He Is Much More Handsome and Awesome Than You!

"Brr... It's freezing tonight."

"You don't need to tell me. Look at my lips. It's blue!"

Two young men with heavy clothes keep standing up at the edge of the forest. If people were passing by, they would wonder what these two were doing. Obviously, since there was nothing there. Luckily there was no one else except the two.

It may not look much, but the forest mark and signify the Silver Hands Owl's entrance. Since they were an underground sect, they did not bother to create a gate or high building to hide their sect from public view.

One could easily get lost in the forest or, worse, die in a trap set by the Silver Hands Owl themselves. Only its members knew the way to get inside and outside of the territory. This strategic location was one reason why the Silver Hands Owl sect has survived for so long.

"Why do we have to do this in the middle of the night? It's not even our shift." One young man complained.

"Haven't you heard?" His friend said. "There seems to be an important mission tonight. All the seniors and elders were required to attend, including the seniors on guard duty tonight."

"Really? And we were randomly chosen. Such bad luck we have." The first young man grunted as he looked up to the sky. "I wish the sun would just come up already."

Suddenly, a lone man with a white robe and his mouth covered by a white scarf approached. His skin was somewhat dark, and his face signifies, he was quite weak. But, he could not be underestimated. Everyone knows that a person who could come to the entrance without guidance would definitely have some skill.

"Hold it! Who are you?"

"State your business in here!"

Although it was not the first time they were on guard duty, they only had to confirm when another Silver Hands Owl member came in and leave. The two juniors were quite flustered as they never met this person before.

"Ah... Two juniors. Geez... What the hell is this sect doing? Leaving only two juniors to guard the entrance. They should at least put one senior to supervise things." the man in white sighed. Then, he looked at the two juniors and said, "You two don't know me. But, I'm a legitimate disciple of the Silver Hands Owl. I was on a long mission and only have the chance to come back now."

The two juniors looked at each other in a sigh of relief. If this man was a senior, then there was nothing to be really concerned about.

One of them quickly took out a book hidden underneath a tree. Then, he opened the small book and said, "Then, would senior please tell us your name and your mission. So we could verify your identity."

The man in white smiled. "You two probably already know my name. I was assigned to the North Sheng Country years ago." He seemed confident as he was quite famous back in the days.

The two juniors tried to remember the names of the seniors who went to North Sheng Country. However, there's only a handful of them that were assigned there. They could only remember one name, but it obviously can't be this man.

The two juniors slowly shook their head.

"I'm sorry, senior. We do not know your name just from the mission place you assigned to." The junior who held the book said.

The man in white clicked his tongue. Looks like his former glory diminished after he left for years. But it could not be helped. There was no use in getting angry with a couple of juniors just because they don't know him.

"I'm Yu Liang." he finally said.

Upon hearing the name, the two juniors seemed shocked.

"What did you just say?"

"Did you just say Yu Liang?"

[Oh! They looked surprised. They must have remembered who I am!] Yu Liang confidently said, "Hahaa. That's right, I'm Yu Liang! You finally remember me!"

However, the two juniors moved out of Yu Liang's expectation.

"Who are you?! How dare you sully our senior's name like that!"

"We caught you, swindler! In the name of our senior, Yu Liang, we will defeat you."

"Ehhh..." Yu Liang became really confused. "Hold on! What is the meaning of this?"

The two juniors started throwing fists at him.

Yu Liang, with his superior skills and speed, easily dodged. "Hey! How dare you attack your senior like that? Did you guys not hear me? I said I am Yu Liang, your senior."

"You could not be our senior. I met senior Yu Liang myself. He is much more handsome and awesome than you!"

"What?!" Yu Liang exclaimed. "There's someone else pretending to be me."

"Yeah, as if you fake. Do you not realise your lie has been exposed? You still want to continue lying!?"

The two juniors did not stop attacking him. But, their attacks were futile as Yu Liang easily dodged it all.

Yu Liang kept ordering them to stop attacking. As they did not have any intention to, soon, patience reached his limit. He clenched his fist tightly and directed a punch to these two.

* Bam! *

With one attack, the two junior's heads blew off. Their lifeless bodies soon quickly fell to the ground.

Yu Liang sighed as he walked down past the two dead juniors. He gritted his teeth, and anger rose from within. "Who is it?! Who dared to use my identity!?"

As a Silver Hands Owl's disciple, h was no stranger to use someone else's identity and act like he was them. But, for someone else to use his identity was a first. Whoever it is, he could not be underestimated.

* Boooommm... *

A sound from quite a distance was heard. It was quite far, but he still can hear it clearly.

"Is that an explosion? What the hell is happening here?"


"Attack!" The Sect Master roared.

Soon, multiple elders and senior disciples from the back attack at once. Multiple weapons such as swords and spears pointed at one man, Chang Jian.

Chang Jian was weakened because of the explosion. Yet, as an Ancient Earth Realm, he's still much stronger than all of them.

The Number One Assassin pulled out his dagger and ran a massive slash on the incoming attack. In an instant, eight men were dead. That was just how strong Chang Jian was.

Yet it was not, without a trade. As they were many attacks at once, Chang Jian could not dodge it all. A sword managed to leave a palm-sized cut on his left arm.

Eight men just sacrificed their lives to leave a small injury. It may seem like a loss, but considering Chang Jian's cultivation power, it was a great success.

The trades continued.

Chang Jian had killed off more than fifty men. And Chang Jian has multiple injuries across his body. Most importantly, it was evident that the Number One Assassin was exhausted and forced into a defensive position.

The Sect Master was cautious at first, as he could have been targetted by Chang Jian. But, now that Chang Jian was exhausted, he moves. The old man was an Ancient Mortal Realm, the highest in the team. His addition would certainly have an impact on the battle.

However, as the Sect Master approached, Chang Jian smiled, "Got you!"

The Sect Master's face went pale, "Sh*t! He still got a lot of power left."

It turns out Chang Jian has been pretending to be weakened when reality, his injuries did not matter that much. He was waiting for the most dangerous man that could kill him, appeared, and quickly targetted him. In a second, Chang Jian turned the flow of the battle.

The Number One Assassin became even faster as his adrenaline rushed to defeat the Sect Master.

More of the weaker elders and senior disciples died.

The Sect Master could not even ignore the injuries he received from Chang Jian anymore.

"Ling Jue," he called softly.

"Yes, master," Kong Ling Jue replied.

"I leave the sect to you..."

"Sect Master, What do you mean by..." Kong Ling Jue could not finish his sentences when he saw something on the Sect Master's hand. "That's the Demon Pill! Sect Master, you can't!"

"I have no choice..." The Sect Master quickly threw the pill inside his mouth. Quickly, his power rises to the limit.

* Bamm... *

It was a clean hit. The Sect Master successfully hit Chang Jian in the chest. Chang Jian coughed up a lot of blood because of it. "This power... You..."

"Chang Jian, Get ready to die!" The Sect Master roared.