Using Someone's Weakness

Jackson's expression changed to an unsightly one.

The guards who were ready to attack at any moment suddenly felt as if their lives would end if they continue to stay here but they didn't move.

Jackson narrowed his eyes and quickly made his decision, "Guards! Watch over him and don't let him escape!"

Saying so, he headed to his carriage.

"Yes!" The guards surrounded him causing Davis to laugh in a hoarse voice, "Haha, don't worry young master. I have no intentions of running away today as the deal is sealed already."

Jackson paid it no heed and entered the carriage and closed it.

Davis just stood and waited patiently for 5 minutes before a gloomy silhouette opened the door and said, "Enter..."

Davis laughed heavily, playing the part of the bandit almost perfectly.

He then entered the carriage with no show of fear in the view of the guards. His confidence and their young master's gloomy voice confirmed their guess.