Elya crawled up to the scout huddled at the edge of the plateau, face masked against the clouds of dust that had been hampering their advance over the last few hours. Jarek claimed it was due to a massive weather spell of some kind and Uzukai, the ancient War Mage attached to the Arkh Legion concurred. Unfortunately, they weren't able to do anything about it, instead having launched into a mind numbing technical explanation on the complexities of handling the weather with Magic. Uzukai concluded by claiming that one needed a Master Mages power to be able to create even a localised counterspell, which had sent Jarek into a bout of tears when reminded of his helplessness without Nikolai. In an effort to take the boy's mind off the kidnapping, Elya assigned him to the Legion as a Mage apprentice, hoping the structured environment would give him focus, but it seemed to contrast with his experience as Nikolai's apprentice and in the end he trailed Elya's command group instead as their forces marched towards Galicia.
"I saw them an hour ago Khanbikeh and sent word to the Yesaul immediately." The scout shifted to point at movement in the distance and Elya squinted, frowning at the swarm that blocked their path. Elya had rushed forwards once word reached them from one of the tribes. The descriptions matched the horrifying beast-like creatures they'd faced at Galicia and now that she'd confirmed the report, fear began to gnaw at her heart. Not at the enemy, but what they represented. Elya had faced these creatures before and while they were formidable, it was the element of surprise that made them effective. On an open plain the Banner's cavalry would tear them apart. What worried her was what else had been summoned to block their way. If someone was able to summon these creatures, Nostrum's other horrors couldn't be far away.
Elya surveyed the landscape for a few moments, noting landmarks and enemy forces, before watching the winding column of her makeshift army making its way onto the plains below. The nearby tribes had already been gathering around Konstanz when she'd led her Knights out of the town and with Jarek's orders they folded into her army with only minor grumbles. The majority of the tribesmen were content to follow along, eager to aid their Khan. It was the leaders, the 'Yesaul' who watched her every move with deep, judging eyes. All the Yesaul's were dangerous people, a vast array of weapons at their sides and the fangs of dangerous beasts tied at their hips. Jarek had taken time to explain how the Yesaul's were chosen from the greatest warriors of their tribe and then sent on a pilgrimage to their 'Holy Land' where the Great Dragon rested. There they would struggle through numerous trials in an effort to gain the Great Dragons approval before returning to take up the mantle of leadership. Those who failed perished in the trials, weeding out the 'weak'. Jarek let slip that Nikolai had made the pilgrimage as well before being appointed as Khan, which was what gave him authority over the tribes. Elya had tried to picture the delicate Mage passing through a warrior's trials but it didn't mean possible. It was just something else Nikolai would have to explain once he returned.
With a few words of appreciation for the scout she returned to the army and called for a conference among her staff. Even with the spell reducing visibility and the warped landscape, enough landmarks existed to mark the way. According to their latest estimates they would be able to reach the city's walls within half a day. If there wasn't a swarm in front of them.
The officers and Yesaul's filed into the open pavilion which had been set up. Each entry was punctuated by a salute to the Baron and Baroness who sat quietly against one of the walls, sharpening weapons and eyeing the enemy lines in silence. Chen stood just outside the posts, unable to fit his armoured bulk around the table and Elya was struck by a sense of déjà vu. She hadn't been ranked high enough to attend the conferences at Galicia, but the constant presence of the Thunder Lancers had been a powerful reminder of Nikolai's authority at the time. Without their support, Elya was sure most of the officers in the army would have attempted to take command, even if they couldn't handle the dark shield.
"We must sweep them out of way." A giant of a man roared once everyone had given their updates and Elya shook her head to clear her mind of the past and focus on the people in front of her. Decked in a multitude of huge fangs and Drake Skins, the Yesaul of the Inichi tribe was every inch the barbarian Imperials in the capital feared.
"All well and good, but you heard the Knight-Captain. There could be even more dangerous… creatures… lurking behind that group." Colonel Ordan was the commander of the Legion's detachment who'd been surrounding Konstanz on Nikolai's orders. The veteran soldier had just sighed at the prospect of more combat, not interested in where Elya's intelligence had come from and brought his forces along once General Orlov's approved. The General had returned to Arkh fortress and sent runners for reinforcements. He was rightly worried for attacks from the Theocracy once Elya's army reached Galicia. It was impossible to hide this many people, and the Theocracy was always looking for an excuse. If it was anyone but Nikolai, the General may not have let her take the soldiers.
"Magic will deal with creatures." The gigantic Yesaul growled, throwing a glance at Uzukai lounging on a small chair, with two nervous looking Battle Mages at his side.
"Magic can only do so much, young man." Uzukai raised a finger in admonishment, like a teacher scolding a mischievous child. "And might I remind you, Magic takes preparation yet we have no idea what else has been dredged up to face us. I can make a few educated guesses, but that's all they are. Either we need to know more or just move and hope for the best."
The Yesaul grunted, shifting restlessly as he glared at the map.
Seven leaned over to tap the mark that represented the city of Galicia, gesturing that they needed to reach it quickly. He'd shown up the previous night, holding Nezgrom and a small vial of liquid floating within the massive crystal of the staff. According to Chen's translation came from her Great Aunt Natalia. The Hand said she claimed it would be necessary in their rescue mission. Elya had quietly accepted his help, relieved that the dangerous bodyguard would be along to protect Nikolai.
Once they found him.
The rest of her staff seemed to agree, but remained cautious around him. The Emperor's Hands had a reputation after all.
"Either way we have to face those… things." Ordan cleared his throat and eyed Seven warily. Seeing the Hand return to his position at Elya's side he pointed at the long line which marked the length of the enemy front.
"They won't hold up to a charge." Alexis had somehow found the roasted leg of some bird to gnaw on. Gesturing with the drumstick, she waved in the general direction of the enemy. "The problem is what to do after that. Last time their numbers never ended. Whenever we thought we'd dealt with a group, even more would pour out from the ground. That's not to say their numbers are infinite but don't forget why we're here."
"Exactly." Elya rubbed her scar in frustration. They couldn't afford to get bogged down in a battle. "As far as I see it Seven is right, our priority is to break their lines to let our forces get into what's left of Galicia, locate Nikolai and bring him out. Once that's done, we surround them and wait for reinforcements so we can get rid of the threat."
"Expected more of a plan from you Knight-Captain." Ordan's eyes were hooded in thought, his thumb running along the hilt of his dagger as he surveyed the map.
"You need time to plan, Colonel." Elya whispered, everyone around the table nodding in agreement. A wisp of wind caressed her cheek and Elya sighed in relief. The clouds of dust had stood in their way, stagnant and unmoving, sapping even the air of its ability to move. At least it felt that way. Even the humid breezes of this place would be a welcome change.
Uzukai jumped out of his chair and Jarek spun to stare in open mouthed amazement as the wind picked up.
"What happened?!" Alexis demanded of the Mages, the dust clouds being swept away by ever increasing gusts.
"We've run out of time." The old Mage remarked cryptically. "I suggest we proceed with the Knight-Captain's plan." Without waiting for a response, Uzukai hobbled towards his supply carts, bellowing orders in his creaking voice.
Elya shielded her eyes and followed Jarek's gaze. The wind screamed around them, tearing at the pavilion and whipping loose branches and cloth into the air. Shouting soldiers ran to protect delicate equipment and supply carts, fearing an attack. The dust clouds parted and Elya heard shocked gasps from her surroundings.
The ruins of Galicia glowed, powerful strobes of light shooting into the sky. Even at this distance she could sense her Draconic Aura trembling at the power contained within that light. Giant rifts tore open in the sky above the city for brief moments before snapping shut in an explosion of colour and energy. Multi-coloured smoke seemed to be rising from every corner to form a spinning vortex that hung over the centre of the city.
"I've never felt anything so powerful." Jarek whispered, clutching his arms and shaking at the pressure.
Taking a deep breath, Elya turned to her stunned commanders and shouted. "Move! Move! Get everyone down on that field and formed up."
She didn't wait for a response, sprinting for her horse and cycling her sluggish Draconic Aura to strengthen her resolve.
"Just wait Nikolai. I'll be there soon."