
"Greetings Dame Suzdal, on behalf of House Morales I welcome you to Volhiniya. I apologise but the Count is busy with many matters and is unable to attend." A short stout man draped in heavy official's robes bowed gracefully, honeyed words dropping from his lips, which Elya found particularly grating. Especially now that she was aware that her future husband had no idea she even existed.

Alexis snorted at the words, pointedly not looking at the troops that penned the Count within Konstanz, but Elya shot her a warning glare.

"It is a pleasure to be here major-domo. I apologise for coming on such short notice." Elya had always hated the formalities and exchanges that swamped the life of the nobility, she'd rather wave her sword at something or charge it with a lance. Yet, the Suzdal's reputation had to be upheld and gruelling training sessions of etiquette and decorum had drummed the discipline into her very bones, well before the War College beat whatever rough edges remained out of her.

"Not at all Milady. Baroness Morales has been eagerly awaiting your presence for quite some time." The major-domo smiled weakly at that. He had clearly avoided using the Count's name.

"I would be happy to meet with the Baroness, but first we must settle my companions."

"Of course, Milady. Please don't worry, we will handle everything. If you would be willing to dismount, I would be happy to show you the way." The major-domo waved his assistants forward, and they moved among the convoy, distributing water, food and small trinkets to welcome them into their new home as custom demanded. Handing her lance to the squire, she hopped of the horse, handing the reins to a wide-eyed girl that watched her with awe.

Elya smiled and was pleased to see the little girl rush back to her friends, horse in tow, throwing glances in Elya's direction, whispering and gesturing in excitement. She removed her helmet, her silver hair cascading across her shoulders amidst gasps of surprise.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked the dumbstruck major-domo.

"I humbly apologise Milady." The major-domo bowed once more. "I was simply caught by surprise. One hears of the silver hair of House Suzdal but seeing it in person is astounding."

Elya toyed with her hair for a moment and grinned. "Glad to be entertaining."

Alexis' stern expression cracked and only her iron discipline kept her from laughing. The major-domo observed Elya warily, trying to determine if she was angry, but seeing her soft smile seemed to comfort him.

"Milady is most humorous. If I may be so bold, we could do away with the formalities?"

"You mean talk like normal people. Sure." Elya was more than happy to comply.

"After you meet your fiancée, then you can do what you want El." An ancient voice croaked from a nearby carriage, its curtains opening, and an old wrinkled face looked out. "Until then act with propriety."

"Please calm down Aunt. It's a few words here and there, we'll behave in front of the Baron and Baroness at least."

"See that you do." The old lady snorted. "What are you waiting for? Am I meant to agree to the engagement after I'm dead?" She took a cane and banged the side of the carriage for emphasis, cursing everyone younger than her for their lethargy. The major-domo let the carriage and convoy through, while leading Elya himself. They were joined by a boy and his bodyguard from the group of Dragon Lords.

The bodyguard screamed of danger, his every move quiet and elegant. He raised an eyebrow in her direction in response to her stare and gave a discrete nod. An acknowledgement among soldiers.

This was a man who had seen battle.

She almost missed the major-domo's introduction, but luckily caught the end.

"… is Ataman Jarek Jasray. The Ataman represents the Dragon Lords interests to the Count." He finished, bowing towards the boy.

"Greetings Ataman." She inclined her head in greeting. As the daughter of a Grand Duke there were few she had to bow her head to and fortunately the boy did not seem to be bothered, staring at her in wonder.

Ataman sounded like a title, but it was one she had never heard come across. She cast a glance towards Alexis and signalled her to ask about it.

"I beg your pardon Ataman, I am Vice-Captain Alexis of House Barsi, but it is my first time meeting the descendants of the Great Dragon, and in my ignorance, I do not understand the significance of your title." Alexis smiled softly, she always doted on children.

Jarek looked up at his bodyguard for approval and explained gently, avoiding their gaze and fiddling with the sword at his belt. "Ataman means I am first among the Lords who follow the Khan."

Elya scrutinised him carefully. That meant Jarek held power over all the Dragon Lords, something that had never been seen before.

"Having such responsibility at such an age is impressive." Elya praised, and the boy blushed.

"I was the first to swear allegiance to the Khan." He offered proudly, fervour in his eyes. "I followed him on his campaigns as we brought the rest of the Lords under his banner."

Elya exchanged a glance with her Vice-Captain. No one knew how Nikolai had brought the Dragon Lords to heel, but now things were clearer.

And ominous.

A man of such capabilities was a threat to his enemies, and if her Father knew of this, then his urgency to arrange this marriage was understandable.

"You fought with the Khan during the war?" the boy looked up at her with sparkling eyes, shyness gone in his excitement.

"Yes, our Order assisted the Count on many occasions." Which was probably the truth. The whole situation had been a mess and they would have fought on the same battlefields at some point.

"Can you tell me about it?"

"Jarek, wait a while. You can ask her later." The major-domo interjected, making the boy deflate but before Elya could say anything he had waved at the manor. "Welcome home Milady."

That brought her up short.

He was right. In a short while this would be her home.
