You're the One Who's Dragging Us Down!

"Too easy! Thanks to Young Master Feng, It seems leaving this place is easier than I thought." Guan Ru Na voiced her opinion while occasionally glanced at Feng Ao Xiu.

"We should be safe around here", Feng Ao Xiu smiled felt proud of himself. While it was a hassle at first, Feng Ao Xiu was able to easily pick a way out. They traversed to a random path where there's no trap and successfully made it out.

It was not the same path he took when they came in, but they were able to pass through meant that the Silver Hands Owl has not done enough job to keep it secure. Although, the traps they set was not to be underestimated. Others may have fallen easily. Unfortunately, it faced Feng Ao Xiu.

The layout of the Silver Hans Owl and its surrounding forest were nothing compared to the various places in the Upper Realm. During Feng Ao Xiu's times, he has traversed through blazing fire and snow ice, even infiltrating the enemy's camp full of mines and spirit beasts. Through his experience, guessing the layout of the traps was a simple task for him.

"Good thing we made it out!" Jing Wu Chu said. "So, where are we? Which way is home?"

"Ehh... Ummm..." Feng Ao Xiu looked around. They arrived at some kind of plains full of short grass and large rocks all over the places. "Where are we?"

"...", Jing Wu Chu.

"...", Feng Ao Xiu.

"You don't know!!" Jing Wu Chu snapped. "Are you saying that we lost!?"

Feng Ao Xiu looked down tried not to look at Jing Wu Chu's eyes.

In the first place, Silver Hands Owl sect was hidden deep in the mountain away from the prying eyes. Feng Ao Xiu did a simple plan. He instructs the others to head towards the east. Xiang Lan Nation has mostly mountain in its western area, and most cities were located in the east.

As long as they headed towards the east, they bound to get out of the forest soon. Right after the forest was this plains he saw right before his eyes, yet another stranger place. Feng Ao Xiu could not help but thought that perhaps the cities will be located either north or south.

Jing Wu Chu kept cursing towards her master, "Can't you think? Are you stupid!? You're dragging us down! At least make plan before..."

"Enough!" This time it was Guan Ru Na who snapped. "I don't know who you are. But, that's no way to treat your Young Master!"

"Ugghhh... You..." Jing Wu Chu was not able to say anything. At least not to a cultivator as strong as Guan Ru Na.

"You said Young Master Feng is dragging you down, but the way I see it you're the weakest in our group." Guan Ru Na said, "You're the one who's dragging us down! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

"Guan Ru Na, it's okay..." Feng Ao Xiu said, "She's right, it's my fault for not planing properly."

"Young Master Feng, please don't overexert yourself. You have an injury. If you're tired, please rest!" She said with full of concern. "And, please don't call me Guan Ru Na, we are not in the Silver Hands Owl anymore. Please call me by my real name!"

"Ah... Then, Fang Ye Na..."

"It's Ye Na. Please drop the surname."

"Ye... Ye Na..."

"Yes!!" Fang Ye Na smiled brightly. Her cheek blushed red after her name was called.

Jing Wu Chu, who watched from the sidelined, was twitching in anger. [I'm not the weakest one! The one you call Young Master Feng is the weakest! Yes, he is injured. But, his injury is a broken meridian that can't be treated. Arrgghh! I really want to tell her about the injury!]

When Fang Ye Na chased after them, she already knew that Feng Ao Xiu had an injury that made him weaker. She just did not realise that it was the severe broken meridian.

However, Fang Ye Na's intention was to help Feng Ao Xiu recover from his injury so he could help her later on. Exactly because of this reason, the three of them kept quiet about the truth. If she knew she could go mad and kill Feng Ao Xiu herself, it would defeat the true purpose of fetching Feng Ao Xiu in the first place.

"Look! Someone's there!" Fang Ye Na noticed five small figures from afar and pointed at them. "They should know the way into the city. Let's ask them!"

"Where? I can't see." Qian Hui said. In truth, he does not have enough practice to see a far as Fang Ye Na.

Then, he squatted near Jing Wu Chu, "Get on my back, Wu Chu."

"Dream on! You carry Second Young Master. I'm going with this girl!" Jing Wu Chu said.

If there's one good thing about Fang Ye Na that Jing Wu Chu would be grateful for, it was that Jing Wu Chu will be carried on her back instead of Qian Hui.

Feng Ao Xiu and the others quickly approached the five people. Four young men seemed to be around the same age as them, and one small girl. They moved together in a group. It seemed they were searching for something since they were looking at the grasses near them all the time. And, by the look of it, they were in a hurry.

"Excuse me. Can you tell us where is this..." Feng Ao Xiu called to the young man in front who seemed to be their leader.

"Did you find it?!" the young man seemed to not heard Feng Ao Xiu's question. Instead, he asked question of his own.

"Ehh... Find what?"

"Stop playing around. I'm talking about Sawtooth Rabbit." he replied.

"We gotta find it soon, otherwise we won't make it in time." the guy behind him said.

"I'm can't fail for three times in a row!" another one said.

It was clear that these people were too much in a hurry. They were not in a condition to answer his question. Perhaps helping them finding some Sawtooth Rabbit should calm them down. Feng Ao Xiu said, "A rabbit type spirit beast are generally weaker and will not show itself on human. They were hiding underground, you should be able to find one by looking under some of the larger rocks."

"Really!?" The leader seemed surprised by Feng Ao Xiu's words. He headed towards a large rock right away. "Quick, help me push this!"

The four young men quickly push a large rock. Then, they found four Sawtooth Rabbit hiding there within the holes they dug.

As Sawtooth Rabbit was only a First Rank Spirit Beast, the four men quickly defeated it and took its carcasses, one each. Without saying much, they quickly ran to the north.

Unknowingly, the small girl within the group pulled on the side of the leader's shirt from earlier. "What about Su Mei?"

The leader looked at the little girl with pity in his eyes, but he bit his lip, "Sorry, little girl. I don't have the time. Try again next year!" Then he quickly ran with the others.

"Whaa... So rude!" Fang Ye Na said. "They abandoned a little girl alone, and did not even say thank you to Young Master Feng after he helped."

"Uuuuu..." The little girl called Su Mei whimpered as if she wanted to cry. Compared to the other young man in their adolescence, this little girl was much smaller and petite.

"Little girl, how old are you?" Feng Ao Xiu asked.

"Five..." she replied.

"What are you doing here alone? Where are your parents?"

"Help Su Mei capture Sawtooth Rabbit!" Instead of answering, Su Mei gave an order instead.


"Su Mei wants Sawtooth Rabbit! Please..." Su Mei

"Ummm..." Feng Ao Xiu did not know what to say. Just by her age alone, the little girl would not be able to take on the Sawtooth Rabbit. Why would she want it for?

"Little kid, we don't have time for you! If you want a Sawtooth Rabbit, go find it yourself!" Qian Hui said.

Because of Qian Hui, Su Mei started crying. "Wuuwwuuu..."

"Qian Hui, get lost!" Jing Wu Chu said. "How could you be so harsh to a little girl!?"

"There... There... Su Mei, don't cry!" Fang Ye Na said, "Let Big Sis find Sawtooth Rabbit for you, okay!"

Su Mei nodded, "Su Mei wants five!"

With her strength alone, Fang Ye Na quickly crash on a large boulder nearby. In a second, she took down five Sawtooth Rabbit.

"Here, Big Sis get five Sawtooth Rabbit just for you!"

"Thank you!" Su Mei said, "Help Su Mei carry it."

"Huhh! We already get it for you and you're still asking for more." Qian Hui said, "No way! Do it yourself!"


"Qian Hui, you're asking for death!" Jing Wu Chu said.

"It's okay... it's okay. Big Sis will help you carry it." Fang Ye Na said while patting Su Mei's back. "Where do you want to go to?"

"There!" Su Mei was pointing towards the direction where the four young men from earlier headed to."Hurry! No time left!"

Feng Ao Xiu sighed. He has a bad feeling about this. He felt like heavens were playing with him and watching him for entertainment.

The two girls, Jing Wu Chu and Fang Ye Na have decided by themselves to fulfil Su Mei's request. Meanwhile, Qian Hui and Feng Ao Xiu could only quietly followed them from behind.

With Fang Ye Na and Qian Hui's speed, they quickly arrived at their destination. They even surpassed the four young men from earlier.

They were in front of some kind of large gate, which seemed to be in a mountain and city's outskirts. A man in his twenties sitting behind a table appeared to be a receptionist right before the entrance. But, he was sleeping while on duty.

Su Mei said, "Hey, Mister!"

The receptionist quickly opened his eyes. However, after he saw it was a five-year-old little girl that called out to him, the receptionist didn't seem to care much. "Little girl, you again. I said before you have to get the Sawtooth Rabbit or else you can't enter."

"I have Sawtooth Rabbit!" Su Mei said.

"You have Sawtooth Rabbit?" the receptionist look around then noticed the four people behind the little girl alongside the five carcasses of the Sawtooth Rabbit. "So, you guys helped her... Well rules are rules. Just don't blame me if she died okay."

"Open the gate!" He shouted.

The gate opened slowly, revealing a large garden. Afar there were large buildings. The inside seemed full of young peoples.

The receptionist said, "Congratulations on passing the first test. Now, quickly go inside."

[The first test? The first test of what?] There's a lot that Feng Ao Xiu wanted to ask. It looks like getting Su Mei to safety was the first priority, and the receptionist seemed to be in a hurry as well.

Feng Ao Xiu and his companion quickly went inside before the receptionist ordered the gate to be closed.

Suddenly, the four young men from earlier arrived. The leader said, "We have the Sawtooth Rabbits!"

"Too late, time's up!" The receptionist said.



Feng Ao Xiu and the others just went inside.

A young woman in a purple robe appeared and said. "Welcome to Cloud Moon Palace. My name is Li Lan. You can call me Sister Li. I will guide you to the next test. I really hope you all can be accepted as the our disciples!"

[Hmmm... Cloud Moon Palace, where have I heard that name before... Ah! Isn't this the sect Ning Huan and his daughter, Ning Ruo, managed?]

Feng Ao Xiu sighed, first it was Silver Hands Owl, now it's the Cloud Moon Palace. The heavens really were playing with him!