
All pretences were off.

Eva Morales stalked the street like an angry predator, blades strapped to her waist and hair tied back in a tight bun. She'd collapsed once the news of Nikolai's kidnapping reached her, and the ever pleasant smiling woman transformed overnight, out for blood and vengeance. The guards and soldiers lounging in front of the building seemed to sense the danger and cautiously slipped out of her way, not wanting to draw her attention. Baron Artem Morales followed in her wake, the normally relaxed, quiet man searching the surrounding buildings for any hint of Nikolai's presence. A predator on the hunt.

They were quietly arguing with some Morales retainers Elya had spotted within the mansion and thunderclouds formed on her face when she was within earshot. Alexis took one glance and mumbled something to Elya before dashing away to one of the squadrons of Knights stationed nearby.

"I know you worry Milord, but the Count is a capable man, he will be alright."

"He's my son Kertin." The Baron's soft tone carried a dangerous edge, bleeding with menace and ferocity.

"I watched him grow up too, Artem." Kertin's eyebrows jumped in indignation, framing an empty eye socket, lending his countenance a sinister cast. "But we can't afford to give him more problems when he returns, just because we acted rashly. He's a powerful Mage, one of the greatest to walk the Empire if everything you've said can be believed."

Eva spun on her heel, fixing the man with a terrifying glare but to his credit Kertin didn't flinch. He raised his hands to placate her and gestured to the shattered buildings around them. "When he comes back do you think he'll be happy at the cost of all this repair work?"

"What good is coin while he lays in the hands of our enemies." Eva hissed, eyes blazing and hand tightening on her short sword.

"Enemies who we can't identify." Kertin pointed out.

"Not any longer." Elya growled as she joined them. "Kardian identified a member of the Vilinian magical corps. Which means Nikolai may be restrained magically. Why don't you want to find him?" She glared at the man and leaned against a badly damaged wall. In her frustration she unclasped her gauntlets and tossed them aside, gently working her fingers to ease the stiffness. Kertin's eyes traced the small nicks in her armour and bloodstained cape, pursing his lips at the sight.

"Of course I want to find him!" Kertin fixed her with a glare, mouth quivering in suppressed rage. "That boy is the only reason I came to Konstanz but Jarek ran to his mother after you left Milady, and word has spread to the Dragon Lords. The Yesaul's in the city have returned to gather the Banners. Within three days a dozen tribes will be at the gates, within a week more than half of the Dragon Lords will be turning the town upside down." Kertin's voice struggled to remain calm and even in her anger Elya could understand the man's fears. Whatever the people of the Empire believed, they weren't ready for another war.

"What's a Yesaul?" Elya asked instead, ignoring

"Yesaul's are the tribe leaders, the people commonly known by us as the Dragon Lords. I guess Niki didn't explain it to you." A pained expression crossed the Baron's face, quickly suppressed but Eva seemed to sense it and gently squeezed his arm.

"We didn't have time." Elya whispered, slumping at the reminder. For all the time they'd spent together there had always been an air of procrastination, waiting for things to calm down before they could talk or go out, both caught up in their lives. Elya didn't plan on giving up her Knighthood or the responsibilities that came with it and she doubted Nikolai was the sort of person who could sit quietly and let the world pass him by, but the last few days were giving her a new perspective. Was it worth all the effort if they were left alone despite somehow building a meaningful connection in a few days? Alexis joked that Elya found her soulmate, but she'd laughed it off at the time, not putting much stock in the concept. However, the strange absence she felt these days was a sign that there was something deeper to her relationship with Nikolai than attraction or enjoyment. A part of her was missing when he was gone.

Shaking her head, Elya glanced at the pensive Morales couple. Their stance indicated a desire for isolation as if they were separated from the world.


"Extra troops would be a benefit in a time like this. There's only so much we can cover as it is." She offered.

"I agree dear, but most of our people have a zealous belief that Niki will manage on his own." Eva's voice cracked in the middle, but she took a deep breath and steadied herself, sneering at the nearby retainers. "They don't quite grasp the fact that a captured Mage can be easily dealt with and they fear the consequences of calling on such a force."

Kertin had the grace to look ashamed at the accusation but he refused to give in. "The Count always says we should plan for the future. Bringing war to his doorstep would be a dereliction of our duty."

"It's only a few tribes. The Theocracy may fear them, but it's hardly enough to start an invasion." Elya said.

"Or precipitate a war." Eva added.

"If even the slightest possibility…"

"Enough!" Elya shouted, not letting Kertin finish. "We'll handle the consequences once Nikolai's back. Until then, let the Dragon Lords do as they like. No. Actively ask them for assistance. If we have to summon the Banners, we will."

Kertin stiffened, lips twitching at her tirade. "Milady, I'm sorry but you aren't the Count's wife yet. You have no right to give orders."

Elya reeled as if slapped, the words cascading in her mind.

"But I do." The Baron hissed, glaring at the all the Morales retainers. "Nikolai will be found. He will get married and Elya will become the Countess of Volhiniya. You will follow her instructions without question Kertin."


"I said without question." The Baron's voice dropped even further and Kertin flinched. "Now go find my son."

Kertin gave a curt bow to Elya and stormed off with the rest of the retainers in tow.

"Don't mind him, they've been changed by the easy life here in Volhiniya." Eva reached over to pat Elya's shoulder, eyes glimmering in sympathy.

"Gang wars and Dark Magic are part of an easy life?" Elya couldn't help but smile wryly at her observations, trying to forget Kertin's words. The truth hurt.

"When all they do is sit within the mansion and forget the fact they are soldiers first? Then yes. The Morales are a House of soldiers first and Nobles second." The Baron puffed up at his own explanation but quickly deflated, worry painting his face. "Is there any news?"

"Some new leads, but finding a Mage is a difficult task if they don't want to be discovered. The only good news is that they wanted Nikolai alive, so he should be safe for a while."

"We have mobilised all our resources and once that Hand of the Emperor returns, the Son of Heaven will surely move. Even General Orlov has allowed for a half Legion to surround the town as we search." Seeing Elya's blank look, the Baron explained. "The commander of the Arkh fortress. He will be taking charge personally."

"It's taking too long." Elya whispered.

"Much as I hate to say it, but there's nothing else we can do right now. Whatever Kertin thinks, I've already nudged Jarek and his mother, not like it was really required, but as Ataman he's declared a summons in the name of the Khan. The Banners are already on the way." Eva clenched the hilts of her blades. Elya believed such a statement should have been accompanied by the sound of thunder or the beat of drums. At least something momentous should have occurred. Whoever kidnapped Nikolai may have started a war. Instead, three tired adults lamented and tried to control their sorrow, relying on each other for comfort.

A wave of tiredness coursed through Elya as the rush of battle and rage at Morales retainers drained from her body. She groaned and slid to the floor, waving away the concerned assistance of her in-laws. Before she could say anything darkness enveloped her eyes, a soft whisper slithering into her ear.

"The Masssster hassss newssss for you. Be alone."

Elya covered her eyes and shivered. When the missive was delivered without invitation, it seemed to crack something inside of her to be able to get in. The experience was nauseating. She caught sight of Eva's suspicious look, melting into an expression of hope. The Baroness would be able to recognise the signs of a missive from the Black Hand. In this situation the mysterious organisation was their best hope. Mumbling a few apologies she slipped away and searched for an empty room in a nearby building.

"What news?" Elya demanded once she was alone.

A great pressure descended on her mind, overwhelming all her defences. Elya groaned and struggled under the force but it dissipated quickly and she found herself standing in a room made of a deep bronze, strange runes etched on every surface. Shocked by the transformation she reached out to touch the walls, frowning at the sensation. It still felt like she was in a stone room. The difference between what her sight and touch were experiencing set her mind reeling.

The runes glowed softly, spilling an iridescent stream of gas that formed a swirling mass of power in the centre of the chamber. Open mouthed, Elya backed away from it. She frowned at the weight which returned on her mind, her every thought slipping away as soon as it was formed. It was like she responded to every situation by instinct, her conscious mind suppressed by the power she faced.

[NIKOLAI MORALES LIVES] A booming voice filled the room, each word echoing within the deepest chasms of her mind.

"I already know that." Elya wheezed, trying to regain focus.

[YES. YOU ARE QUITE CAPABLE] The voice was still loud, but the mirth which flowed through every word reduced its might until it was tolerable.

"Are you the Savant?"


"Why did you want me to help you?" The words slipped out uncontrolled and she felt the suspicion she had for this enigmatic being and its organisation spike.


The suspicion melted away to be replaced with fear. "Where is he?"


"That makes no sense!" She roared, stomping angrily on the ground, her enhanced strength causing the entire room to shake like a bell. In the presence of the Savant, her every emotion felt amplified and uncontrolled.


"Why is he important to you?" The room wavered around her and Elya collapsed to the floor, staring at the agitated vortices of the iridescent cloud.


She could barely make out the words as the strange illusion vanished. Gasping for breath she fell onto her back, sweating from the effort of dealing with the unfathomable Savant. Without its presence she managed to regain control of her emotions. Elya shook at the memory of the conversation. Maybe Kertin was right to worry about consequences after all, but despite her concerns at the Black Hand's motives she now knew where Nikolai was.