
The expansion of the docks was in full swing, labourers and material flowing to new piers in a steady stream. Elya only experienced this sort of activity once in her life when Imperial engineers set up massive palisades and towers before the assault on Sieradz. Although, back then, the sheer size of the corps that the Emperor deployed had been shocking. It was an impressive undertaking to expand a port and Elya wondered where Nikolai got the money to fund all the work. The Emperor's rewards while extravagant hadn't been to this extent. At least not the rewards which had been bestowed in public. Although it wasn't unheard of, private accolades of this much money were easily noticeable, especially to the informants of the great Houses. Yet that seemed to be the only possibility. How the Son of Heaven sneaked so much money to the Count without raising flags in the Ministry of Finance was astonishing.

Nikolai had been on edge since Elya brought the problems to his attention, wandering the manor at odd hours and spending more time in the kitchen than ever. Despite the palpable tension that spread through the Morales retainers, his output of boiled eggs exploded, much to the delight of everyone involved Elya included. When she approached him one morning, having finally been able to wake up early by relying on Alexis' nagging, he'd casually handed her a small bowl filled to the brim without a word. Quizzing him over his erratic behaviour Elya grinned at his explanation. Because of the stress he experienced, Nikolai found it easier to think when he was doing something simple and enjoyable like cooking. In a way it was like her own habit of heavy training, swinging her sword for an hour at a time until her arms felt like they'd fall off.

All preparation for the wedding came to a standstill, much to Great Aunt Natalia's displeasure, as people were dispatched to prepare Nikolai's 'surprise' and get the customs house where Elya currently stood ready for use. They'd needed a place large enough to let people come and go without arousing suspicion, with enough storage space to stock up weapons and munitions for easy access.

Nikolai had pored over their proposal in the guards quarters, dismissive of their original idea to separate the troop into small units that would take up station in the nearby structures. He'd pointed out how odd it would look to have Knights in armour lounging around the docks in increased numbers without a purpose.

"The customs house is not finished but we can pretend we had to open it in advance. Unfortunately there aren't enough administrators and the interior work is still pending so the Knights and guard have gracefully accepted my request and will be assigning many of their people to assist in getting the place up and running." Nikolai had been proud at the inherent subterfuge in his idea and once everyone agreed, he'd rushed his parents for the opening of the building, giving a long dull speech about the honour of it all and the wealth that would soon flow through the town. His words had been met by enthusiastic applause from the various dignitaries who were invited on short notice.

Somehow he'd even managed to scrounge up a harried looking Argani Margrave to showcase their new Alliance. It was a masterful political move even if it came about due to circumstance. The traders and merchants who attended would be sure to spread the word that the Argani were willing to dispatch a Margrave on short notice for the expansion of the port. The Empires enemies who believed the Alliance a fragile piece of paper would at least have to think a few seconds longer before making any decisions.

Afterwards, Nikolai introduced the Margrave to 'his fiancée' and Elya almost burst out laughing as the nobleman explained he was here on vacation to see the Capital and had only been resting in town when an exuberant Count Morales swept through his door and begged for assistance. Luckily the Margrave was a relaxed person and held no compunctions in aiding fellow members of the Alliance. Elya made sure to get acquainted with his wife and children, who seemed to be cut from the same mould and when they departed for the Capital she and Nikolai presented them with several gifts, including a few shining magical pendants for the children which would glow in any number of colours depending on their location.

Magic was always in short supply so the value of even these trinkets could be considered priceless. While the Margrave thanked them effusively with his children, Elya observed the Margrave's wife stare at the pendants with a solemn expression, realising there was more to the gifts than just the smiles of a few children. Elya was sure the woman would voice her suspicions once they proceeded on their journey but by then the little note hidden in the pendant would materialise into the Margrave's hands.

Nonetheless, the meeting had been an interlude as work continued, soldiers and Knights arriving in greater numbers and taking up positions within the customs house. All their efforts showed results, troops and material arriving in waves, and preparations were completed swiftly. Armoured Knights loitered within the building, serving as administrators while guards provided security. On the surface everything looked normal but the cache of weapons which were warded from prying eyes in the storage rooms meant they were ready.

The air in the city became heavy and no one could explain why.

The descendants of the Great Dragon only nodded towards Nikolai's Mage tower whenever the topic came up, declaring that the Khan prepared. Prepared for what, no one clarified. According to them when the Khan was in thought the world would pause. The other citizens scoffed at their superstitions but Elya had seen many of them gazing at the clouds that swirled around the tower, shivering a little at the presence of the magical structure.

Maybe they were right.

Elya never really thought about it. Magic was never a major part of her life since few Suzdals were blessed with the talent. But plenty of stories existed that claimed a powerful Mage could affect his surroundings and even though Nikolai dismissed the idea as preposterous, she remembered the dying lands around Nostrum's tower. There might be more truth to the stories than even the Mages realised.

A War Mage was waiting.

A Dragonslayer was waiting.

Konstanz was waiting.

They had all been waiting for the Vezani galleon which was winding its way towards a pier now.

Elya gripped the hilt of her sword tightly and signalled her subordinates to begin.