You’re Luckier Than the Luckiest Star!

"Wow... Isn't that the scroll for Silent Steps? It's a high-tier, once you mastered it, you're guaranteed to pass most traps and array formations."

"I'm so jealous! Compared to that technique, my treasure is nothing."

"Master Ke Ling, you're awesome! You're luckier than the luckiest star!"

All of them were oblivious to Chang Miao's fortune, so according to everyone, the biggest reward goes to Wi Ke Ling. Especially the three Wi Ke Ling's servants, they praised his master endlessly.

On the other hand, Baldy, who traded his green key for a red key, was in a bad luck. He received a large hammer, by standard it was an excellent weapon which can be used to attack and caused a distraction. However, since he has not yet reached Iron Mortal, fighting with a weapon was not easy, as Qi won't flow through to the weapon. But, Baldy prioritised speed over power, this large hammer could cause a large amount of damage but could slow him down. This weapon was not suited for Baldy at all.

Wi Ke Ling was his new friend that he almost form a brotherhood with. If Fei Bao Xing had not left, the three of them would already be sworn brothers. They had no choice but to suspend the brotherhood until the three of them meet again.

Now, seeing Wi Ke Ling got such an advanced scroll technique, Baldy felt proud and jealous at the same time, but mostly jealous. He could not help but approach his future sworn brother and asked, "Brother Wi Ke Ling, you got to tell us where did you get that scroll. I'm really curious."

"Yeah... Yeah... tell us!"

"How fast is the treasure chest that hold it? How many keys did you use to open it?"

"...", Wi Ke Ling became silent the moment he faced this question. Naturally, he was a bit embarrassed to tell on how he get the Silent Steps scroll. But, he knew that not telling would only cause much more trouble in the future. He didn't want anyone to overestimate his strength.

In the end, Wi Ke Ling gulped and tell the truth that he received it from Chang Miao in exchange for a bunch of green keys.

"...", This time the others were the one who became silent.

"... You got a silver-tier treasure by exchanging it with green keys?"

"I saw Guan Ru Yi exchanged her treasure for some green keys. But, this..."

They pressed Wi Ke Ling for more answer, but Wi Ke Ling also didn't know. So, they could only shake their heads in silence, regretting that they weren't as lucky as Wi Ke Ling.

But, Baldy became shocked, he gnashed his teeth and angrily pointed at Wi Ke Ling, "Yo... You... Wi Ke Ling! I treated you like a brother, but this is how you treat me! How could you betray me like this?!"

Wi Ke Ling was surprised at Baldy response, "What?! Me... Betray? This must be a misunderstanding. I never betray you! Please explain to me what I did wrong."

"Oh yeah... Then, you know that I secretly told you that I like Chang Miao, right?"

[Was it even a secret? Everyone knows that you like Chang Miao, you even proclaimed to that you will confess once you became an official disciple.] Of course, Wi Ke Ling would not say it out loud, but he nodded in confirmation.

"All right, You confirm that you know." said Baldy accusingly. "Then, why did you steal Chang Miao from me?"

"Wha... What?!" Wi Ke Ling was baffled to the point that his spit flew everywhere.

"Spare me the nonsense!" As Wi Ke Ling tried to say something, Baldy interjected him, "It's obvious that you wooed her that she has fallen in love with you, then you easily persuaded her to give you the Silent Steps scroll."

Wi Ke Ling was even more baffled because of Baldy's nonsense. "But, I'm not..."

But, Baldy gave him no chance to talk. "Wi Ke Ling, your face is even more destructive than Feng Ao Xiu. I'm glad we are not sworn brother. I won't forgive you, I swear to remember this betrayal."

Baldy left as soon as he finished what he's saying. Everyone was watching, but none of them chased after Baldy, much less consoled him. They were all on the side of Wi Ke Ling.

They could understand that Baldy like Chang Miao. Hell, even more than half of the boys like her. But, they could not understand why Baldy thought he had a chance acquiring Chang Miao. Regardless of whether Chang Miao like Wi Ke Ling or not, Baldy should not be angry. That was because... His face was not pleasant at all. With a face like that, do you think Chang Miao would even look a single glance at you?

While Baldy's complaint seemed like a nonsense, the smart ones among the group saw things differently.

Chang Miao must have a reason to gave such a powerful treasure to Wi Ke Ling. It may not be because she was in love, but there should be another reason. It was either to gain Wi Ke Ling's favour or he was threatening her. And, for those things to happen, Wi Ke Ling must be very strong.

But, Wi Ke Ling was known as the Weakling. It could not be true, right?

They hurriedly went to Chang Miao and Guan Ru Yi to acquire some confirmation.

"Yes, we gave that treasure to Wi Ke Ling." Guan Ru Yi replied.

They were stunned. One of them could not help but asked, "Why?"

"That... It's to exchange with the green keys." Guan Ru Yi said.

"..." Her answers were met with a silence, only to be asked again, "Why?"


Of course, the first and the second 'why' were different. In fact, Guan Ru Yi regretted she answered to the first one. Seeing her in trouble, Chang Miao immediately covered for her and said, "You guy already received the answer, there's nothing more to add. Now leave!"

In the end, these people could only leave while being confused. But, they did not stop to acquire more information. It was not long until they received news from some people, which among them was Baldy's teammate. During the end of the Northern Dark Forest test, Wi Ke Ling suddenly became very strong and single-handedly defeat all of them.

Thus, they came to a conclusion, that Wi Ke Ling was not a weakling, but was very strong.

In the near future, Wi Ke Ling did not know why, but he was approached by some people who tried to lick his boots in order to gain his favour. And, in the final test, Wi Ke Ling and his servant were helped by these people and aced the test.


"Phew... Thanks for the help, Young Lady Min." Guan Ru Yi said. "I'm so clumsy that I almost blurt it out without thinking."

"It's all right." Chang Miao said. "I know communication is not your strong suit. But, just remember, we can't let know that Fei Bao Xing was Feng Ao Xiu or that he was covering for Wi Ke Ling."

"I know... If it wasn't for Young Master Feng, who would even look at Wi Ke Ling?" Guan Ru Yi sighed, then she stared at the large painting in the room. "But, Young Lady Min, why would you said that you would only hold the Treasure Trove Painting for a year. Such a nice treasure, even if we got all the treasures inside, but only for a year, isn't it such a waste?"

"They pressured me! This painting was too valuable for them, and I could not rely so much on Feng Ao Xiu since he's not here. I have no choice but to compromise." Chang Miao said. "But, I believe in a year... No, at most six months, Feng Ao Xiu will return and help us."

"I see... When Young Master Feng returns, there's nothing to be afraid of!"


"Sect Master, to recoup the loss we suffered from Chang Jian, we need a lot of new recruits to be accepted as our official disciple. As you suggested, we made the final test easy, and they all succeed." said Yu Liang, then he putted some papers on Kong Ling Jue's table. "In the final evaluation, there are four peoples who were considered the top scorer."

Kong Ling Jue nodded as he was satisfied with the result. Then, he said, "Now that, He Min left, I should find myself another disciple."

Kong Ling Jue nodded and looked at the top scorer's profile. The four were none other than, Chang Miao, Guan Ru Yi, Deng Huan and Wi Ke Ling. Naturally, he cast aside the two girls as he did not want anything to do with Feng Ao Xiu's spy. But, it was ironic that he could do nothing to them because of Feng Ao Xiu.

For his next disciple will be decided on either Deng Huan or Wi Ke Ling. Kong Ling Jue was especially interested in Deng Huan.

Before he decided, Yu Liang gave his analysis. "Deng Huan was a very strong candidate at the beginning. But, it seemed his performance dropped during the Northern Dark Forest. Most likely, he was threatened by Feng Ao Xiu. In the finals, his performance dropped and was very mediocre, it seemed like he did not want any attention."

"On the other hand, Wi Ke Ling was the opposite. He was unfavourable during the beginning. But, his performance and adaptability increased drastically. During the Northern Dark Forest test, there were rumours that he beat two groups all by himself. He earned the Silent Steps scroll in the Treasure Trove Realm. In the finals, he was the top three after Chang Miao and Guan Ru Yi."

Kong Ling Jue immediately changed his mind. While Deng Huan seemed tough, he did not want his direct disciple to be afraid, even if it is against Feng Ao Xiu. Especially now that Deng Huan wanted to get away from the spotlight, he was afraid that Deng Huan would not be serious in learning.

On the other hand, Wi Ke Ling has succeeded in tricking others and coming out advantageous in the end. Moreover, he was fortunate enough to earn the opportunity to learn the Silent Steps. With the proper support, Wi Ke Ling will become an elite in the Silver Hands Owl.

"I made up my mind, I will accept Wi Ke Ling as my new disciple."

Wi Ke Ling was very lucky.

Very soon, Kong Ling Jue regretted his decision. When he received Wi Ke Ling he learned that his new disciple did not even master the first step of the 24 steps in the Silent Steps technique. Everything he taught would come in from one ear and out of the other.

Then, a few days later. He learned that Feng Ao Xiu had helped Wi Ke Ling during the Northern Dark Forest test.

"So, Wi Ke Ling is also Feng Ao Xiu's spy?" he asked.

The senior member of the Silver Hands Owl nodded in confirmation.

"F*ck!!!" Kong Ling Jue cursed loudly.