Evelynn's Tenacity

The area they were battling was near to the cliff that reached to the abyss who knows where.

'Looks like I should stop conserving my energy...' Evelynn instantly judged the situation was not in her favor as she stood her ground. The greyish aura glowing around her body started to gleam brighter as if it were purified.

'Tyrant Aura Amplification...' Evelynn inwardly uttered to herself as she concentrated her battle aura towards her shoulders, hips and her thick legs, rushing forward with an explosive step.

The momentum she used to charge made her seem like a train charging ahead to take down any obstacle blocking its path.

The armored figure who possessed a shield was hit with her entire explosive speed and knocked back into the cliff but before it could even fall down, it turned into a speck of energy and disappeared.