Guard Commander

Elya had commandeered an office in the guards quarters for the Order. She'd just asked for a place to work from but the Commander had been enthusiastic for the assistance and had cleared out a hall that was being utilised as storage. In short order it became a command centre that organised the efforts of the Knights, Alexis taking the lead while Elya was getting to know her fiancée.

Using the guards existing contacts and whatever informants House Suzdal and Barsi had secreted within the town, they were gaining a deeper understanding of the various factions and parties involved in criminal activities.

"I can't believe there's this much crime taking place under our noses." Alexis threw the stack of papers she held to the table, kicking her heels up and twirling an empty skewer in one hand.

"It's gotten terrible since the end of the war and the Count's bestowal." The guard Commander adjusted his loose armour in discomfort. Ulaan Petrov was a minor noble of House Petrov from the outskirts of Konstanz, his House providing officers for the various positions in the administration of Volhiniya. Elya had been astonished to discover the man's disdain for weapons and armour. Only a direct order from Nikolai kept him within the rusty-looking chain shirt, which was odd for a guardsman. Her fiancée didn't seem the type to fill important posts based on familial connections so she'd gone to ask why Petrov was in charge.


"Oh you're right. The man's a terrible soldier, even by the slack standards of the capital's guards." Nikolai declared, glancing up from some letters he was straining to write. He struggled to focus on administrative tasks like this, choosing to delegate as much as possible. However, Elya spotted seals from the Court and Ministries in this batch, which he couldn't leave to anyone else. "He has a nose for money."

Elya blinked, nonplussed at the odd description.

"He can discover where people are moving money around. Coin, goods, even slaves. He's got an almost magical sense about it." Nikolai explained. "Well, it's not really magical. I've tested that already, but as far as I can tell, Commander Petrov is able to see links between events when they're related to wealth. I have no idea how much information passes in front of his eyes every day, but I have a really good idea about the richest people in this town and how the criminal gangs are being funded."

"That's amazing." Elya breathed. If such a talent existed let alone the great Houses, the Ministry of Finance would be frothing at the mouth to co-opt him. They were always on the lookout for talents that could find tax evaders.

"Yes it is." Smiling at her expression, Nikolai winked in an exaggerated fashion, flipping his sleeves arrogantly. "Of course he's my vassal, so it's to be expected."

"Oh stop it Nikolai." She tossed a crumpled scrap of paper at him which he dodged.

"Jokes aside, the Son of Heaven is aware of his peculiar talents and endorses my plans." Elya nodded to acknowledge what was left unspoken. If the Emperor knew, then no amount of pressure from the Court would be able to move Petrov, and the great Houses were stepping lightly since the end of the war. For an individual, no matter how talented, who would fight with the Emperor?

Nikolai searched his drawer for a letter and handed it to her. A quick glance showed it to be a direct missive from the Son of Heaven, his personal seal split right down the middle in a way that only magic was capable of. Elya hummed as she read through it, frowning at the clear directions the Emperor gave as to Petrov's assignment. If anyone came to take him, this letter would rebuff them.

Leaning back in his heavily padded chair, Nikolai rubbed his face, mumbling about trimming the scraggly facial hair he called a beard.

"Please just shave Nikolai." Elya scowled. "You don't have the face for a beard."

"Why not? I think I'm quite dashing like this." Nikolai glared, nose flaring in defiance. "It just needs trimming."

"Remove it."

"It's fine Elya. This is a habit from the army. You can't a keep a blade near your face while Shades could close in on you." He mimed his throat being slit.

"Remove it."

"It's such a hassle to shave every day. This way it's manageable."

"Remove it."


"Remove it."

"… Alright."


Elya grinned at the memory, remembering how sulky Nikolai looked the next few days, yet still shaving. Feeling pity, she'd gone to his office and ran her finger across his cheek to express admiration, flushing in excitement at his dazed expression. The Count remained clean shaven since, the maids expressing their admiration at their masters new look.

"Milady?" Petrov smiled weakly, coughing a little. He appeared sickly even when he was encased in metal, like a stiff breeze would make the man topple. He constantly cleared his throat and coughed in a manner that made one think he suffered from some form of lung rot.

"Sorry Commander. I was just considering some things. Please continue."

"I was saying that the influx of funds from Vezani and Argani trade is making the gangs salivate." He coughed into a handkerchief, gently wiping his lips before continuing. "I've had at least a dozen cases of outright theft from merchants in the last week within a half days ride from the town and that doesn't even count the extortion and bribery that must be occurring. The Count has access to half an Imperial Legion from Arkh Fortress, which he's deployed for regular sweeps through the countryside but for every ten bandits they capture twenty more arrive from all over the Empire. We're fighting a losing battle and the Count is hesitant to take drastic measures." Another small cough and Petrov scrunched his face in thought. It made him look like he'd eaten a whole lemon. Rind and all.

"Drastic measures?" Alexis perked up at that. "Magic?"

"Not that drastic either Milady. He could call upon the Banners and hit the bandits with overwhelming speed."

"Banners?" Elya interjected, confused by the reference.

"Ah. Apologies Milady." A wracking cough hit the guard Commander, and he reached for a sip of water. Even the normally impatient Alexis took the man's behaviour in stride.

Talents were always given leeway.

"It's alright Commander, but what Banners could help the Count?"

"It means to call upon the War Banners of the Dragon Lords. In his capacity as Khan if he demands their support, they would ride to decimate his enemies. Whosoever they may be."

The skewer fell from Alexis' hand. That sort of direct control over a military force belonged only to the Son of Heaven. Even the great Houses had all sorts of checks and balances to distribute the power of their armed forces throughout the family.

"How many would come at his call?" Alexis breathed.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't clear Milady. But if he called upon the Banners all the tribes would march."