!"

"Somebody help me!!!"

After Ma Zhong, received that attack, he gets back up once again. He felt like he can't take it anymore. He would probably die if he took one more blow.

"Please stop! I surrender! I surrender!" Ma Zhong shouted.

"It's too late for that!" Feng Ao Xiu replied, "Now, taste my ultimate attack!"


Ma Zhong was shrieking out of fear.

"Wait!!! I'll do anything! Please just don't kill me! I know you want me to crawl like a dog and squeal like a pig, right?"

Ma Zhong immediately gets down on all four. Then, he squealed, "Oink! Oink! Oh, the great Feng Ao Xiu, please forgive me! Don't kill me... Oink!"

The others were looking at the scene before them with mixed kinds of reaction.

Some were happy.

[We won!!! Ma Zhong is defeated!!]

Some were surprised.

[Feng Ao Xiu did it, he fulfilled all his promise without even breaking a sweat!]

However, most of them were angry.

[Who is it that said Feng Ao Xiu is not a cultivator? I'll rip his mouth to shred!!!]