Something Weird Always Happened Whenever He's Around

After parting with Team Weakling, Team Chang Miao have collected a total of 142 points out of 180 points. Just from the numbers, it seemed that they made tremendous progress, but the real problem started now.

"I checked everything, but they really do not have any keys."

Chang Miao creased her eyebrow at Guan Ru Yi's report. Just a few moments ago, they continued their ambush plan. The new team showed some resistance at first, but the three girls continued to dominate and easily beaten them.

However, no matter how many times they searched, they did not find a single key to take. The fact that they worked for nothing irritates Chang Miao, she could not help but gave a deep glare to the men they just beat.

The team leader battered and bruised spoke on behalf of his team.

"We told you, our keys were taken by another team. In fact, we come here for the same reason as you." he said, "Even if we did, we would not have much, our points were already taken two times. We really have terrible luck."

The girls wanted to believe it's a lie, but given how sincere he looked and the fact that they already searched through every spot, it's hard not to believe him.

"It cannot be helped," said Chang Miao. "Let's just focus on taking the next target."

Time passed, the team members were waiting in their position. Guan Ru Na looking really worried approached Chang Miao.

"There are only less than two hours left before the test is over. Do you think we'll make it in time?"

"Wait! Two hours left... That much time has passed already!" Chang Miao also became worried. "How many more teams are left?"

"Counting all the teams we encountered from the first day of the test until now... There are only three teams left. But, that is if all these three teams did not leave early..." Guan Ru Na said.

There are chances that these teams could possibly already submitted their points ahead of time, way before they set up their ambush plan. There's also chance that these team also does not have many keys. If so, they did not even have a chance of passing in the first place.

Chang Miao bit her lower lip to recover herself from panic. She quickly calmed herself down and said, "Ru Na, go and ask Fei Bao Xing of what he thinks about this."

Without wasting any time, Guan Ru Na quickly went to the back defence line and asked Fei Bao Xing, "That's how it is... What do you think?"

"Honestly, I think we're doing better than I thought. Do not forget, about fifty of our points was from Deng Huan's group, which he probably take from other teams as well. And, considering we took around fifty in this plan, that's a total of more than 100 points have been transferred between teams."

"Yes, I also think we're doing good... but, I did not get your point," said Guan Ru Na. "So, do you think we can earn the rest of the points or not?"

"Honestly, no!" said Fei Bao Xing. "Three teams left, and the fact they have not come this way probably means they have not reached enough points yet."

"You think so too? Then, what are we going to do?"

"Hmmm..." Fei Bao Xing scratched up his chin, "Actually, there may be some hope. You said that the last team does not have any keys, right?"

Guan Ru Na nodded, "They said their keys were taken two times."

"One of them must be Deng Huan's group. Since he mostly collected it on the first day, that team have another two days to collect." Fei Bao Xing said, "But since they did not have any by the time we ambushed them..."

"That must mean the second group that took it from them must be recent!" Guan Ru Na finished his sentence.

"That's right! Now we know that at least one of the team is still inside the forest. The question is, do they have at least 38 points?"

"That's still better than nothing. Thank you, Fei Bao Xing. I will inform Chang Miao of this... Ah!"

An enemy attack! They attacked right when Guan Ru Na and Fei Bao Xing were still in the back.

"Attack them while they're still separated, quick!" Baldy said. "Goddess Chang Miao, please forgive us, but we have to do this to survive!"

It was Team Baldy and his teammates again. They did not know why Team Chang Miao still has not submitted their points yet. But, what they know was that Team Chang Miao has at least 30 points. Although they lost two times already, they have nothing to lose, it's either retake the points they lost or nothing at all.

Fei Bao Xing and Guan Ru Na quickly ran to help Chang Miao and Guan Ru Yi. It's two vs four, things were not looking good. Just as they were fighting against each other, things suddenly get much worse.

"This is our last opportunity! If we defeat them, we can pass the test in one swoop!"

This time, it was another team from one of the team that Team Chang Miao also has beaten previously.

With the addition of this team, it became a three-way battle. While this team and Team Baldy fight against each other, their utmost priority was still team Chang Miao who they know have the most points among them.

Guan Ru Na was fast, and she quickly arrived to help. With her joining, the situation for Team Chang Miao become much better. However, it does not make much of an impact.

At this time, Fei Bao Xing was one-tenth only one-fifth on the way there.

"They're all here! If we win this battle, we will survive. Let's go!"

Again, another team they took down previously joined the battle.

However, Fei Bao Xing was not even halfway there.

"There they are! Let's take their points for ourselves!"

One more team was added into the fray.

"Haah... Haah... How did it come into this..." Fei Bao Xing said while panting because he was running. He almost made it to the battlefield.

Four men were just coming out from the forest, and they were shocked by the scene before them.

"What's this! What the hell are all these people doing here?"

"Damn... They're fighting to steal each other keys."

"Ssshhh... Let's quiet down to not be noticed by them. We have enough points, there's no need to get involved with them."

"Follow my lead!"

The four men sneak past through the side as quiet as possible. They hoped no one will notice them. As they have progressed more than half of the battlefield, they became delighted. It's only a matter of time before successfully escape.

"Everyone, look!" said Fei Bao Xing while pointing at the four men, "This team wants to run away with all the keys!"

"Sh*t!" the four exclaimed at the same time.

"They have the keys! Get them!" one person said.

"Did they have really the keys? Well... If everyone going after them, it must be true... Get those keys!"

"Give it to us!!!"

Fei Bao Xing didn't know if that team really has the keys or not. But he needed as many people as possible to join the fight.

Now, it's time to use Precious Qi Cube. He did not know what effect it creates this time. But, the only chance to win was to use it.

"Please be a useful one! Please be a useful one!" Fei Bao Xing prayed as he pressed the button.

A red light glowed shining brightly, almost blinded everyone that's nearby.

"Ah, it's him again." Baldy said, "Everyone, he's dangerous. Something weird always happened whenever he's around. Let's take care of him first!"

So, Baldy and a few others targetted Fei Bao Xing.