I See Great Potential in You

"What... What did you just say!?"

"It is the key to recover your broken meridian. So, if Disciple Ao Xiu wants to get strong again, you have to get the Golden Snow Lotus." Jun Yin Ying explained.

"Ma... Master Jun... Is that true? Will my son be able to cultivate again?"

If there was someone that could be happier if Feng Ao Xiu got his cultivation back, it was his father, Feng Zhong Tian. Nothing could satisfy him more if his position as the Clan Lord is to be solidified.

"There's a medicine that can heal a broken meridian. But, it needs the Golden Snow Lotus as an ingredient", Jun Yin Ying said. "So, Disciple Ao Xiu have to marry to earn that Golden Snow Lotus. After all, it's a part of the dowry. Also..."

Feng Zhong Tian immediately said to his son, "Golden Snow Lotus is a legendary herb that only showed once in 500 years. There's no choice! You just have to get married right away!"

"Agreed!" Feng Ao Xiu nodded, "I have already shown a fake performance as an Ancient Earth Realm. It will take quite a while before it can be discovered."

"Great! As long as we keep that girl, Xue Yi in check for a few days. It should be enough time to create the medicine. Let's plan it out carefully..."

"Ummm..." Jun Yin Ying said. "Please listen until the end..."

"Father, what do we do!?" Feng Ao Xiu suddenly remembered and said, "That servant is on his way to cancel the marriage!"

"Oh, No! I got to stop him" Feng Zhong Tian stood up immediately. "Ah, you also must come along for an explanation!"

"Okay! Father, you're faster than me. Please stop that servant first, I'll be right behind you."

"Wait... You have to find all the treasures and ingredients, not just the Golden Snow Lotus..."

Jun Ying Ying tried to explain, but her words did not reach the two men's ears. The father-son duo was already out of the house before she could finish her explanation.

"Uuuuu..." She grumbled as the two men ignored her. Then, she asked the only other person left in the room. "They heard what I said, right?"


But, Qian Hui was fast asleep.

"Uuuuuu..." She grumbled again. "Whatever! What matters is I already told him, it's not my fault if he does not listen. Now, to find some new disciples!"

Jun Yin Ying slowly walked around the residence, it was not long before she met someone. "Would you like to be my disciple?"

"Ehh..." A lowly servant was surprised as he was approached by this beautiful lady. "Umm... You are?"

Jun Yin Ying giggled, "I'm Jun Yin Ying! Nice to meet you."

"Jun Yin Ying... You... You're Second Young Master's teacher, Master Jun!"

"That's right! So, do you want to be my disciple?"

"Disciple... Me? Your disciple? Does that mean I will be Feng Ao Xiu's martial brother?"

"That's right!"

"I can't believe it... But why me?"

"I see great potential in you. Under my guidance, you'll be the strongest man alive!"

The servant was in a dilemma. On one side, there's the beautiful and powerful expert wants him to be her disciple. If he accepts, he can boast about being Feng Ao Xiu's martial brother and disciple to this mysterious expert. It was no doubt that his future will shine brightly under her wing.

However, there's a message that was sent by the Clan Lord earlier. The content was not much, it was saying that Feng Ao Xiu's master named Jun Yin Ying has come to visit, but, there's also a warning come along with it.

"Avoid Jun Yin Ying!!!!!"

The warning came with 5 exclamation marks, which was the highest emergency disaster warning sign that can be issued by the Clan Lord. Such privilege was not without consequences. If the Clan Lord dared to announce this warning without even consulting to the elders, it means he's ready to be stripped out the Clan Lord title and kicked out of the clan if it turns out to be wrong.

"I... Ummm..."

The servant began sweating heavily. Would he dare to defy the highest warning? Of course, not. But, the gain he would receive is just too big, it will all be gone if he refused. He doesn't want to lose his only chance to rise above heaven.

"I... I..."

"There's no need to hurry." Jun Yin Ying smiled. "Please think it over. If you have come to a decision, then please come to visit me."

"Yes, I'll think it over..."

Thus, Jun Yin Ying got a pending answer. Then, she met a maid and tried to recruit her. But, the maid also got the same dilemma as the servant.

"Thank you for the offer, I'll give you an answer when I'm ready."

Then, she tried to recruits more others.

"I can't answer right away..."

"Please, give me some time to think it over."

"I'll definitely have an answer by tomorrow."

All night long, Jun Yin Ying failed to get a single disciple, but she did not get a single rejection either. All more than two hundred people she approached said they'll think about it and give a reply soon.

"Uuu..." Still, Jun Yin Ying has a bad mood because she did not get a single ready disciple. In the end, she could only sigh, "All right, I'll be waiting for your reply..."

As Jun Yin Ying left dejectedly and returned back to the Clan Lord's Residence, the last young man she tried to recruit began seriously pondering over what's happening. When he arrived at his home, he quickly retold everything to his father.

"Hmmm... Feng Ao Xiu's master actually wants to make you her disciple. But Feng Zhong Tian has that warning, so you did not accept her right away." The father said.

"She said I have great potential, and I want to accept. But, back then, the place was not safe, and someone could be watching. So, I was only being careful and said will give an answer soon." the young man replied, "However, I believe the warning is a facade. The real purpose is to keep people away, they don't want a genius like me to become her disciple."

"I think so too..." the father nodded, "If we recount everything, several people near Feng Ao Xiu has their cultivation level rises suddenly. Don't you find it weird?"

"Are you saying that it has something to do with Master Jun?"

"Most likely, and it's because she's Feng Ao Xiu's master. As her teacher and someone that powerful, she is probably the one behind Feng Ao Xiu's secret." The father continued, "If you go on to be her disciple and steal some of whatever it is for ourselves..."

"Then, we can create a secret group army, launch a coup d'etat and annihilate Feng Ao Xiu altogether." The young man said while grinning.

"It's decided! Zhi Yan, you know what to do right?"

"Yes, I'll go and accept her offer. When the time comes, I'll steal all the resources, then begin our plan to annihilate Feng Ao Xiu." Feng Zhi Yan smiled wickedly.

"Hahaaa! Good! Good!"



No one would have thought that this moment was the last time Feng Zhi Yan and Feng Cheng Hong would ever laugh.