Do Not Disturb

After going through a torturous night, as though all bitterness were bestowed upon Xiang Wan, she was starting to feel a little numb over the whole incident.

When she sent the message to Bai Muchuan, she had not expected a response from him, at least, not immediate.

Reason being, it was still very early.

To her delight, Bai Muchuan replied almost instantaneously.

"Yes. I'm awake. There is a meeting with the new core team members to discuss some stuff, so I should be quite busy. What's up, my Little Xiang Wan?"

From the last sentence in his reply, it was clear he had suspected something was not right.

It was not even seven in the morning. Taking Xiang Wan's habit into consideration, she should still be sleeping at this time. Even if she was up, she would not message him this early.