Neva (1)

They rode into a brightly lit tunnel, the only entrance into Neva from the south. Nikolai followed close behind Elya and her father, content to ride in silence as they caught up with each other. There would be time to introduce himself properly once they reached the Suzdal manor. A flicker of light along one of the walls caught his attention and Nikolai opened his Sight to focus on the now obvious signs of Illyri Shape Magic.

"Jarek, make sure you note down those runes for future study."

Jarek looked up at him like a sad puppy, laden with Nikolai's sword and Nezgrom laid across the pommel of his saddle.

"Observe it I mean." Nikolai clarified with a small cough. "I know you're occupied right now." Actually he'd forgotten. "Chances to observe the arts of the Illyri Shapers like this are rare."

Jarek sighed and activated his own Sight while Nikolai suppressed the prideful grin threatening to slide across his face at the smooth control his apprentice displayed.

[Shouldn't you be focused on your father-in-law?] Seven signed from beside the boy and Nikolai's pride was suppressed by the fluttering of his heart at the thought of the man leading the way through this tunnel.

[Let them spend some quality family time together first.] Nikolai signed back, making sure the Duke couldn't see his hands.


Nikolai shrugged at Seven's accusation. [So what if I am? This isn't the kind of place to talk to him properly anyway.]

Seven squinted at the faint light coming from the end of the tunnel and nodded. [I guess you're right. I hate coming to this city.]

[You just don't like having a single path of access. I've never seen you comfortable unless you have a backup escape route.] Seven gestured rudely and snaked his way back down the convoy, probably to find some snacks or pester his Master for fun.

Nikolai closed his eyes and tried to prepare for his true entry into Neva, recalling his hasty research before their departure. In the distant past, the lands around Neva were barren plains. Frozen in winter and arid in summer. Not a place which could support life well. At the height of Illyri supremacy on this continent though, it happened to be equidistant from the three major cities of their northernmost province. Scenting an opportunity, some enterprising merchant arranged for supplies and built a camp nearby. Initially a simple rest stop for weary travellers, regular traffic led to shops, inns and markets springing up. Within a decade, the Illyri Queen dispatched a governor and the rest stop became a royal trading hub. The remaining records were unclear, but for whatever reason the Illyri royalty commissioned a century long Magical endeavour to Shape the surroundings into a fortress. They raised a mountain to serve as a city and forced the earth to create a ring of impassable cliffs around it. Three passes were drilled through the cliffs, from all the cardinal directions except the West. The omission puzzled historians and scholars to this day. Nikolai sent several tendrils of energy into the walls, trying to gauge the traces of Illyri Magic. Today such an endeavour wouldn't be possible, the greatest Illyri Demigod Sages long turned to ash along with their skills.

When his horse jerked to a halt, he was roused from his contemplation. They'd arrived at the final waystation before Neva and he would have to proceed on foot. Imperial marriage traditions were convoluted at best, a mixture of ancient traditions and modern variations known only to the great scholars of protocol and the unlucky few tasked with maintaining their families own records. House Morales was far too small to bother and therefore stuck to the simple core traditions passed down from the Reclamation.

House Suzdal on the other hand was a Great House.

Natalia had delighted in recounting some of their obscure practices, happy to see Nikolai squirm in horror. Being plastered in spices for half a day wasn't his idea of a pleasant event. Elya swore the practice had fallen out of use for centuries, but they both insisted he pass through the gates of Neva on foot. It was inauspicious to arrive by anything than one's own ability they claimed. When he suggested flying over the cliffs Natalia wasn't amused.

Nikolai slid from his horse, handing the reins of his temporary steed to a waiting groom and stretched. The dull clicks emanating from his body weren't the only remnant of their half-day ride into Neva. He smelled of horse. How Elya dealt with it he wasn't sure, but the mixture of manure and beast only reinforced his desire to avoid the animals as much as possible. [Once Sonya finishes her research, I should be able to get rid of these things once and for all.]

"Not comfortable on a horse?" Grand Duke Suzdal looked back at Nikolai and grinned at his discomfort.

"No. I'm not." Drawing a hissing breath, Nikolai toddled behind the terrifying man while trying to draw out his mutated Imperial Blood to aid in healing. Unfortunately his Will remained dormant, almost cowering in front of Duke Suzdal. Nikolai was certain he wasn't a True Imperial, but the man exuded a presence that dominated his surroundings. It was like looking at the ancient statues of the First Emperor housed in the depths of the Imperial catacombs.

"A far cry from the Lord of Storms." The Duke remarked.

"The Lord of Storms flies." Nikolai flinched, instantly regretting his flippant remark. [Not the best way to endear myself to my father-in-law-to-be.]

"Or rides around in a weather controlled carriage with the finest interior money can buy." Elya offered from the side, humour glittering in her eyes. Nikolai jumped at the soft chuckle coming from Duke Suzdal's lips. The man's expression remained the same even while he laughed. It was the first time Nikolai met anyone with such a stiff face and it was surprisingly terrifying.

"I'm certain Aunt Natalia lived there during your return home."

Nikolai relaxed at the Duke's amused tone and nodded, his lips twisting at the memory. "She wouldn't come out. We had to buy a cot and embed it in a wall with Magic so she could sleep inside. Once Alexis started running errands for her, she didn't even move from her seat."

Elya glanced back at the convoy gathering at the waystation, probably trying to catch sight of her companion.

"I wouldn't expect to see Alexis anytime soon." Nikolai rotated his arm, wincing at the popping sounds coming from his shoulder. "A big, scary old woman came and dragged her off."

"That would be her grandmother. She's been waiting eagerly for their reunion."

Elya paled at her father's comment, nervously biting her lip at some memory. "Poor Alexis." She mumbled in a voice so faint Nikolai had to strain to catch the words.

"She'll be fine." The Duke paused for a moment, scratching his face in thought. [So that's where Elya picked up the habit.] "After some time. Rather than worry about her we should head into the city. Your grandfather's waiting."

Nikolai plodded along with Jarek at his side, trying to ignore the boy's confused looks whenever he paused to readjust his pants. It felt like he'd been dragged along a gravel road. Luckily, It wasn't long before they were through the tunnel and Nikolai took a deep breath to savour the crisp wind as his eyes adjusted to the bright light.

Books couldn't do Neva justice.

Terraces were cut into the mountainside, almost rising to the summit. Towering gardens hung from a thousand buildings like twisting vines. Water cascaded down the mountain along pristine canals, streaming into a hundred artificial tributaries that poured into a colossal moat. A crystal palace dominated the mountain, the old governor's residence long since converted to House Suzdal's home, its vaulted arches and ancient reliefs visible even from this distance. The setting sun cast fiery reflections from the ancient metal columns framing the gate and Nikolai blinked rapidly at the stunning sight. Few cities could match the ancient prestige of Neva.

"I never get tired of seeing home." The Duke remarked after a moment, gesturing at the gate. "After you son."

"Yes your grace." Nikolai bowed, still stunned by the city.

"Don't call me 'your grace' son, it feels far too formal."

[It must be a Suzdal quirk, wanting to do away with formalities. Even Natalia made me call her aunt from the beginning.] Nikolai grinned and stuck out his hand, maybe it wouldn't be too difficult to get along with his stone faced father-in-law. "Sure, father." He said.

"Now that's not formal enough." Ignoring Nikolai's outstretched hand and slackening jaw, the Duke waved at the gate guards forming ranks for the Welcome as he walked away.

Maybe it would be difficult to get along with him.