
A soft breeze caressed her cheek, filled with warmth and the smell of autumn. In the haze of sleep, she remembered the red and gold trees rustling in the twilight of Neva's setting sun. Heat built on her face and ever so slowly Elya's eyes fluttered open, finding herself resting in her bed.

Alexis lounged on a chair nearby, oiling her blade over a ragged cloth. She didn't have the patience to sit still for any task except weapon maintenance, probably the main reason she was unable to advance beyond the rank of Vice-Captain. That and the incidents where she flirted with her superiors husbands. Spotting Elya's movement, Alexis swiped her sword one final time and set it on a table Elya had never seen before, coming to her bedside and placing a restraining hand on her shoulder.

"Don't move yet Milady. The Count said you should move slowly, otherwise you could experience dizziness or nausea."

"How many?" Elya whispered. Reaching up to weakly clasp Alexis' hand. The Vice-Captain debated hiding the figures but realised it would be better to deal with it now, rather than letting it fester in Elya's mind.

"Three Knights, almost twenty squires and twice that number of women-at-arms. The guard lost almost a hundred. Most of them in combat against the Corrupted."

"Fates curse those monsters." She hissed.

"Things could have been worse Milady. The slave trade through the city has collapsed and it will take a long time for the gangs to build up strength. Furthermore, the people of Konstanz are singing your praises having seen you in single combat with that Demonic Snake."

"The letters?"

"Prepared and dispatched already. First thing I did. The commander's reply should reach us soon and the notices are on the way."

"You should have let me do it. My duty." A part of her was relieved she wouldn't have to tell families they'd lost someone. Alexis dismissed her words and fluffed a pillow to put under her head.

"How long have I been asleep?" Elya croaked, her voice a dull whisper. Clearing her throat she tried again.

"Almost three days."

"I thought my injuries weren't severe?" Trying to piece together the fragments of her memory after being sent flying by the Snake, she seemed to recall hearing Nikolai say that.

"Well, I'm not aware of anything like that Milady, but the Count explained that it would be better to keep you asleep to let you heal properly first." Alexis returned to her weapon maintenance, sure that Elya would stay put.

"Maybe he wanted to comfort me." Elya offered, wriggling upright and leaning against the headrest. The effort left her winded. It seemed Nikolai was right about her condition. Even though she was exhausted, she was free of pain.

"Anything is possible for that man." Alexis sniffed.

"Why do you say that?"

"After making sure you were safe, he personally moved against the last holdouts and any criminals who happened to be caught up in the fighting."

"That's the appropriate response. It's a perfect chance to get rid of the gangs influence."

"True." Alexis paused her work and glanced up, hesitating to explain. "Milady, he was so angry he almost turned the northern districts into a sea of fire. I think only the intervention of his father curtailed the response."

"What happened?" Elya's breath caught, remembering the lurking sense of danger she'd felt, cradled in his arms.

"There were Vezani marines guarding the 'slave pens' the Black Hand identified. I led the assault as planned but when the Count arrived, he was already in a bad mood by the way, he took charge and tore their defences apart." Placing her sword aside, Alexis leaned forwards. "The 'pens' were bad Milady. Dozens dead from starvation and disease. The Count vomited at the sight but made sure everyone was released before charging towards the other gangs. I could tell he was about to summon true War Magic, not the tricks he pulled off during the battle. He's a True blooded Imperial Milady."

"That's not such a bad thing Alexis. We're all Imperials." She remarked lightly, trying to diminish the gravity of the revelation. She'd had her suspicions, his vehement response to the mention of slavery was a typical symptom. It also explained why he'd moved so quickly, handing over authority to her to gain the assistance of the Knights of Chernigov cohort.

"Please don't joke Milady. It means we have to be careful. True Imperials are bound by their nature."

"Don't lecture me Alexis. Is it so wrong to fight slavery wherever one meets it?"

The Vice-Captain snorted but returned to her work, pouting all the while. She was right though, Nikolai would hunt slavers blindly. Unlike Alexis, she wasn't too concerned since her own grandfather, the current Grand Duke Suzdal, suffered from the same affliction. An affliction now but in the days of the Reclamation True Imperials wore their curse with pride. Their people had paid a deep price to break from the Gods servitude, the scars still passing through their blood, if dissipating with each generation.

Elya sighed at the curse, it was such a mess.

"Why d'you bring a table in here? It's already cramped enough." She remarked, massaging the stiffness from her legs.

"It wasn't me Milady. Your fiancée spent every evening working here. He claimed it was to watch over you."

"That's… very sweet." Elya felt warmth deep in her heart. For all his faults, Nikolai was a careful person, following through in all his actions. He kept his promises.

"Don't worry Milady, I made sure someone was always accompanying you so he couldn't take advantage of your condition." Alexis declared righteously and Elya couldn't help but blush at the implication, pulling her blankets tighter.

"I'm sure he wouldn't do anything untoward." Actually she wasn't. She also wasn't sure if she wanted him to try anything yet. "Is there anything else of interest?"

"Your fiancée is spending time with the witch."

"How long until he ran away." She chuckled at the thought of her great aunt.

"They seem to enjoy each other's company. She was actually laughing!" Alexis shook her head in disbelief and Elya could understand. Whatever her influence, Great Aunt Natalia remained aloof, especially from her descendants, coming out only to criticise or praise.

"That's amazing."

"Right. As if that wasn't enough, he managed to get her in a wheelchair which he was pushing around."

"I think that's scarier than any curse in existence." She quipped but Alexis seemed to consider the statement seriously.

"You may be right."

The door swung open with a bang at that moment and a smiling Nikolai came inside pushing a cart while being followed by a flustered Maid.

"Milord, please don't behave like this, what will others say if they see you doing menial tasks?" the maid begged, almost on the verge of tears.

"Relax Demitra. If the Head Maid bothers you, just say I was adamant. She's not going to get angry at me."

"She watched you grow up Milord and you never talk back to her. I can't believe you."

"Uhh… Look we'll pretend you pushed the cart in and served my fiancée if anyone asks. I'm sure these wonderful ladies will be happy to assist in the subterfuge." He shot them a glance and Elya assured the frantic maid they wouldn't call her out on the lie. Placated, the young woman curtsied and left, Alexis close behind her. The Vice-Captain excused herself, dismissing Nikolai's half-hearted attempts to make her stay.

"How do you feel?" Nikolai started setting the food onto a tray as he spoke. Gently arranging everything in precise order.

"Tired Nikolai."

"It will pass soon. You might feel very sleepy sometimes during the next few days, it's an aftereffect of the spell that kept you under so don't worry and just sleep. By next week everything should return to normal. Wait a moment and I'll give you dinner."

Seeing her fiancée hum to himself while he worked brought a soft smile to her face. He was a man of contradictions, calmly capturing horrors one day and puttering around a cart to prepare a meal the next. She didn't have her Great Aunt's unfathomable ability to understand people's motives but there was something genuine about him, like he lived every moment, unafraid of consequences. The room was warmer, livelier with his presence.

"You could have let Demitra handle it." She remarked, drawing one of her blankets around her shoulders.

His nose wrinkled in disgust at the thought. "While you're recovering, I'll take care of you."

"So when I'm well you won't take care of me?"

Nikolai fumbled with the butter knife he held at the comment, catching the slippery utensil by the blade. The panicked expression as he wiped his hands of the greasy butter caused a small grin to flash across her face.

"I didn't mean that!"

"That's what you said though."

"No." He appeared flustered, staring at her with a confused look. "I'll always look after you."

"How can I trust that?" each question increased his agitation and Elya turned her face away to hide the smile threatening to break out.

"Uhh… I'm not sure. I promise to take care of you though." Crestfallen, Nikolai played with the napkin in his hand, folding it into random shapes.

"I'll forgive your mistake if you prepare a nice meal for me." She declared, trying to pout at him as she'd seen her younger sisters do. Her father always gave in to their pleading.

"Of course!" Brightened at the prospect of forgiveness he returned to his task with gusto.

"With lots of boiled eggs." She added, thinking to gain as much benefit as possible. Her mouth watered at the thought of the delicious little morsels.

Nikolai brought the completed tray and laid it across her lap, dragging a chair over for himself. They ate together, chatting over minor matters of their pasts, childhood escapades and gossip, avoiding any mention of the battle. As she munched on a buttered roll, Elya observed Nikolai's actions, analysing every movement of his arms, faintly remembering the sensation of laying in them. The desire to embrace him pricked at her, raising a soft blush on her cheeks.

Alexis' words churned at the back of her mind and she reached out to grab his hand. His mouth hung open, waiting for the spoonful of mashed potatoes dripping near his lips. Taking a deep breath she calmed her trembling body, afraid to dig too deep. Nonetheless she had to know now.

"Are you a True Imperial?"