It's Natural for the Weak to Become Stronger After Training

The situation calls for another plan. And, that was what Fei Bao Xing did. The frontline and backline position only works if the enemy was trying to run away so the backline could prevent them from submitting their keys.

This time Baldy and his teammate have no intention to do so, they're trying to ambush the ambusher and take back the keys that they lost.

Wi Ke Ling agreed with Fei Bao Xing, he immediately departed to help his friend.

"I will take on the new guys that come in. Brother Fei Bao Xing, please help take on the strongest, Baldy first. Hmm... Brother Fei... Where are you?"

As Wi Ke Ling move forward, he realised that Fei Bao Xing was neither beside him nor in front of him. He did not think so, but just in case he looked behind him.

"How come you're slower than me?!"

It was a surprise for Wi Ke Ling. He thought Fei Bao Xing that was stronger than him would be quicker or at least as fast as him. It was all right if he was not good with speed, but not this slow...

[Perhaps it was one of the techniques that sacrificed speed for power. That would explain why he did not move but could hold Baldy down previously.]

Wi Ke Ling sure has a lot of questions for him, but it was not the time for that. Their teammate was currently in danger, they have no time to waste. But, at the same time, the powerful Fei Bao Xing was essential. At this pace, the battle could be over before he gets to the battlefield.

"Quick, get on my back!" said Wi Ke Ling as he half-crouched and extended his hand towards his back.

Fei Bao Xing jumped on his back as he could as he breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that Wi Ke Ling noticed, otherwise it would take forever for him to arrive.

Fei Bao Xing could not help but get excited. He will finally have the chance to use the Precious Qi Cube and finally beat everyone there. He still could not forget that taste when he won against Guo Jin.

But, he was glad that he did not have to use the Precious Qi Cube against Baldy previously.

The two finally arrive, but the situation has gotten much worse since then. The three Wi Ke Ling's servant has already been lying on the unconscious on the ground leaving the three girls having to defend against eight men.

Even before, the blue servant makes it into the battlefield, the other two were already unconscious. Fei Bao Xing could see why they were called Team Weakling.

"Quick, get down from my back and fight!" said Wi Ke Ling.

"Wait a minute!" said Fei Bao Xing.

"What is it? We have to quickly..."

Before Wi Ke Ling could finish his sentence, Fei Bao Xing pushed the button on the Precious Qi Cube. Red lights from the cube shined quite brightly that it made the attack from the two sides stopped.

"What was that light?"

"It's those two, they have arrived to help their friends!"

As the enemies were pointing at them, the girls became a bit panicked.

"What are you doing?! You made them noticed you when you have a chance to attack from behind!" Guan Ru Yi said.

However, Fei Bao Xing did not care. Now that the Precious Qi Cube was already activated, his time has finally arrived.

"Hahahaa..." Fei Bao Xing laughed, "This is the end for you fools! Say your prayers... Ehhhh..."

Suddenly, the red light diminished, and the cube returned to its original state.

"Ehhh... What?! Why did you stop? My Precious Qi Cube, what happened?!"

On the previous occasion, Guo Jin has activated the cube for around ten minutes. When Chang Miao used it, she may have cancelled it in the middle, but there were about three minutes in between. Yet, this time it was only activated for about five seconds.

"You dare to call us fools?!" said Baldy angrily. "You may have gotten me last time, but this time will be different!"

"Let's f*cking kill him." his friend said.

"I'll join you too!" said another.


As three people charged at him and Wi Ke Ling, Fei Bao Xing closed his eyes in hopelessness.

Fei Bao Xing would be done for. These guys may only used the word kill on purpose, but they did not really want to kill him. They would certainly not take the penalty for killing someone, they would only injure him.

However, they were facing the leader of the weaklings, Wi Ke Ling and the man with the broken meridian, Fei Bao Xing. Wi Ke Ling may not be killed, but the same cannot be said for him.

These guys did not know Fei Bao Xing was not a cultivator. They may use their full power against him, especially after he angered them. Even a punch of ten per cent of their strength would already be able to kill him.

Unexpectedly, Wi Ke Ling dropped Fei Bao Xing into the ground. Then, he let out a roar.


Quickly, he jumped and straightly charged towards the oncoming three men.

"Huh! Charging at us alone? It seems not only your muscles are weak, but your brain is also weak." Baldy said as he chuckled, "Come let us show you why... Ehhh..."

Suddenly, Wi Ke Ling vanished into thin air. Baldy was not sure, but it seemed that Wi Ke Ling has gotten much faster.


Wi Ke Ling lands a kick on the man in Baldy's left, He quickly coughed up blood and fainted.

Baldy and his other friend were confused as to when Wi Ke Ling has gotten this fast.

"He's not a weakling?"

"The weak have gotten stronger? Ridiculous, what kind of training he has been through?"

It's natural for the weak to become stronger after training. However, to achieve this amount of power in such a short time was simply unbelievable.

Before they knew it, Wi Ke Ling moved again. He landed a consecutive palm strike to the Baldy's friend.

"Four Sparrows Palm Strike!"

The victim's chest was bruised, and his clothes in the chest area were torn apart. He could not handle the pain and eventually fainted right away.

"Eeeekkk! A monster!" Baldy cried as he turned around as he tried to run away as fast as he can. But what lies in front of him was Wi Ke Ling.

"Rising Red Moon Kick!"

A kick landed on Baldy's bald head. As he received the blow, Baldy's face was twisted, and blood spurted out of his nose. He fainted right away.

Fei Bao Xing looked on at the scene before him with his mouth wide opened.

There's no doubt, this must be because of the Precious Qi Cube, there's no other explanation. However, unlike previously, the effect this time was not to make Qi disappear but to give strength to the nearest person.

Of course, since Fei Bao Xing has no proper working meridian, it automatically gives it to the other nearest person, Wi Ke Ling.

Fei Bao Xing did not know whether he should laugh or cry. On one side, the ancient treasure did its job and guaranteed him a win. On the other hand, there's no telling on what effect it would use. And, if it does not create the first effect, then Fei Bao Xing could not taste the sweet taste of victory.

Most importantly, it's great that there were two useful ones. But, what if the next time the cube was used, a negative result comes out.