You Have Another Woman!!!

It was still early in the morning, and the sun has not appeared yet. But, Feng Ao Xiu already woke up. Too excited about today, he couldn't sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, a mysterious power slowly opened it up wide.

With bags under his eyes, he quickly washes his face and changes his clothes to his wedding robe. As drained as he was, he's not tired at all.

[Not only I'll marry Fairy Xue Yi, but, I'll also regain my cultivation in a few days. What more can I possibly ask? I must be the luckiest man under heaven!]

Of course, Feng Ao Xiu still has to be very careful. As he was still weak, it's better not to touch Yang Xue Yi. And, the most crucial part is to get the Golden Snow Lotus.

With such prizes before his eyes, he could not wait to get the wedding ceremony started, which is just in a few hours.

"My son, Feng Ao Xiu, are you excited?" Just like him the father, Feng Zhong Tian was as happy as he is. He greeted his son with a broad smile, "Since you're ready, help me prepare for the speech later on."

"Speech... Isn't that what you're supposed to do by yourself? Furthermore, the speech purpose is to congratulate me. How could you asked me to help you?"

"Don't forget, the time has not come yet. Which means we still must do everything we can to keep secret. So, it's also your job to make sure that it is correct!"

Feng Ao Xiu frowned as he could not argue with that logic. But, what makes him ticked, the fact that he knows Feng Zhong Tian doesn't like writing or arranging words.

Meanwhile, a door nearby opened, and Jun Yin Ying came out from inside. Behind the door was a bloody scene followed by a three horrible scream, which there was no need for an explanation to know what's the source was. As the door closes, the disturbing voices also diminished.

It's a good thing, Feng Zhong Tian reinforced the door last night. Otherwise, he couldn't sleep with all these terrible noises.

"Disciple Ao Xiu, you seem so happy!" Jun Yin Ying sneered at her disciple with a smile on her face.

"Of course. Today will be the greatest moment of my life." Feng Ao Xiu proudly tapped on his chest. "I especially can't wait to receive the Golden Snow Lotus and get my cultivation back."

"Ehh... Get your cultivation back... but..."

"Ah! Look at the time. Master, please excuse me, I have someone to marry."

"But..." Jun Yin Ying couldn't finish her words, as she stared at Feng Ao Xiu leaving the house in a hurry.

"Uuuu... Disciple Ao Xiu needs to listen to me until finished!" She pouted.

"Master Jun, is there a problem?" the one who asked was Feng Zhong Tian. As he was nearby, he heard the conversation and noticed Jun Yin Ying's troubled face. Especially, when Feng Ao Xiu mentioned about getting back his cultivation, her face does not look too good. He could not help but asked, "As long as we got the ingredients, my son's meridian can be cured, right?"

"The proper ingredients should be able to produce the legendary pill that's able to fix the broken meridian. But you misunderstood, fixing the broken meridian does not mean getting the cultivation level back. There's no way of knowing, where he will restart from, it can even be from the First Stage of Power Soul Realm."

Upon hearing the information from Jun Yin Ying, Feng Zhong Tian's eyes became wide open. Every muscle on his face seemed to twitch uncontrollably. He got a bad feeling about this, and his forecast came true when Jun Yin Ying continued her explanation.

"Also, I already said this before, that you have to find all the treasures and ingredients in the list, not just the Golden Snow Lotus. But, by Disciple Ao Xiu's reaction, I believe he has yet to understand."

Feng Zhong Tian's face became blue, and his sweats fell like a waterfall as he comprehends what exactly happened. It does not take long before he immediately ran outside. His purpose? What else than to cancel the marriage?

"Agghh... Where is the wedding ceremony being held!?"

Feng Zhong Tian was in a hurry, he searched everywhere. Not much later, he realised he was lost.


Feng Ao Xiu sat in front of the altar. Wearing a white and grey robe, the long sleeves covering his entire arm does cover his masculinity. In fact, it featured his courtesy and handsome face.

Besides him, was Yang Xue Yi. She wore a dress of red and white embroidered with Seven Light Phoenix image. Her hair may be covered with a veil, but her beauty still accentuates in an orderly fashion. Especially her gracefulness was outstanding like the swaying of a begonia flower. Truly made every man jealous of Feng Ao Xiu to be the one who will have her.

The ceremony has gone underway for half an hour. The First Elder of the Feng Clan and the Clan Lord of the Yang Clan, Yang Wen Jia was the happiest among the guests. As they saw the groom and the bride fidgeting and stole glances at each other, they could not help but smile.

"Hmmm... It should be finished soon." Yang Wen Jia said in a low voice as to not interrupt the ceremony. "But, where is Brother Zhong Tian? Why is he not here yet? The wedding could not be completed without bowing to each other parents."

"It truly is embarrassing, but the servant informed me that he's currently missing. He even missed the part where he has to give a speech." replied the First Elder. "But worries not, if it comes down to it, I shall be the one to replace him in the ceremony."

Yang Wen Jia felt it was a pity. How could as a parent missed his own son's wedding? But the First Elder's words have assured him.

After a series of praying, the priest invited to lead the wedding spoke, "Well then, we end it by bowing down to each other, to parents and lastly to the heaven."

As it was almost near the end, Feng Ao Xiu and Yang Xue Yi blushed. After this, they will officially become husband and wife.

However, from a distance, a certain maid looking on at the wedding with glaring eyes as she chewed a small handkerchief, "Uuuu... That b*tch, Yang Xue Yi dared to steal Second Young Master from me, Jing Wu Chu!"

Both the groom and the bride were going through the rituals rather quickly. They already bowed down to each other and to Yang Wen Jia and the First Elder. Only until they bowed to the direction of the sun, it will be over.

"Oh, heavens! Please, stop this wedding!" Jing Wu Chu cried.

As Feng Ao Xiu and Yang Xue Yi were in the position, someone jumped over from the side and shouted, "Stop!!!"

Who else could it be but Feng Zhong Tian?

The interruption has made him the centre of attention. After all, being the groom's father and the Clan Lord of Feng Clan, he couldn't be ignored. But, it was quite a bad reception, since most of the guests frowned upon his action. Except, for a certain maid who jumped happily.

"Brother Zhong Tian, what's the meaning of this?" Yang Wen Jia asked in a rough tone.

"It's as you can see, I'm stopping this wedding!"

"Have you gone mad? You're cancelling in the middle of the ceremony!? You're the Clan Lord, please behave yourself!" The First Elder scolded him.

But, Feng Zhong Tian doesn't care. What's important for him was to cancel it once and for all.

"Father, what's with the sudden change of plan?" Even Feng Ao Xiu could not help but ask.

"At least, please explain why this wedding should be stopped!" Yang Wen Jia said.

The First Elder not far also nodded as a sign of agreement.

"That... Yang Xue Yi girl is not a fit wife for my son!" Pressed for an answer, Feng Zhong Tian gave a random reply. He said the first thing came into his mind. "There's a girl far more suitable for him!"

"Ehh... I have?" Feng Ao Xiu was surprised.

"You...", Yang Wen Jia has become enraged. The fact that Feng Zhong Tian cancelled it on the day of the wedding was already rude. Now, he claimed that the graceful and beautiful Yang Xue Yi was not good enough.

Yang Wen Jia gritted his teeth and clenched his fist tightly over the fact that Feng Zhong Tian does not give the Yang Clan any face. He slowly raised his fist and planning to throw a punch toward Feng Zhong Tian.

* Booommm... *

An explosion was created in the middle of the wedding venue caused by a wave of anger. But, the source was not from Yang Wen Jia since he held himself back at the last moment.

The explosion was created by none other than Yang Xue Yi. Everyone can see it clearly as the ground below her cracked.

"You have another woman!!!"

A usually cute and beautiful voice from the Fairy suddenly became distorted and wicked. Her eyes that ordinarily bright and pretty now has become void of life and turned dark.

And, towards the man, those words were directed to, Feng Ao Xiu... He could not be any more fearful. Other than a killing intent from his own soon to be wife, what could be more terrifying?

What happened to Yang Xue Yi?