Don’t Tell This to Anyone!

"If you already know, then shut up!" said Elder Ning confirming that he... She was indeed Ning Ruo.

It was not the first time Ning Ruo cross-dressed as a male.

The first time she did it was around three years ago. One day, a large bump suddenly appeared in her chest. It swelled so much that her chest started to hurt, and eventually it became bigger than necessary. Ever since then, the men have been looking at her differently. Yes, it was eyes full of lewdness. At the same time, the number of proposal for her marriage skyrocketed. Ning Ruo immediately threatened her father to reject it all, or she will tell everyone about Xiu.

Ning Huan had no choice but to comply, there's no way he can let the world knows that his daughter had been together in the wilderness with another man. Although nothing happened, rumours were more vicious than sword, his and the entire sect reputation were depended on it. As a result, when his daughter miraculously returned, he kept the entire thing a secret and pretended as if Ning Ruo never went missing in the first place.

Meanwhile, Ning Ruo couldn't stand being stared by men, not with their eyes that stole a glance at her breast from time to time. So, she hides her breast by binding them with a cloth, practising make-up and wore clothes for men. Who would have thought that Ning Ruo was too talented in make-up that her own father was startled and thought that a stranger intrude in his house the first time it happened.

As usual, Ning Huan scolded his own daughter, saying that he doesn't want a daughter pretending to be a man. While Ning Ruo argued that her father doesn't understand women. Only until Ning Ruo's mother intervened that the two stop fighting. She coaxed her own husband to let their daughter cross-dress. She also said to her daughter that if she wanted to continue to cross-dress, she must use lighter make-up so at least the elders and higher up could recognise her.

Ning Ruo who love her mother more than she hated her father, agreed. However, it was not without consequences. Ning Ruo was already beautiful in the first place. Lighter make-up meant that she has to retain the features on her face, and the only way to do so while convincing that she was male was by making it more handsome. Thus, Elder Ning was born, the super handsome young elder that easily attracted woman left and right. Just look at Jing Wu Chu!

Back to the present.

All that shouting made everyone staring at her. Ning Ruo realised she made too much noise, so she changed her posture back to that of the gentleman style and quietly said, "Don't tell this to anyone!"

Feng Ao Xiu was taken aback so much. He didn't have the time to think that, he could only nod in response.

Ning Ruo was somewhat perplexed, she felt that Feng Ao Xiu had taken advantage of her and was playing with her. In her view, there's no way a supreme expert like Feng Ao Xiu would not recognise her identity. He must have intentionally stared at her breast just to see her reaction. How more lewd could this man get? He's exactly the type of man she hated the most. To this day, Ning Ruo still couldn't understand what was it that her little sister, Yang Xue Yi, saw in him.

Anyway, It doesn't matter if one more person knew Elder Ning's real identity. Since he already agreed to keep it a secret, she couldn't let anybody else knew, especially the disciples.

Ning Ruo was already guaranteed next in line to be the next Sect Master. Her ability already exceeded her own father, thanks to Feng Ao Xiu's teaching. She was sent here to gain experience as en elder, so she knew how hard it was to guide new disciples.

It was exactly why she must hide her identity so that male disciples would not be distracted by her body. However, Ning Ruo failed to realise that while she was cross-dressing, it was the female disciples who get distracted instead.

Feng Ao Xiu was flabbergasted while he returned to his group. He felt like a fool for being jealous to a woman over attracting other women.

The others make way for him after knowing he's Feng Ao Xiu. They felt fear and regret at the same time. Fear that they may offend this supreme expert, and regret that they did not defend him while he was being slandered by others. They imagined, if one became Feng Ao Xiu's friend, how good their life would become.

Feng Ao Xiu finally made it back, and Fang Ye Na has already returned with all the necessary ingredient. She immediately handed it all to Feng Ao Xiu, "Young Master, quickly create the pill!"

Feng Ao Xiu nodded. That's right, he still has to create a pill to raise Su Mei's strength, so at least she has a chance to pass the test. Luckily, in the upper world, he learned how to concoct a pill. And a lower-tier pill like this only took him five minutes to create.

First, he needed to mix the Yellow Bell flower and the Long Lanceolate Leaf. He quickly put them into the bowl, then he noticed something wrong.

"Wait... This isn't the Long Lanceolate Leaf!" said Feng Ao Xiu, "This is the Long Oblique Leaf!"

"What... It's not the right one... Does this mean?" asked Fang Ye Na.

Feng Ao Xiu shook his head, "I can't work with this... There's no way to make the pill now."

Fang Ye Na dropped in guilt. "This is my fault! I've failed my mission." She cried and hugged Su Mei, "Sorry, Big Sis is sorry. Big Sis can't help you..."

"No, this is my fault!" Feng Ao Xiu said. "I should have explained more clearly..."

Su Mei only stared at the clouds, not understanding what the two were talking about. She patted Fang Ye Na in the back and said, "Don't cry..."

"Su Mei..."

It was then, Elder Zhou shouted, "Number 418. Please come to the ring!"

Su Mei slowly walks to the ring. The elders were surprised to see such a small girl here. Ning Ruo was especially not convinced, she asked repeatedly to verify that the little girl was the candidate. Only after she heard from Elder Zhou that Feng Ao Xiu brought the little girl, she was finally convinced.

At first, they thought whoever Feng Ao Xiu bring with must be special. The senior facing her was afraid of what might happen. However, after it started, they realised they were wrong.

The little girl couldn't hold a candle against the senior. It was not a mistake to say that she was the worst candidate. Every attack she made was not effective at all. Every move were without techniques or special hidden meaning. She even had trouble standing after attacking.

Ning Ruo felt pity for the girl that she stopped the match only after two minutes. Saying that they already determined the result.

The elders looked at each other. Should they raise their hands just because she was someone brought by Feng Ao Xiu? But, her performance was not adequate at all.

The voting time has arrived. It's time for the elders to determine Su Mei's future.

Elder Zhou started by raising his hand. He stood by his word that he will vote for Feng Ao Xiu and his friends.

That was one vote, two more to go!


No one else raised their hands.

It was over.

Su Mei failed.