Near Death

Davis's limbs turned stiff, his mind hurriedly thought of using his Dark Concealing Shroud Art but it was obvious that it would be useless since he was already discovered.

As for the why felt the chills in his spine? It was because that he detected heavy killing intent heading in his way!

Think! Think! Think!

Runaway? No! Attack? That would be suicide!

"What's this? A kid?" A voice echoed out behind him giving Davis a jump scare!

But instantly, he felt his nape getting captured by a hand! The force he felt on his neck was like an eagle's grasp by its talon.

'Such speed!' He inwardly exclaimed and just when he as about to counterattack, his pupils suddenly contracted in horror because he felt that he couldn't even move right now!

... And a distance of 400 meters covered in a single second? 

"Weird... Just now I felt a Soul Sense probe from this place..." The man muttered to himself as glanced back at Davis.