Slaying Serpents

"You need to hold it in place for some time!" Chen screamed, lashing out at the Corrupted surrounding him. He'd waded deep into enemy lines to create a buffer as troops formed up to contain the creatures and now he retreated to join up with Elya. Her forces encircled the snake, trying to stay out of its reach. A casual swing from its tail could leave a person shattered if they survived at all. Bolts and arrows streaked towards the great beast, too small to be anything but pinpricks, not even serving to enrage it. It hissed at them, unwilling to strike out. Elya perceived the insane magical battle playing out in the sky of Konstanz had something to do with its trepidation.

Whatever the warp-lich was, its ability to face a Master Mage made it a terrifying threat. On the back foot since the beginning of the fight, it was forced to absorb most of Nikolai's attacks, using dark vortices to take on the raging thunder and streams of multi-coloured light Nikolai cast. It was a horrifying yet beautiful sight, seeing the devastating magic flaring across the sky.

She directed more troops to shore up the forces around the ruins, trying to put a stop to the mass of Corrupted pouring out from underground. Confident the soldiers would hold, she turned her attention to the snake, considering Chen's demands. She would be the only person capable of such a feat, matching such a beast in raw strength.

At least for a while.

Weapons wouldn't work, the disparity in size making the greatest of enchanted blades toothpicks in front of the creature. Elya ordered Chen to disengage and prepare his attack. She'd seen what Thunder Lancers were capable of, untold damage and force, capable of shattering an army with a single charge. Unfortunately, their skills required preparation and while Elya didn't know exactly how long that would be, her previous experiences made her inclined to agree with Chen's demand.

The massive armoured figure of Chen squatted, attuning himself to his armour, bringing out its power. Sparks of lightning spun around him, twirling in odd directions, his cape rising in defiance. He raised three figures, which Elya took to mean in three minutes he would strike. Sensing the pressure, Elya wrestled out of her own armour. She needed speed and force now and even the slightest weight could hold her back.

Barefoot and dressed in a padded tunic, Elya spun her hair quickly, tying a rough ponytail as a precaution. Loose hair could lead to lots of problems in the middle of a fight but she found it impossible to keep it short after her admittance into the Order. As a squire there'd been so many rules on appearance but a Knight had more leeway and while she wasn't a vain socialite, she retained pride in her silver locks. Odd thoughts to have in the face of single combat with a great beast yet she'd experienced this moment so many times in her life and it always felt the same. Before the attack on Nostrum's tower she'd been struck by the beauty of the snow that fell on the camp. In the face of the horrific desperate defence at Galicia, Elya learned a folk song from one of her comrades.

Today. At this moment. She worried about her hair.

It felt coarse from all the sweat and dust, the normally lustrous sheen eclipsed by streaks of soot and grime. Even if she would be too exhausted to take a proper bath at the end of this fight, she'd have to care for her hair. Her toes gripped the cobblestone underneath, cold despite the vast magical forces clashing around them. A smile slipped onto her face as she remembered running barefoot across the Suzdal manor, chasing butterflies in the gardens and her sisters through the castle. Her aura compressed, immense forces condensing into her well-toned frame.

The snake sensed something, its serpentine gaze locking onto the powerful figure of Chen. It hesitated, eyes flickering to the magical combat above where Nikolai was steadily gaining the upper-hand. The warp-lich was suppressed, being battered into submission by innumerable spells. Nikolai held Nezgrom aloft, the staffs great crystal burning so brightly it seared the eyes to even glimpse it. He chanted steadily, each mystical phrase sending out hammers of wind or streams of lightning, battering the warp-lich further.

The snake seemed to understand its situation as well, and she could see the fear in its dark eyes. Now that it was clear Nikolai would emerge victorious, it would be a small matter for him to tear the snake apart with his magic. It slithered around the building in agitation, coming to a decision and striking out towards her troops, aiming for the weakest first. Elya held her breath as it tore into them, urging her body to gather power faster. Knights of Chernigov charged the beast, managing to withstand its attacks and reduce its speed. Frantically the snake whipped its tail towards them, teeth snapping at anyone who stood before it.

Elya sensed her body brimming with terrifying power and checked on Chen's progress.

He'd be ready on time.

She roared in defiance at the powerful forces rampaging through her body and the snake flinched as if it was facing an actual Dragon. Which in a way it was. The reason so many Knights and soldiers went Dragon and Drake hunting was to absorb the powers of the great creatures. It let them display the same vitality and power like the Draconic beings themselves for as long as their bodies could take it.

Her toes curled, turning the cobblestone below her into dust, unable to the withstand the pressure she was emitting. Reptilian creatures could sense her terrifying existence, reminiscent of their Lords, the Dragons, and the snake swivelled to focus on her but it was too late. With a shout she shot from the ground faster than an arrow and caught the great beast just below its head, sending it reeling. The impact was satisfying, the snake hissing in pain and Elya smiled, sensing something within the creature collapse in the face of the strike. A huge crater had formed in its side at the point of impact, the armoured scales disintegrating under the attack.

Spinning in the air, Elya tucked into a ball to streak down on the sprawling creature blasting its oversized head into the ground launching several strikes to keep it pinned down. It struggled to get up but Elya let loose with every shred of strength she possessed trying to bring it down quickly.

The earth trembled in the face of her powerful strikes, the massive snakes head gouging a deeper rift in the ground. Her strength was slipping away quickly. If this fight took place in an ideal location and she retained the towering magical blade with which she'd brought down a Dragon, the snake would be chopped into mincemeat in moments but her bare hands could only suppress it. Sensing the change in her power, the snake flicked its body powerfully, twisting in agony and sending her sailing through the air.

Spinning to regain control Elya grit her teeth and locked her eyes on the snakes movements, watching it struggle upright. Her attacks looked like they'd stunned the beast. Assessing the distance, Elya curled her legs up into her body and descended towards a wall. Softening the impact with a roll that had her spinning across the face of the structure, she gathered the last dregs of aura from deep within and lashed out with her legs, launching in a flat arc back to the snake. It sensed her approach and spun, slashing at her with its tail.

They collided midair and were sent reeling by the force of the impact.

Elya fell from the sky like a bird pinned by an arrow, unable to move even a finger.

A shocking boom thundered across the sky and she glimpsed a streak of light slashing through the snake, tearing its head from its body. Grinning weakly at the sight, Chen had managed to strike true it seemed, Elya grit her teeth, tensing for the collision. She crashed into the ground with a grunt of pain and slid dozens of feet before coming to a stop. Every muscle in her body screamed in agony and something felt shattered in her arm.

Groaning, she tried to sit up, but no strength remained within her muscles. The Dragon aura had been burned through and it would take a while to recover. Helpless and alone, she heard the fighting in the distance, luckily becoming fainter as it moved further away. Suddenly the familiar figure of her fiancée descended to land before her, weakness plastered across his face and the dark vortex of the warp-lich gripped tightly in a fist. Grimacing at her appearance, he pocketed the vortex and knelt down and gripped Elya's hand.

"Don't move or speak." Nikolai breathed urgently, eyes flashing in fear. A cold sensation washed through her, passing from head to toe like someone was rifling through her body. He frowned at her for a moment and released a sigh of relief. "It's just some bruises and cuts. Bad ones but nothing major."

"I'm tough." She whispered, unable to raise her voice due to exhaustion. While she hadn't been afraid, Elya blinked in surprise at the comfort she felt now that Nikolai arrived.

"Yes. Yes you are." Sliding Nezgrom across his back, Nikolai bent down to lift her, cradling her head against his shoulder. "Rest now. You did well." His voice was soft and gentle but something deeper and darker lurked within. A rage fit to burn the world.

"Snake head. Would be good for wedding." Elya's thoughts drifted randomly, and she remembered her earlier plans.

Nikolai chuckled, the sound reverberating deep within his chest and tickling her ears.

"It might at that. Sleep now Elya, I'll take care of everything else." Chanting a few words Nikolai cast a short spell, and she sensed a cool wave refresh her mind, taking away the pain and stress. Feeling safe, Elya's eyelids drooped, and she dozed off, ignoring the ongoing battle.