Heavens Wills It (Part II/II)

Time: [Unknown]

Location: [Unknown]

POV: Kyle's

''Analysing complete, listing Wanderer's Implants:

Mk. X Cybernetic Brain Processor:

-Ability to recall any information,

-Ability to improve reaction time,

-Ability to analyse any situation much faster,

-Ability to make all cyber implants work in sync,

-Ability to suppress certain emotions if requested or required

-Ability to make the user's brain activity go to 500% for 1 minute,

-Ability to access Human archives with correct Emblem access,

-The processor is necessary for certain functions of other Cybernetic implants,

Mk. VIII Eye Implants:

-Gives the ability to zoom in by 1000x times,

-Able to analyse the composition of materials,

-Will be unaffected by any blinding weaponry,

-Shows the User's Bodily functions on the retina,

-Able to analyse Bio-synthesis level of Cultivating Savages,

-Allows the Ability to see any spectrum (Night Vision, Thermal Vision, Ultra-violet, X-ray, etc),

Mk. XIV Arm Implant:

-Has inbuild PDA,

-Has 3 utility slots,

-Ability to self-repair,

-Allows joint movement,

-Is able to form a shield that nullifies any attack,

-Ability to transform the arm into any shape the User desires,

-Ability to create basic weapons from memory if the right serums are present,

-Capable of exerting the Strength of the equivalent of a Bio-Synthesis Cultivator of 3.2.5 (Demi-God Core, stage 5),

-Ability to redirect and Qi from the user back to the attacker below the Bio-synthesis level 2.1.5 (Pheonix Core, stage 5),

Mk. XIV Leg Implant:

-Has 3 utility slots,

-Ability to self-repair,

-Allows full joint movement,

-Allows the user to absorb any falling impacts,

-Ability to transform the leg into any shape the User desires,

-Capable of exerting the Strength of the equivalent of a Bio-Synthesis Cultivator of 3.2.5 (Demi-God Core, stage 5),

Mk. CIV Bone Implant:


-Ability to withstand the pressure of Bio-Synthesis level 2.6.2 (Dragon Core, stage 2),

-Produces nanomites from user's intake to protect against any invasionary forces in the body,

Mk. III Nanomites:

-Strengthens skin,

-Strengthens muscles,

-Ability to nullify Poison,

-Ability to eradicate all diseases,

-Ability to repair Damaged Tissue,

-Ability to nullify harmful chemicals,

-Ability to strengthen Organs temporarily,

-Able to take over an Organ's function for 1 hour,

-Will keep the blood levels at the perfect levels and balance,

Mk. II Facial protection implant, partial version:

-Ability to self-repair,

-Ability to sense disturbances created by cultivator's Qi,

-Ability to re-produce any face analysed before by an Eye implant level VII or above,

-Ability to withstand the hit of a Bio-Synthesis level 2.6.2 (Dragon Core, stage 2) enemy,

-Allows the user to hide their facial ticks and or expression that give away thought process,

-Produces nanomites from user's intake to protect against any invasionary forces in the body.

Mk. VI Heart Implant and blood vessel implant:

-Will function even without brain input,

-Filters blood from any harmful substances,

-Is able to withstand any blood pressure,

-Will be able to produce blood if necessary,

-Will seal and heal any wounds at 400%,

-Improved abilities with Nanomites implant,

Mk. XXIV Lung Implants:

-Ability to self-repair

-Ability to keep out any harmful gasses,

-Is able to filter out any Oxygen from and gas or Liquid if present,

-Ability to use chemicals to refilter the Carbon dioxide, allowing the user to not need to breathe for 12 hours.''

I just read the list of abilities, a headache started to form from the massive amounts of information, but it soon subsided as the Processor analysed and processed the information quickly and efficiently. 'Although these abilities are all very useful, if my soul and spirit are still lacking I'll be unable to fight, I must find the gene-therapy lab!' I exclaimed as I formulated a new plan. I used the nanomites to form a basic spear in my hand as a weapon, as weapons could also be made from memory. Using my Right leg I jumped out from the medic bay into the fresh air, looking around I could only see forest and mountain ranges, activating my new zooming capability from my eye implants did I finally spot a small settlement.

'Target locked, activating my leg Implant's strength I launched myself towards the settlement, my facial implant scanned the surroundings for any enemies, when suddenly a massive worm shoots from the ground trying to swallow me whole, 'What the fuck!' I was deeply shocked by this, the processor quickly suppressed it and analysed the opponent, parts of the worm appeared red in my eyes, with a quick prompt stating they were weak spots.

I used gravity to give me momentum as I changed the spear into a longsword after which I stabbed it deep into the weak spot, slicing downwards through the momentum, large amounts of blueish blood started to spill from the wound as the weird worm creature screeched in pain. I jumped up onto the head, my left arm suddenly changing into a weird machine-like object, soon the sound of a piston started sounding.

It was none other than the machine road workers use to open up the asphalt. Pounding at an astounding speed I pierced the skull before finally reaching the brain, not stopping there however as I completely turned the brain into mush. Blood covered my clothing, when suddenly a prompt opens on my eye implant, ''Does the User want to assimilate the blood into the defensive structure?'' It asked me, seeing the weird blueish blood I eventually decided against it, as I wasn't sure it would lose part of the red liquid which was clearly more powerful.

The blueblood started to slowly slide off of my clothing as it was spread with hydrophobic chemicals, Seeing nothing left I continued towards the village/Settlement. But what I noticed made my heart turn stone cold again.