In Your Dreams!!!

At the same time, some of Tao Zhen's follower came out of hiding and charged toward them from the front.

Feng Ao Xiu may not be strong enough to defend himself, but his experience in battle during his time in Upper Realm was more than enough to know an ambush is coming.

[Five man is charging from the front, is not even nearly enough. This is just a distraction, there must be someone else coming from behind!]

He hoped for Fang Ye Na to save him, but she was already too far to the front. She was already too occupied with fighting the five person.

His only lifeline was gone. How could he handle with the ambush from behind? He absolutely could not ask Jing Wu Chu or Su Mei, they were still too weak (although not as weak as him).

Feng Ao Xiu won't just sit back and get himself killed. Even though he couldn't fight, he still has another method, the reliable yet unpredictable Precious Qi Cube. Fortunately, he already had it charged with Jing Wu Chu's Qi. As fast as he could, he gets it out of his storage ring.

The cube was still unpredictable, he only had activated it three times previously, and there's no knowing what power it will show. But, in the face of danger, Feng Ao Xiu had no other choice.

[Please, let it be a good one! Please let it be a good one!]

The two Tao Zhen's follower were right behind him, before the cube in his hand shined.

It was in the middle of the night, the light from the cube attracted the attention of all the people. The others immediately stopped fighting and saw that there's some strange light coming out of a young man's hand.

Suddenly, one of the Tao Zhen's follower that was right behind him coughed up some blood and ended up collapsing on the ground. The other one was startled that he forgot about his target and checked up on his friend, "Ah Duo, What happened to you?"

"Hey, c'mon, don't play a joke on me! Wake up! Wake up!" He said while shook his friend's lifeless body. He started sobbing, "No way, this can't be true... Ah Duo!"

"Did someone got killed?" The others started murmuring while watching the commotion.

"It's the one in Tao Zhen's group. He's dead!"

"Who killed him?"

Ah Duo was dead. No matter how many times his name was called, there was no response. The man who has been shouting at him suddenly stand up, his eyes became red, seething with anger. He furiously pointed at Feng Ao Xiu, "You! You!! How dare you kill my little brother, Ah Duo!"

This man turns out to be the victim's older brother. The two were following Tao Zhen's order to ambush Young Master Feng from behind. He never thought this simple task would cost his brother's life.

Ah Duo's brother wanted to pounce on Feng Ao Xiu, but was quickly saved by Fang Ye Na. She quickly deflected his attack and pushed him into the ground.

"This must be a misunderstanding, Young Master Feng would... Would not do this..." She said, then glanced at Feng Ao Xiu, "Right?"

Feng Ao Xiu did not even hear what Fang Ye Na was saying. He was stupefied while staring at Ah Duo's corpse. [This is one of the power of the Precious Qi Cube? I did this...]

It was not the first time Feng Ao Xiu killed someone, he killed plenty of bad guys in the Upper Realm. However, this time he unknowingly did it while inside the Cloud Moon Palace. Unlike the underground sect like the Silver Hands Owl where killing someone was a necessary requirement, Cloud Moon Palace was a renown sect and has a reputation to maintain.

If they let a murder case like this happened and ignore it, the Cloud Moon Palace would be condemned as a place of injustice. Would there be any more new disciples came to take the test if they couldn't guarantee their safety?

Naturally, the seniors who were watching from afar were also surprised, then they became panicked. They never handle a case like this before, they were confused and didn't know what to do.

Meanwhile, Li Lan once again reported to the Elder, "Elder, please come with me! There's a murder happened in the third test."

"Again! What happened in this year's new disciples selection process? First, the statue was destroyed. And now, a murder?!"

As fast as lightning, the seniors followed by elders went into the scene of the crime. With the elders' direction, the situation was handled smoothly, they asked around to find out what happened in gist.

"Young Master Feng, this is not the Feng Clan's ground, this is the Cloud Moon Palace. How are you going to take responsibility for this?" An elder said towards Feng Ao Xiu. The elder intonation was not good. He didn't even ask any question, and just pinned the blame onto him.

The other elder also agreed, the quickest way to deal with it is to get rid of the only suspect. Once this 'Young Master Feng' gone, they can resume everything back to normal.

Feng Ao Xiu gritted his teeth, there's no mistake that it was him. But he did not regret it a single bit. It was either him or Ah Duo that died. Although Ah Duo and his brother did not have any intention to kill Feng Ao Xiu but just to beat him up, they didn't know that Feng Ao Xiu was so weak that he could die with one punch. For Feng Ao Xiu, it was still an attempted murder. He wouldn't just take this lying down, he feigned ignorance and said, "I don't understand what Elder meant. What responsibility?"

The elder was also intelligent, he knew that Young Master was asking for more investigation. If he replied that it's responsibility for murder, the only answer he got will be 'I didn't murder anyone!'. But, there's no clear evidence for murder, no one saw Young Master Feng killed Ah Duo directly. If that happened, they couldn't shift the blame to Young Master Feng. And, if Cloud Moon Palace could not declare the murderer, how could they be able to clear the sect's name and reputation?

The elder slightly smiled and said, "I'm asking if the Feng Clan will pay 2,000 gold taels as compensation or will you die?"

Feng Ao Xiu frowned, hearing the elder's reply. The elder took control of the conversation and didn't give him any chance to retaliate.

In fact, the only reason Feng Ao Xiu wasn't killed yet, because he was from the Feng Clan and the elder was not sure if someone in the Feng Clan still care for this Young Master Feng. The Cloud Moon Palace did not want to get into the business with any family clan, so they would leave some way out if someone from the big clan made a mistake.

Since the elder was so shameless and didn't want to talk about the murder, then Feng Ao Xiu can also be one, "You can ask that question to Feng Ao Xiu!"

The elder became panicked. [Does this mean he was close with Feng Ao Xiu? Ah... How could I mess with Feng Ao Xiu? If Feng Ao Xiu really comes to make trouble, even my death will not be enough...]

Tao Zhen hurriedly came to the elder rescue, "Elder, don't be fooled by his lies. He's the First Young Master of Feng Clan, Feng Zhi Yan. Everyone knows that his father and him has been vying for the Clan Lord's position. How could his relationship with Feng Ao Xiu be good?!"

The elder finally smiled, he didn't know that it was Feng Zhi Yan. He didn't know about Feng Clan that much. He thought it was another Young Master Feng or someone from outer member that was influential enough to be recognised as a young master. If he knew, he wouldn't be this panicked. He said, "So die it is."

Fang Ao Xiu glared at Tao Zhen. Young Master Tao was nothing but trouble the entire time. He swore he will get rid of this bastard the first chance he got. What's worse, why would everyone think that his relationship with Feng Zhi Yan was bad? [Brother Zhi Yan and I have the best relationship.]

If Feng Zhi Yan could know what he's thinking, he will shout loudly, "In your dreams!!!"

As the elder wanted to grab Young Master Feng to give him a lesson. Someone slapped the elder's hand swiftly. The elder was in pain and took a step back. He glanced at the assailant, then he could not help but frowned, "Scholar Jin..."

Scholar Jin said, "Ah... Let's not be hasty. Tell me exactly what happened."