Crowned Violet-Winged Condor

Davis sensed its undulations before and realized that it's a High-Level Saint Beast Stage Magical Beast!

He didn't think that he would meet a target so soon, especially with his slow traversing pace that he had taken into account. He needed High-Level Sixth Stage Souls to enhance his Soul Forging Cultivation, hence this Crowned Violet-Winged Condor undoubtedly became his target.

Suddenly, the pack of wolves in front of him displayed signs of anger on their faces. It could be said as extreme as the grit their sharp teeth while their fangs were protruding out. Even the female wolf leader who had transformed into her human form displayed extreme anger on her face.

The Crowned Violet-Winged Condor instantly arrived as it flapped its wings and stood on an offshoot branch that extended from a cave. It shot a look at the two humans before its sharp gaze fell on the female wolf leader.

It snorted, "Where are the sacrifices you have promised?"