Characters and basic terminology


Our MC is Kyle White, A half Dutch Half English boy, who just turned 17. He has a very keen interest in History and any general knowledge. He is recruited by the Confederation as a Wanderer, where he is then transported to another Universe with a similar timeline. The 1st Universe will be WW2 Germany. In order to survive and achieve his goals, our MC loses a shred of his Humanity and tries anything to Gain TU (Time units) the main currency to buy technology.

Name: Kyle Wit

Age: 17(Upon arrival)

History: He was Borne in Great Britain and travelled to Italy to study. Due to an accident at a museum, after which he got transferred to WW2

Place of birth: London

Kin: His father is a Soldier working for NATO and is Dutch, while his Mother is from England and is an entrepreneur.

Places lived: London, Amsterdam, Milan, Munich

Special training: He has gone standard military combat training but dropped out mid-way

Jobs: Tutoring and mentoring

Friends: He had only 3 true friends, all were also very interested in History, but later expanded slowly adding in Rudolf, Rommel, Mackensen(more seen as a teacher), Gunther and finally Zero

Enemies: He gained many throughout the Book, currently it is the Union and the 3rd party

Overall outlook on life: Kyle was before being transported a pro-EU person, living by EU principles, which he caries to this day, no matter what happens if any dares threaten his continent he will retaliate.

What, if anything, would this character like to change about their life: Kyle wishes to be in a better shape.

How are they viewed by others:

Eyes: Yellow iris

Hair: Blond

Skin: White

Other identifying physical features: His left side of his face got burned during a train crash, he uses a mask to cover it at all times.

What you will notice first about the character: He was very chaotic in his planning and too confident, but through the story, his character changed

Health/disabilities: He was injured multiple times which caused a bit lower endurance

Strongest/weakest character traits: He has learned multiple skills making him strong in multiple areas, the MC lacks organizing skills and needs others to fulfil it for him.

Fears: The Fear that his continent gets conquered by an external force, His loss of the people who trust him, betrayal.

Hopes and dreams: Before it was to be a historian, now it is to fight to go back.

Greatest success: The establishment of the Organisation

Biggest trauma: The massive loss of people, the immense trust placed in him, the death of people close to him.

-Adolf Hitler, The Leader Of Germany During World War 2, a shrewd gambler, likes to meddle in army business.

-Jozef Stalin, Is Aware of the Wanderer, Wishes to exterminate the Union.

-Winston Churchill (appears later in the story, but guaranteed)

-Sergeant Rudolf, Vice-Head of the organisation, leads his own faction which focuses on more diplomatic solutions instead of military ones.

August von Mackensen, A WW1 General, Rescued by our MC, head of the Organisation's Military and General Staff. Lead the Military Faction of The organisation, also Kyle's Military adviser.

-Erwin Rommel, WW2 General, also known as the Desert Fox, master in tank warfare, the current leader of the largest sub-military body on the Organisation, the White Skulls.

-Zero, Kyle's leader of the Secret police, Officially knows as deceased, only Kyle knows of his Existence

-Nova, Kyle's Bodyguard, cheerful but always ready to protect Kyle, most skilled fighter after Zero and Shadow

-Shadow, an assassin hired and tested by Kyle, has a loyalty value of 78, is paid and not indoctrinated.


-WW2 = World War 2

Pz.Kpfw= PanZerKamPFwagen = Tank or armoured vehicle

Ausf. = ausführung= Type or variant

-Army: (from highest to lowest rank)

-General = General

-General der (arm) = Lieutenant-General

-Generalleutnant = Major-General

-Generalmajor = Brigadier-General

-Oberst = Colonel

-Oberstleutnant = Lieutenant Colonel

-Major = Major

-Hauptmann = Captain

-Oberleutnant = 1st Lieutenant

-Leutnant = 2nd Lieutenant

-Stabsfeldwebel = Sergeant Major

-Oberfeldwebel = Master Sergeant

-Feldwebel = Sergeant First Class

-Unterfeldwebel = Staff Sergeant

-Unteroffizier = Sergeant

-Stabsgefreiter = Administrative Corporal

-Obergefreiter = Senior Corporal (<6 years)

-Obergefreiter= Corporal

-Gefreiter = Lance Corporal

-Obergrenadier,Oberfusilier = Private First Class

-Grenadier, Fusilier = Private

WW2 Map of Germany if you want to know certain locations.


Rank E:

-Grade 10 - Allows the wearer to change into any outfit purchased from the delivery app

-Grade 9 - The outfit has its own cooling and heating, which allows the wanderer to survive extreme conditions.

-Grade 8 - magnetic boots, allows the wanderer to stick to any surface made of man-made materials.

-Grade 7 - The Wanderer has the ability for 1 minute to take all strength in the human body for extreme situations, WARNING! the human body will suffer immense damage and needs very long periods to recover.

-Grade 6 - The wanderer has resistance towards slashing objects(not stabbing)

-Grade 5 - The wanderer now has a slot to put his phone in on his left shoulder, the area is heavily protected and can stop small arms fire.

-Grade 4 - The wanderer can now stop stabbing objects (not small arms fire)

-Grade 3 - The wanderer's immune system is buffed at the moment the wanderers wears the wanderers clothing

-Grade 2 - Wanderer's clothing can now absorb impacts made from heavy objects and stops blunt objects impacts(this does not include bullets)

-Grade 1 - allows the wanderer to have a storage unit in the delivery app, allowing a maximum of 10 items to be stored inside.

Rank D:

At this level, the wanderer gets access to more abilities, skills, utilities and allows the wanderer to purchase equipment a that are developed 4 years later instead of 2 years later at the normal price.

Also, the wanderer now has a display showing the various attributes of subordinates.

Rank C:

At this level, the wanderer gets access to more abilities, skills, utilities and allows the wanderer to purchase equipment a that are developed 6 years later instead of 4 years later at the normal price.

The Wanderer now has a projectable map capable of showing multiple types of maps purchased from the App, standard as a Map with political borders.

Rand B:

At this level, the wanderer gets access to more abilities, skills, utilities and allows the wanderer to purchase equipment a that are developed 8 years later instead of 6 years later at the normal price.

The Wanderer is capable of Stopping Light arms fire and any other projectile below the calibre of .45 unless a certain velocity is exceeded by a smaller projectile.

Rank A:

At this level, the wanderer gets access to more abilities, skills, utilities and allows the wanderer to purchase equipment a that are developed 10 years later instead of 8 years later at the normal price.

Rank S:



- Thief skill, 5000 TUs, The Wanderer learns all techniques about pickpocketing, Lockpicking and human psychology.

- Commander skill, 10000 TUs, Teaches the wanderer the necessary skill to boost Moral of subordinates, Improve certain skills of subordinates easily, able to oversee the entirety of the battlefield in one glance, Gain the ability to analyse intelligence reports in more details, gains the ability to more easily talk to enemy commanders and military personnel and persuade them to defect.

- Close quarter combat skill, 10000 TUs, Learns all close combat skills developed by a certain Country in the current era the wanderer is in, current choice is 'Japan'. Main Japanese Martial arts and combat skills include Aikido, Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu, Iaido, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, Kenjutsu, Kenpo, Kūdō, Kyudo, Naginatajutsu, Ninjutsu, Nippon Kempo, Shorinji Kempo, Karate, Kobudo.'


Unit Name Consists of : Approx Number of men:

Division 3 or more Brigades or Regiments 10,000 to 15,000

Brigade 3 or more Battalions 1500 to 3500

Regiment 2 or more Battalions 1000 to 2000

Battalion 4 or more Companies 400 to 1000