
Elya couldn't remember the last time her father summoned people to this conference hall. Centred on a massive, intricately carved map table, it was able to hold almost a hundred people comfortably. Now the major retainers of House Suzdal, a smattering of representatives from their allied Houses and Nikolai stood hunched over the map, tracing the slips of paper marking various armies and troop deployments along the Senroan border.

A Mage apprentice sat in one corner behind the convoluted desk that was a station for the Mage Relays. She studied the confusing lines of encrypted text scrolling down the glass window which served as the interpreter for the Relay, occasionally scribbling notes which were picked up by officers who then ran to the table to make adjustments in troop dispositions or add notes as required. This was normally a task reserved for junior clerks or pages, but with the stream of sensitive information coming from across the Empire they couldn't afford any mistakes.

The low buzz of conversation belied the tension filling the air.

"It's confirmed." Her father declared, his voice barely audible and fingers clenched tight around a slip of paper some lieutenant handed him earlier. "The Son of Heaven has declared martial law in the capital and Imperial legions are already on the march to the east. A squad of Thunder Lancers have been deployed around the city and the rest of their battalion is being dispatched to the fortress of Iber. The Senroan ambassador has been summoned to the palace to provide an explanation for the attempt."

Someone gasped and an aged voice rasped out the question foremost on their minds. "They've proved it was a Senroan assassin?"

"No. They haven't, but our agents indicate foreign spies have been rounded up throughout the city and dragged to the Bloodless Hall. They're not being… investigated in depth yet, but the entire Ministry of the Interior's turned out to get some answers."

"The response seems excessive for an assassination attempt on a Tribune-Elect." One general remarked. "Even if it was the Senroans who ordered it, Korozhev's alive and barely injured by all accounts. Last time they did something like this and succeeded, they quietly handed over the mines at Senki. Even House Litra called it a fair trade for their Duchess."

"Not like there was anyone who wanted to spend time with that harridan. I think half the Court cheered at news of her death while the other half wanted to find the assassin and reward them. I heard her husband danced before her pyre for three days. Now he was a fine specimen of a man…" Alexis whispered at her side.

Elya shot her friend a disapproving glare and murmured a harsh rebuke which Alexis shrugged off. Under the gaze of House Barsi's elders she behaved like a model descendant but her family could only repress her so much before she started reverting to her regular ways. Elya turned back to the table only to catch the end of the chamberlain's comments.

"… which is why I agree General. This response is out of character for the Son of Heaven." The normally composed old man sported a deep frown, tapping his staff of office against the ground every time someone spoke.

"If he gave the orders." Nikolai's clear voice interrupted one of the elders from House Barsi, who stepped back and waved at Nikolai to continue. He hesitated for a moment, looking at Elya briefly with a frown before stepping up to the table. "While most of the information I've received is the same as yours there are a few tidbits from my colleagues which may be of interest. The Emperor remains silent, having appointed three of his children as arbitrators. They're the ones who summoned the ambassador to Court." He turned to whisper to Terebov and continued while the librarian made some adjustments to the map. It was odd to see a long time retainer of House Suzdal serving someone outside the house, even if it was by the request of the Emperor. [Still, it would be nice to have a familiar face over the next few months.]

"News of the Thunder Lancer's deployment was supposed to be a secret. I'm not sure who leaked the orders." Nikolai cast a suspicious glare across the room but was met with blank stares. No one would admit their channels. "But what you may not be aware of is the orders issued to the War College. Three cadres of War Mages will be joining the fifteenth cadre at Iber as well."

"I thought those orders were a secret." Alexis snickered, her voice almost lost in the wake of the audience's surprise.

"Hush woman." Elya pinched her arm and twisted.

"The White Army has been spotted to the East." Nikolai continued when Terebov added three more markers to signify the White Armies deployment. "No one's crossed the border but at the current rate they'll have almost half a million troops in place with Fates knows how many more soldiers ready to join over the next month. To the south incursions from the Theocracy have been increasing for the last few months but they've ramped up their activities and are trying to sneak entire squads past the border patrols. Their Divine Legions have been mobilised and news over the past week indicates their border with Courasz is almost undefended."

"You're saying this was planned by the Theocracy as a diversion?" Her father asked.

Nikolai shook his head. "I'm not saying anything. While I wouldn't put anything past those God-blinded fools, I don't think this is in their nature. They'd rather convert our people than go to war. We know a few things with certainty. First, this no doubt is a ploy in relation to the Tribune's election. Second, foreign influence to some extent always plays a part as the Houses scramble for support, but whether an Imperial hired an assassin or someone activated their agents, they've crossed the line. Third, irrespective of deeper meanings, the fourth prince and Korozhev are now in a stronger position to push their agenda for Senro. Finally the question shouldn't be who directed the assassination but what they hoped to achieve. All eyes are on us and Senior. Which is favourable to many nations, not just the Thecoracy."

Elya glanced at the table, mind whirring in thought. [If what Niki said is true, it does seem advantageous for us. With popular pressure, we have a real chance to push for the Prince's agenda. It's almost too beneficial. Neither of them ar the sort to carry out a fake attempt on themselves. The fourth Prince is far too erratic and Korozhev disdains schemes. Could this be something the Hand did?] She blinked rapidly once the thought came to mind. She wanted to leave the chamber and interrogate Rose, but her father's words caught her attention.

"… which is why the election will continue on track but the Court has made it clear the timeline will be advanced. All the Houses representatives are being summoned and as our plan was to be in the Capital in time for Elya's wedding, our team shall depart in three days." He smiled at her and Elya tilted her head to the side, confused at the smirks on the elder's faces. Father cleared his throat and gestured at the table. "We've heard from most of you, but I'd like to hear your opinions on the election. Till date we have been neutral but it seems we have to make a choice and quickly."

"Sagert's a good choice, she's stable unlike the rest of the candidates…" Someone explained.

"I served with Bannosk In Vilina. Man's a fierce general and knows his debts. If we side with him then our profits will be best…"

"Lentov might be unknown but the Third Princess is sending letters to everyone with even a chance at swinging the election with promises of rich support. Better to have something in hand than wait for future profits…"

"… how can we ignore the provocation?!" One Barsi elder roared suddenly, startling the room into silence. "They don't want us to put Orlov in place so we should vote him in."

"We can't provoke a war with Senro now uncle." A young woman at his side remarked but he cast a glare which shut her up.

"We're Imperials. Fates be damned and we'll get through anything. We. Do. Not. Stand. For. Provocation."

"I agree." Elya said into the thoughtful silence the elder left behind. She took a deep breath, it was time to fulfil her promise to the Savant. "Whatever the reason for the attempt, it's necessary to put a stop to this now and while Senro may be deploying a huge force to dissuade us, we all know how fragile their new regime is. In a way this is the perfect opportunity to break their hold on the lakes and coast to the south. I see nothing but benefits." Her father and many of the elders nodded. Faces wrinkled in contemplation. She surveyed the room, noting how many people were open to her words. Which were more than she'd expected. Far more. Her gaze finally rested on Nikolai and she saw his frown melt into a wan smile when he caught her looking at him. With a helpless shrug he leaned over to Terebov and started muttering something while pointing at there father and the map.

[Who is he supporting? Is there really a favour he owes someone?]

"Good points all of you." Her father clapped his hands. "We'll adjourn for now. Please submit your proposals for the election to the chamberlain and prepare yourselves for the march to the Capital. All our armed forces are to be on alert as things develop and we need to get in touch with our descendants in the East. Blisk i'll let you handle that. If our people need support, they get it. As for the Theocracy's movements, contact the Ministry of War and see what forces are available. If necessary we can deploy three squads of our Rangers to the south…"