Roxley Auction House

After an hour of walking plus sightseeing and asking for directions, he arrived in front of the plaza.

Surprisingly, from observing the people walking around him, he found out that no one dared to use their Soul Sense other than keeping it a few centimeters around them, normally.

From this point, he could see that it was an unwritten rule to not openly use one's Soul Sense in public places unless there was a valid reason.

Davis was glad that he didn't use his Soul Sense in this place and for this, he had his cautiousness to thank.

He took a step forward and entered the open area plaza which was named [Roxley Plaza].

From the information, he was told that this plaza belonged to the Roxley Family and from the name, it was obvious enough.

But as for the Roxley Family? It is a Low-Level King Grade Family! Only a little short of the Royal Xuan Family in terms of powerhouses.