It Multiplied by 4!

The participants began talking to themselves. They were distracted to their own imagination, some were confident and excited, but those without enough strength began planning on the best way to phase out their techniques.

As two male senior disciples brought a small sack filled with papers, Li Lan created a loud enough sound by slightly stomped her feet to caught everyone's attention back. She said with a smile that has a lot of hidden meanings, "Everyone, please line up and take your number. We'll start with number one, with each fight lasts for five minutes before continuing to number two, then number three and so on."

Not long, it was Feng Ao Xiu's turn to pick a number, he put his hand inside the sack while praying he got a good one. What could take only a few seconds, instead took him a full a minute.

"Hey! You, in the front. Hurry Up!! We're all waiting to get our numbers, over here!"

"Shut up! I'm concentrating here!" Feng Ao Xiu snapped.

"It's just picking a number! What there to be concentrated about?!" the other guy snapped back.

Feng Ao Xiu wanted to curse at him, but noticed that the others were staring daggers at him. It made him realise that he was in the wrong, and quickly pull out a number while cursing silently in his heart.

And his number was... 418. He's last!

Feng Ao Xiu jumped in joy. It would be the next day before it came to his turn. By then, he would already come up with a plan to defeat the senior he would face.

"418... Young master, it's way too long before your turn. How dare they keep you waiting? Young master should be first, so we can finish this early!" said Fang Ye Na, suddenly appearing from behind him.

"Ah... Fang Ye Na, you surprised me." Feng Ao Xiu did not want anyone to know that he's happy receiving the last slot, so he kept his emotion calm and said, "It doesn't matter if we finish it early or late. As long as we pass the test, it's enough."

"As expected of young master, not only you are kind-hearted, but also patient and tolerant!"

"Yes, you're right... Ha... ha...", Feng Ao Xiu could only laugh half-heartedly at Fang Ye Na's compliment.

"Then, please watch me. I'm number two!" said Fang Ye Na.

It was not long after, the last test finally started. The participants who received later numbers may choose whether to watch or practice in the courtyard. Since Fang Ye Na's turn was really early, Feng Ao Xiu and the rest decided to watch.

Ten elders, including Elder Zhou, came out of the room opposite of them. When the last stepped inside, the girls shrieked.

"Kyaaa!! So, handsome!"

"Oh! Heavens... He's an elder!!"

Especially Jing Wu Chu, she couldn't contain her excitement and called him out, "Ahh... Boyfriend! It's me! It's me! Your girlfriend!"

That last elder was none other than the handsome young man Jing Wu Chu met earlier. He awkwardly glanced at Jing Wu Chu's direction because she was so loud. Of course, he heard her clearly and recognise her, but he pretended not to know and walk away.

[Ahh... What is that crazy girl doing here? Is she one of the participant? I don't want anything to do with her!]

"Ahh... He's still playing hard to get like... A real bad boy." said Jing Wu Chu.

"Excuse me, did you just call him your boyfriend?", a young woman asked her.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend!"

"I suggest you shut your mouth and stop calling him your boyfriend!"

"Huh... Who are you to stop me from calling my boyfriend,'boyfriend'? Are you his grandma?!"

"Grandma? Are you calling me an old lady?! Let me tell you, I'm his girlfriend! A fake like you, pretending to be his girlfriend, should just leave us alone!"

"What did you say?! I'm the real girlfriend!" Another young woman chimed in to the conversation.

"She's lying!! I'm the real one!" Yet, another on joined in.

"You dare!! I'm the real girlfriend around here!" Jing Wu Chu shouted.

The handsome elder's face paled. [This must be a nightmare! The crazy girl... It multiplied by 4!]

Meanwhile, the other boys including Feng Ao Xiu became extremely jealous. Some of them are handsome, but none of them are handsome enough to defeat this elder.

For example, Feng Ao Xiu was handsome, but it was not enough to make a woman threw herself at him at first sight. But, this elder has just arrived and already made four women fought for him. What kind of men would not be jealous of him?

Unknowingly, this handsome elder has just become the public enemy of the other men.

Feng Ao Xiu glared at him in his anger. But, then he felt that something was weird. [That face... Where have I seen it before? But, if it's this handsome... I should have remembered him...]

After some seniors calm the crazy girls down, the last test has finally begun.

The one who held number one was an ordinary young man. He stepped in the ring with the small and thin senior. The senior just stood in the middle of the ring motionlessly and asked him to make the first move.

He launched himself and tried to land a punch right on the senior's head. The senior quickly evaded the attack, and made a counterattack with a punch of his own. He did not even use his full strength and speed, but it hit right on the shoulder.

The young man fell over from just that, he gets up and tried to do the same thing, but met with the same result. It was obvious that his performance was not adequate. During his evaluation, none of the elders gave their approval. The young man, devastated, left the building.

"Number 2, please come out!"

It was Fang Ye Na's turn. She quickly but gracefully walked into the ring.

Elder Zhou noticed that this woman was Feng Zhi Yan's friend. He quickly moved his neck and eyes as a signal.

The senior inside the ring caught the signal and said, "Arrrggh... My stomach hurt! Looks like that last one was quite strong! Elder, please forgive me. But, I am unable to continue..."

"Aiya... Don't force yourself!" said one of the ten judging elders. "Why don't you take a rest? Let me take your spot for a moment."

The other's eyes grew wider. Who didn't know this was a farce? They just replaced the senior with the much stronger elder.

[What stomach hurt?! Your last enemy couldn't even stand a chance!]

[Hell, he didn't even touch you in the first place! If he was quite strong, why none of you gave your approval?!]

[This is must be a farce to take care against Feng Zhi Yan...]

Fang Ye Na grew unpleasant, she has a lot of things she wanted to say, but knew that none of it won't work. She could only stay quiet, and let her fist do the work.

The match began. However, unlike the previous matches where the participants were allowed to attack first, this time the elder made the move immediately. They didn't want Fang Ye Na to show her skill, so no one will protest if the elders did not give their approvals.

The elder quickly launch five different palm strikes towards Fang Ye Na. However, Fang Ye Na evasively evaded all of them.

Without even giving her a chance to make a move, the elder quickly launched a kick, an elbow strike, and three different kinds of techniques one after another. Fang Ye Na's level was much lower than the elder, but she dodged all of his strike.

To everyone on the outside, she may have done it gracefully, but she used all her strength just to focus on dodging, which make it really hard for her to launch a counterattack.

In the middle of the match, her Qi Aura is leaking because she's using too much of her power. To everyone's surprise, Fang Ye Na was actually an Iron Earth Realm cultivator. Compared to the rest, her level was really high, even higher than Qian Hui.

The elder fighting against her was surprised as well. Her cultivation may be quite high, but his cultivation was Jade Mortal Realm. Yet, how could he not have successfully launched an attack against someone that level was way behind him?

However, what they did not know was that Fang Ye Na was trained to be the next Clan Lord of the renowned Fang Clan. Also, Fang Ye Na was from the North Sheng Country, which in average has a higher cultivation level average than the Xiang Lan Nation. It was no wonder that Xiang Lan Nation was called the weakest country.

The elders kept on attacking, and Fang Ye Na kept on dodging. Then, the five minutes time limit ends with nothing else new to see.

The elders were sweating, they could not defeat her quickly and her performance was quite good. In fact, her cultivation level alone was an enough reason to accept her. If they didn't give their approval, will they get in trouble?

** Cough... **

"It's time for evaluation..." said Elder Zhou. "Those who thinks that she deserved a spot at our sect, please raise your hand!"

Just as Elder Zhou has promised to Feng Ao Xiu, he gave his approval by raising his hand.

As for the other elders...